Re: [請益] ETS出分延後的道歉

看板TOEFL_iBT作者 (GMAT我要打敗你)時間12年前 (2012/09/08 15:31), 編輯推噓16(1608)
留言24則, 18人參與, 最新討論串2/3 (看更多)
我也是826,但我收到的內容為: Re: TOEFL scores delayed for August 25 and 26 test date There will be a slight delay in reporting the scores from the August 25 and 26 TOEFL iBTR tests. We expect to release the scores between now and September 12. You will receive another email letting you know when your scores are available. Feel free to provide a copy of this email to your prospective institution(s) if there is a chance that you will miss an application deadline. We regret any inconvenience this may cause. Sincerely, The TOEFL Program Educational Testing Service Rosedale Road Princeton, NJ 08541 請問有考826的大家,收到信文內容是和原PO一樣 還是 和我一樣呢? 因為覺得上次考試表現不佳,有點想免費重考~>_<~ ※ 引述《ericsson2133 (eric)》之銘言: : 我剛剛收到一封ETS寄來的信,內容如下: : We are writing to you regarding the TOEFL iBT exam you had taken on August : 26, 2012. Please accept our apologies for the problems that you encountered : during your test. : Due to the problems you encountered, we would like to offer you the following : options: : 1. Keep your scores as they are : 2. Cancel your scores and provide you with a voucher for a free retest (if : you choose this option, please let us know which country you would like to : retest in) : 3. Cancel your scores and receive a full refund of all test fees : NOTE: The reporting of scores for the August 25 and 26 TOEFL iBT : administrations will be slightly delayed. Scores will be released between now : and September 12, 2012. Test takers will receive an email when their scores : become available. : Test takers will also receive an email advising them of the delay, and they : can provide that email to their prospective institution(s) if there is a : chance they will miss an application deadline. : Please reply within 15 days from the date of this letter. If we do not hear : from you, the scores will become part of your permanent record. : Sincerely, : TOEFL Services/bjl : 所以意思是說我可以等到9/12成績出來以後、收到這封信的15天內,要求免費重考嗎? : 這個offer也太爽了吧! : 不知道板友有沒有人也遇過這種情況的?甚至是因此免費重考過的呢?XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

09/08 15:56, , 1F
我收到的是這封 上一封是不是有反應什麼問題啊?
09/08 15:56, 1F

09/08 15:58, , 2F
09/08 15:58, 2F

09/08 15:58, , 3F
09/08 15:58, 3F

09/08 15:59, , 4F
09/08 15:59, 4F

09/08 15:59, , 5F
這封+1 昨天早上收到的
09/08 15:59, 5F

09/08 16:11, , 6F
可以問一下原po是考哪一份考題嗎? 會不會是考題有問
09/08 16:11, 6F

09/08 16:12, , 7F
題 或是考場等ets內部因素 才會只有部分人有收到信
09/08 16:12, 7F

09/08 17:19, , 8F
09/08 17:19, 8F

09/08 17:31, , 9F
09/08 17:31, 9F

09/08 17:41, , 10F
09/08 17:41, 10F

09/08 18:25, , 11F
825這封+1 怎麼樣才可以收到免費重考的信?
09/08 18:25, 11F

09/08 19:34, , 12F
09/08 19:34, 12F

09/08 19:56, , 13F
09/08 19:56, 13F

09/08 21:29, , 14F
09/08 21:29, 14F

09/08 21:30, , 15F
補充一下我考是美加六樓考場 閱讀第一題是幼兒遊戲
09/08 21:30, 15F

09/08 23:30, , 16F
825這封+1 美加7樓考場,我也想收到免費重考信!!!!!!
09/08 23:30, 16F

09/09 01:11, , 17F
09/09 01:11, 17F

09/09 14:38, , 18F
09/09 14:38, 18F

09/09 16:11, , 19F
825這封+1 有人收到分數了嗎?
09/09 16:11, 19F

09/09 16:30, , 20F
09/09 16:30, 20F

09/09 17:09, , 21F
826這封+1 我也好想收e大那封啊啊啊!!!!!到底可不可
09/09 17:09, 21F

09/09 17:09, , 22F
09/09 17:09, 22F

09/10 01:51, , 23F
09/10 01:51, 23F

09/11 23:07, , 24F
09/11 23:07, 24F
文章代碼(AID): #1GIlG_Pm (TOEFL_iBT)
文章代碼(AID): #1GIlG_Pm (TOEFL_iBT)