[情報] NYCC 復仇者聯盟新片段

看板SuperHeroes作者 (小眼睛)時間13年前 (2011/10/16 17:53), 編輯推噓19(19011)
留言30則, 18人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://www.comicbookmovie.com/fansites/Wolvie09/news/?a=48270 http://www.comicbookmovie.com/fansites/MarvelFreshman/news/?a=48279 這幾天正在舉行New York Comic Con 2011, 想當然復仇者聯盟是其中的一大焦點,除了播放上週公開的預告片以外, 會場上也播放了一段有關黑寡婦「邀」浩克加入的片段, 從描述來看應該是先導預告中的這幕: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/850/d1i.png/ 以下是與會者對這片段的文字描述: A little girl runs down the street, through a nondescript Middle Eastern village and into a city. She runs upstairs into a crowded house and starts begging for help from the doctor. The camera pans to reveal Bruce Banner (Mark Ruffalo) standing over a group of very sick patients. He asks if her family has what these poor folks have as well. She says yes and holds up a fist of cash. Bruce follows her. 大意是說,布魯斯˙班納流浪到某個疑似中東的地方行醫,遇上一位小女孩, 拜託他一起到郊外的家裡替重症的家人治療。 Cut to Bruce and the little girl standing in front of a rundown shack. She runs forward, but Bruce holds her back and turns around, just as a jeep full of military personnel drives by. Bruce hides his face. 兩人在途中遇到了一輛載著私人軍隊的吉普車經過,布魯斯把臉遮住。 Bruce then follows the little girl into the remote home, far away from the crowded city we saw moments ago and into a shack. He walks through the door just in time to witness the little tyke jump out the window. 兩人進入了小女孩的家,但布魯斯一進門就看到小女孩跳出窗外。 He immediately knows it's a trap, "Should have got the money up front, Banner." Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson) steps out from behind the shadows. "For a man who's trying to avoid stress, you picked a hell of a place to do it." She's not in her usual Black Widow catsuit. Instead, she's wearing a long dress. She introduces herself as Natasha Romanoff. 黑寡婦自陰影現身,對布魯斯說: 「對一個想避免情緒波動的人來說,你還真是挑錯了地方。」 黑寡婦向布魯斯自我介紹,但此時她穿的並不是那套戰鬥裝。 Bruce shakes his head, "You brought me to the edge of the city. Are you here to kill me Miss Romanoff? Because that's not going to work out." 布魯斯:「妳把我引到城市的邊緣,是想在這裡殺掉我嗎?羅曼諾夫探員。 妳不會成功的。」 "I'm here on behalf of SHIELD." 黑寡婦:『我是代表神盾局而來。』 "What if I say no." 布魯斯:「如果我拒絕呢?」 "I'll persuade you." 黑寡婦:『我會好好勸你答應的。』 "What if the other guy says no." (Crowd goes nuts.) 布魯斯:「那如果『他(指浩克)』也拒絕呢?」 <---現場粉絲聽到這句都很激動 "You've been two years without an accident." They continue to argue a bit and Natasha reveals that Nick Fury needs Bruce's help with a Tesseract rock, which has enough energy to wipe out the planet. They can't find it and they need the best gamma ray scientist for the job. She continues to try to win him over stating, "No one is going to put you in a cage." But at that moment Bruce loses it. 黑寡婦:『你這兩年內都沒再失控了。』接著黑寡婦對他說明了宇宙魔方的事。 『再也不會有人把你關進籠子裡了。』 "Stop lying to me!" he yells as he slams his hands on on the table. (Crowd goes nuts again.) 布魯斯拍了桌子,怒吼:「別再欺騙我了!!!!」 <---現場粉絲又激動了 Bruce looks up and Natasha has pulled her gun on him. She's terrified. 黑寡婦掏出了槍,滿臉驚恐。 And then it's a stand-off. Bruce tries to calm himself saying that we can do this without getting "him" involved. 布魯斯試著平靜下來,說:「我們能在不讓他介入的情況下好好談的。」 Slowly Natasha brings the radio up and orders everyone to stand down. 黑寡婦拿出了無線電,指示其他隊員撤退。 Cut to an aerial shot of the hut surrounded by massive team of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, all pointing their guns at the shack. 鏡頭來到了小屋外,外頭滿滿是拿槍者向屋內的神盾局幹員。 ---------------------- 感覺外國粉絲都很想看到浩克發狂啊XDDDD 另外,美國隊長藍光中附上的短片「A Funny Thing Happened On The Way to Thor's Hammer」也已經可以在網路上看到完整版了,把握機會啊: http://www.comicbookmovie.com/fansites/MarvelFreshman/news/?a=48256 這段影片描述考森探員在鋼鐵人2裡離開東尼家、來到新墨西哥州發生的小插曲, 雖然這角色一直都給人比較偏文員的形象,但裡頭可以看見他大顯神威的畫面, 其實他也很能打嘛..... -- Q:下列何者才是真正的PTT美漫板? (A)SuperHero (B)SuperHeroes (C)Marvel (D)DC -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

10/16 17:54, , 1F
10/16 17:54, 1F

10/16 18:14, , 2F
10/16 18:14, 2F

10/16 18:21, , 3F
10/16 18:21, 3F

10/16 18:37, , 4F
10/16 18:37, 4F

10/16 19:01, , 5F
10/16 19:01, 5F

10/16 20:02, , 6F
10/16 20:02, 6F

10/16 20:12, , 7F
10/16 20:12, 7F

10/16 20:14, , 8F
提示:您目前所在的看板 XDDDDDDDDD
10/16 20:14, 8F

10/16 20:20, , 9F
10/16 20:20, 9F

10/16 20:23, , 10F
絕對是Marvel .... (疑!!)
10/16 20:23, 10F

10/16 20:24, , 11F
10/16 20:24, 11F

10/16 22:00, , 12F
10/16 22:00, 12F

10/16 22:09, , 13F
10/16 22:09, 13F

10/16 22:09, , 14F
10/16 22:09, 14F

10/16 23:08, , 15F
10/16 23:08, 15F

10/16 23:39, , 16F
這麼能打 冏
10/16 23:39, 16F

10/17 01:43, , 17F
10/17 01:43, 17F

10/17 10:26, , 18F
10/17 10:26, 18F

10/17 11:14, , 19F
考森終於有更搶眼的鏡頭了 XD 話說該是逆輸入回616的時候了w
10/17 11:14, 19F

10/17 11:15, , 20F
10/17 11:15, 20F

10/17 11:15, , 21F
查了一下 原來是Ultimate Spider-Man (卡通)
10/17 11:15, 21F

10/17 13:29, , 22F
10/17 13:29, 22F

10/17 17:37, , 23F
10/17 17:37, 23F

10/17 17:37, , 24F
10/17 17:37, 24F

10/17 17:42, , 25F
被他夾會感覺凸一塊東西, 怪怪的@@
10/17 17:42, 25F

10/17 18:30, , 26F
10/17 18:30, 26F

10/17 22:56, , 27F
Son Of Coul 超帥的XDDDDD
10/17 22:56, 27F

10/17 23:03, , 28F
太帥了 該獨立出本了XD
10/17 23:03, 28F

10/17 23:06, , 29F
10/17 23:06, 29F

10/18 03:27, , 30F
10/18 03:27, 30F
文章代碼(AID): #1EcgcU5T (SuperHeroes)