[自介] strogatz

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*** THE BIG BANG THEORY *** 板友自介 *** THE BIG BANG THEORY *** 1. ID: strogatz 2. 暱稱: none 3. 性別: M 4. 生日: March 22 5. 職業: graduate student 6. 所在地:Taipei, Taiwan 7. 何時+怎麼接觸到TBBT: Heard about this from other students in physics department two years ago. 8. 喜歡的角色和原因: Sheldon Cooper, he is cute! And I want his IQ.XD Penny, she is gorgeous! Leslie winkle, 我喜歡這種富有女性特質但是又理性的人。 Mary Cooper (Sheldon's Mom), 雖然她年齡稍微大一點,不過我喜歡。 9. 你/妳和某角色有相似的特色?: Sheldon, 理解人際關係的能力薄弱。(過去比較嚴重,現在好一些) 10.你/妳想擁有某角色的特色?: Sheldon's intelligence, Leonard& Penny's kindness, Howard's funny jokes, Raj's ... I already have his characteristics...orz 11. 最有印象的橋段劇情: 很多都很好,一時間沒有辦法挑出"最"有印象的。 s01e12 Leonard跟Sheldon看到Dennis Kim精準的吐槽Sheldon之後 Sheldon: I sense a disturbance in the Force. Leonard: A bad feeling I have about this. 12.最有印象的台詞名句: 也是一樣很多很多 挑一個 s03e06的... 1. Sheldon: Am I correct in assuming that your attempt to be accepted by Penny's peers is based on your desire to ensure your continuing mating privilege with her? 2. Sheldon: So Leonard, how goes the mimesis? Leonard: mimesis? Sheldon: you know, mimesis. An action in which the mimic takes on the properties of the specific object or organism, mimesis. Leonard:what the hell are you talking about? Sheldon:I am attempting to communicate with you without my meaning becoming apparent to those around you. Let me try again. Have the indigenous fauna accepted you as one of their own? nudge nudge wink wink... 13.我有話要說: 希望第四季不會讓我失望,我對第四季抱以厚望。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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