[推特] 130604~6 成員IG更新 (孝敏(+)、Dani(+))

看板T-ara作者 (T-ara *\(>.< )/*)時間11年前 (2013/06/06 14:19), 編輯推噓8(800)
留言8則, 7人參與, 最新討論串1/1
孝敏 Instagram 6/6更新 1# http://instagram.com/p/aLv1i5PKgH/ 6月6日 顯忠日.. 2# http://instagram.com/p/aNEtMyPKk5/ 6月7日 朴智妍生日.. (6月8日呢?! XDDDDDD) 3# http://instagram.com/p/aNZnjvvKjM/ 4# http://instagram.com/p/aNZ-JhPKjZ/ 5# http://instagram.com/p/aNaTFDvKje/ 6# http://instagram.com/p/aNe9zsvKl0/ 7# http://instagram.com/p/aNfT2vPKmA/ 8# http://instagram.com/p/aNgyzfPKm9/ 9# http://instagram.com/p/aNhYxEPKnU/ 10# http://instagram.com/p/aNiim0vKoQ/ 11# http://instagram.com/p/aNlJ4YPKp_/ 12# http://instagram.com/p/aNlRc-PKqE/ 13# http://instagram.com/p/aNmKxUPKqn/ 14# http://instagram.com/p/aNmdwOvKq1/ 15# http://instagram.com/p/aNmllBPKq_/ 16# http://instagram.com/p/aNnq-cPKr9/ 17# http://instagram.com/p/aNoNw3PKsV/ = =||| 敏瘋了...瘋狂更新的 18# http://instagram.com/p/aNo06-PKs6/ Roly Poly 19# http://instagram.com/p/aNpSChPKtP/ 20# http://instagram.com/p/aNp7eOvKtv/ Bad mickey crazy min... 21# http://instagram.com/p/aNrbeNvKut/ 22# http://instagram.com/p/aNrjylPKuy/ 我的拖鞋... 23# http://instagram.com/p/aNsX7bvKvU/ 我的禮物.. 24# http://instagram.com/p/aNsqMivKvj/ 25# http://instagram.com/p/aNwtOtvKi5/ 兩個孩子 要看姐姐阿..? Dani Instagram 6/4~6/6更新 1# http://instagram.com/p/aGRlsaClgP/ John david choi. :p~~~~~ 2# http://instagram.com/p/aHlTIxClvi/ Thank u @journeyfrog!!!!~♥♥i luv it soooo much!~^^ 3# http://instagram.com/p/aH1cvnilmT/ Who loves LOTSO BEAR!!~~♥ 4# http://instagram.com/p/aKdXgliltX/ ♥^^ 5# http://instagram.com/p/aKfV46ilvB/ U better thank me 4 thia D.D 6# http://instagram.com/p/aKfyb1ilvb/ SP♥ 7# http://instagram.com/p/aKf3yuClvf/ Ima nachooop! 8# http://instagram.com/p/aKgAYkilvm/ II.TT 9# http://instagram.com/p/aLBjKnCllk/ Day by day!~ 10# http://instagram.com/p/aMz-05Cloi/ Like this♥ luv this♥ 11# http://instagram.com/p/aN2L3ailgf/ My friends and fans take one!~♥ credit from wearshare follow them awesome pics~~^^ 12# http://instagram.com/p/aN33xoilii/ HAPPY B DAYYYYYYYYYYYYY JIYEON UNNIE!!♥♥♥♥♥♥ thank u for taking care of me and being so nice to me!~~~~~^^ 姐姐 生日快樂!! (關於小八的IG帳號 等確定為本人 再開始更新 Orz..) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/06 16:45, , 1F
06/06 16:45, 1F
17:46 補上15則 17:58 補上2則

06/06 18:02, , 2F
06/06 18:02, 2F
18:06 補上1則 18:20 補上2則 18:25 補上2則

06/06 18:26, , 3F
06/06 18:26, 3F

06/06 19:07, , 4F
06/06 19:07, 4F

06/06 20:42, , 5F
小明暴風更新欸 我按愛心按的好累XD
06/06 20:42, 5F

06/06 22:17, , 6F
感謝整理 好奇那個是否為雅凜本人
06/06 22:17, 6F

06/06 22:20, , 7F
應該是雅琳沒錯 PO的圖都沒見過
06/06 22:20, 7F
補上 Dani 兩則 & 修正敏第25則翻譯 ※ 編輯: pipi192002 來自: (06/06 22:55)

06/08 22:22, , 8F
06/08 22:22, 8F
文章代碼(AID): #1Hi2dfjM (T-ara)