[新聞] 110122 奎利 & 恩靜, 被 霸淩 的 孤單똠…

看板T-ara作者 (科科豪)時間13年前 (2011/01/22 16:23), 編輯推噓14(14011)
留言25則, 17人參與, 最新討論串1/1
With the recent news of the 5-member girl group KARA possibly dismantling, rumors of bullying in girl groups has became a hot topic. 最近有5人女團KARA可能解散的的新聞,女團霸淩的謠傳成為熱門議題. On January 19th, four members of KARA had decided to terminate their contracts with their company DSP. Excluded from the lawsuit was the leader Park Gyuri. Netizens have assumed that Gyuri was an "outcast leader" being bullied by" natural leader" Seungyeon, but these claims have only resulted in being denied. 1/19日,4名KARA成員決定終止經紀公司DSP的合約. 被排除訴訟之外的是隊長 樸奎利. 網 友假想 奎利 是一名"被遺棄隊長"而被"天然隊長"勝妍霸淩, 但這些主張已經被否定. In addition, it was also talked about how T-ara's former leader possibly could be bullied. T-ara who released a new album late last year gained a new member , Ryu Hwayoung, and also changed leaders from Eunjung -> Boram. 加上 它也談到關於T-ARA前隊長 可能也被霸淩. T-ARA去年取得新團員花英並公佈新專輯 ,同時隊長也從恩靜換成寶藍. Eunjung said in an interview with Newsen, ""We thought there really wasn't a group that are as close as we are, when these member controversies, bullying rumors started spreading around, we all just said 'Huh' and laughed about it." 恩靜 在 Newsen 訪問中說 "我們認為我們親密的的不像一個團體,當團員有爭吵霸淩謠言 就會四處彌漫,我們全都說'哈哈'並對此大笑." Eunjung continued by saying, "It was the first time we heard of leaders being changed in an idol group from Korea. The leaders rotating through different members, including me, is just intended to get each other members' good points shown to fans and develop us. That's the only reason we will switch from leader to leader, so don't be concerned. It's even possible maknae Jiyeon could be leader," she said while dismissing the rumors. 她接著排除謠言說 "這是我們第一次在韓國聽說偶像團體對長被更換. 隊長是在成員中輪 流替換的.包括我 只想要給每個成員對粉絲們展現亮麗的演出並啟發我們. 就算是忙內 智妍 也可以當隊長" Note: Excerpted/summed up most of the parts talking about KARA. 筆記:摘錄/各種談論KARA的文章摘要. *** 來源 DKPN http://ppt.cc/~tTd 翻譯 百度 kingsun0009 轉載請注明以上 http://ppt.cc/4QWm Source: Nate Written by: Gok Youngmin Translated by: Nathaniel @ Diadem 恩...看看就好囉 科科 T-ARA fighting!! KARA fighting!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: rewww2003 來自: (01/22 16:45)

01/22 16:48, , 1F
01/22 16:48, 1F

01/22 17:02, , 2F
01/22 17:02, 2F

01/22 17:03, , 3F
01/22 17:03, 3F

01/22 17:09, , 4F
作為男人 最喜歡的當人就是女子組合 兩團都加油!
01/22 17:09, 4F

01/22 17:10, , 5F
01/22 17:10, 5F

01/22 17:15, , 6F
現在是狂風暴雨 捲來捲去的...>"<
01/22 17:15, 6F

01/22 17:29, , 7F
01/22 17:29, 7F

01/22 17:32, , 8F
01/22 17:32, 8F

01/22 17:40, , 9F
01/22 17:40, 9F

01/22 17:43, , 10F
寶藍隊長太害羞了~~現在T家的發言人是素妍 XD
01/22 17:43, 10F

01/22 18:39, , 11F
對阿 我也絕得 寶藍 真的蠻害羞的XDDDD
01/22 18:39, 11F

01/22 19:23, , 12F
勝妍會霸凌人也太好笑XDD 恩靜會霸凌人我相信!!!!!
01/22 19:23, 12F

01/22 19:26, , 13F
01/22 19:26, 13F

01/22 19:45, , 14F
沒有人說恩靜會霸凌別人啊=_= 而且她比看起來還傻(誤
01/22 19:45, 14F

01/22 19:46, , 15F
哈哈 咖啡情緣中毒太深
01/22 19:46, 15F

01/22 19:49, , 16F
提到寶藍害羞 寶藍的笑顏頓時浮現在腦海>///<
01/22 19:49, 16F

01/22 19:49, , 17F
這篇新聞....= =
01/22 19:49, 17F

01/22 20:07, , 18F
01/22 20:07, 18F
※ 編輯: rewww2003 來自: (01/22 21:17)

01/22 22:41, , 19F
01/22 22:41, 19F

01/22 22:51, , 20F
智妍霸凌姐姐們我相信....XDD Vanky好久不見!!!
01/22 22:51, 20F

01/22 23:59, , 21F
智妍霸凌姐姐們我相信....XDD vanky歐逆~~
01/22 23:59, 21F

01/23 00:03, , 22F
http://ppt.cc/@7T! 勝妍只會被振秀霸凌吧XD
01/23 00:03, 22F

01/23 00:35, , 23F
01/23 00:35, 23F

01/23 14:40, , 24F
T妞被白熙霸凌我相信XD VANKY奴娜初次見面
01/23 14:40, 24F

01/23 14:43, , 25F
01/23 14:43, 25F
文章代碼(AID): #1DEfFsKu (T-ara)