[分享] 1/12機經獨立寫作題想點分享

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David 來分享獨立寫作的理由了~這次早一點了! 以下針對J2 TOEFL 機經 2014/1/12 版獨立寫作部分紅字的三題, 分享我想的幾個點,並分析題目,提點想點的重點: 題目: 1. (Agree or disagree) People can solve the most important problems by themselves or with the help of their families; the help of the government is unnecessary. (20120108CN) 解題: 需要先解決的部分是"the most important problems",故先定義之, 每一段開頭先提出"the most important problems" 的一個特質, 其次,解決「"themselves or their families" 還是"government" 可以針對這個特質,提供"help"」, 故提出和"themselves or their families" 或是"government" 相關的字, 來解釋為什麼其中一方能針對該特質,提供幫助, 以上是解釋的部分,接著,舉例。 簡單說,根據英文邏輯,先定義根本的「最重要的問題」,接著回到「個人 和家庭」或「政府」來解釋為何選擇其中之一。 擬答: Disagree (the help of the government is actually necessary)比較好 寫,故以此擬答, 提出三點理由、解釋和例子,: 1) In order to solve the most important problems, manpower is often necessary. That is to say, governments can organize and sponsor large a large number of people easily, to help solve the most important problems. 接著,舉需要用到大量人力問題的例子,例如為了救災,政府出動大量人力: When to look for possible survivors and rescue them after a huge earthquake hit the island of Taiwan in the year of 1999, the Taiwanese government sent troops, and helped organize volunteers from all over the world to go into the region and perform rescue missions. 2) In order to tackle the most important problems, a large amount of money is usually required. That is, The government can move around its budget to help solve these most important problems. 接著,舉需要投入大量金錢問題的例子,例如為了改善交通,政府砸大錢安 裝地下鐵系統: 20 years ago, people in my country were really troubled by long commuting hours. In order to solve this serious problem, the government moved its annual budget on education to be on transportation, and spent almost 100 million dollars to install the subway system throughout the city. It couldn't have been done, if it were not for the government to put in so much money. 3) In order to deal with the most important problems, rules and regulations must be designed and put into practice. To be more specific, only the government can set up laws and punish people who break them. 接著,舉需要立法解決問題的例子,例如為了管制人身安全,政府立法規定 禁止販售及持有槍枝: A lot of people in Taiwan felt that their lives were threatened by people who owned guns. So, the government decided to set up a law, which banned people from selling and owning guns, and asked everyone to follow through. As a result, no one possesses guns anymore, and no one has to worry about getting shot when walking on the street in the middle of the night anymore. 2. (Agree or disagree) In 20 years from now, people will have more free time than people nowadays do. (20080803CN) 解題: 需要先解決的部分是如何"people can have more free time ",故先分析之, 每一段開頭先提出"people can have more free time" 的一個原因, 其次,解決"20 years from now" 還是"nowadays" 能拉回到這個原因, 故提出和"20 years from now" 或是"nowadays" 相關的字, 來解釋為什麼其中一方和這個原因較有關聯, 以上是解釋的部分,接著,舉例。 註:口說和寫作的許多題目都有「現在和未來的比較」,建議同學可以先想 想哪些領域可以比較,有哪些事情是已知的,可以拿來當立論的出發點, 例如「未來的科技會更進步」、「因為少子化的趨勢,未來的家庭會更小」 、「因為全球化,未來的經濟的流動會更快」、「因為保護隱私意識的抬頭 ,未來的資訊會更公開」,等等, 先比較過,看到這一類的題目時,就可以快速根據這些立論點,決定 agree or disagree, 並且可以事先想過如何延伸、解釋這些立論點。 擬答: Agree(In 20 years, people will have more free time)比較好寫,故以 此擬答, 提出三點理由、解釋和例子: 1) If people can finish their work more efficiently, they can have more time. 20 years from now, because of the development of technology, people can get their work done in a much shorter period of time. 接著,舉例,例如二十年後,電腦的運作速度會更快,跑起同樣的資料只需 要更少的時間。其他的新裝置的發明,也會導致人們更容易和彼此通訊、開 會,加快資訊的交流時間。人們因此能更快地把工作結束,並隨意運用剩下 的時間。 2) 人們想法的改變,可能導致人們把擁有自己的時間當作第一要務,導致free time 增加。現在看來,這樣的趨勢已經出現,許多人比起工作、賺錢,更 在意擁有自己的時間。二十年後,會有更多這樣的人。 接著,舉例,例如現在,你身邊的朋友,好幾個都為了擁有自己的時間,放 棄了高薪的工作,選擇自己開咖啡廳、作SOHO獨立接案,因為自由時間比較 多。而根據雜誌報導,這樣的人越來越多,畢業生這樣做的比率已經來到了 百分之十。你身邊的人也都在談論要不要離開公司,以過自由的生活。在十 年、二十年後,你相信,更多的人會為了時間自由,而自由地活著。 3) 家庭責任的減少,使得人們能擁有更多的自由時間。目前,世界上的許多國 家都出現了少子化(birthrate drops)的趨勢,因為人們不想花太多時間扶 養小孩。這樣的趨勢持續發展下去,二十年後,人們便不需要花太多時間照 顧小孩,也就會有更多的自由時間。 接著,舉例,例如現在,你的同學們雖然到了適婚年齡,可都不想生小孩, 都想保有自己可以運用的時間。這樣的觀念甚為風行,大家都想單身過一生 。二十年後,比起今日的父母要花時間辛苦帶小孩、一天工作八小時賺小孩 的奶粉錢,人們只需要照顧自己,也就會有更多的自由時間。 註:寫到第二點突然有點感慨,就變成中文了。。 大家理解要分析「什麼原因會讓人們更有free time」,再比較「現在」和 「未來」的差別,決定何者更能滿足該原因,就Ok了。 3. (Agree or disagree) Your job has more effects on your happiness than your social life does. (20111209NA) 解題: 需要先解決的部分是"your happiness",故先定義之, 每一段開頭先提出對你來說,"happiness " 的一個面向, 其次,解決"job " 還是"social life " 能滿足這個面向, 故提出和"job " 或是"social life " 相關的字, 來解釋為什麼其中一方和這個面向有關聯, 以上是解釋的部分,接著,舉例。 擬答: Agree(job has more effects on your happiness)比較好寫,故以此擬答 提出三點理由、解釋和例子: 1) For me, happiness is often brought about by a sense of achievement. When I work on my job, I can usually overcome the challenges and finish my tasks quickly, and earn a great sense of achievement. 接著舉例,例如上禮拜我老闆給了我一份極其挑戰的工作。我三天三夜廢寢 忘食,專注其上。而當我終於解決了這個大問題,我受到所有人的稱讚,並 且感到一股強烈的爽感。那時我雙眼一閉,兩行清淚流下。我深深地感到: 「這就是快樂啊!」 2) Also, I always feel great happiness, when my material needs are met. That is, my job grants me a good pay, which I can use to buy all the things I need to satisfy myself. 接著舉例,例如每次我辛苦工作一個月,都可以拿到豐厚的薪水。而拿到薪 水的瞬間,都有一股強烈的爽感瞬間襲遍全身。因為我知道,接下來我就可 以拿這筆錢,去買我最想要的包包、戒指、美食、甚至是名車。事實上,我 現在住的美輪美奐的房子,就是用我的薪水買的。每次我掏錢的時候,都會 覺得太爽了,我簡直是身在天堂啊!這種物質上的滿足,總予我以無上的快 樂。 3) Finally, when I outperform the others, I can feel happiness gushing through my entire body. Fortunately, my job provides me with the chance to compete with others often, and then taste the fruits of victory. 接著舉例,例如我作為一個銷售員,每天都必須和別人比拼業績,看誰比較 厲害;我非常享受這樣的過程。我也主動投入公司每一次的業績比賽,每次 我贏了,就感到無上的爽感。在公司中,每當別人叫我「銷售一哥」,承認 自己的表現不如我,我就感到非常充實,而這種充實感便是我快樂的來源之 一。 註:請大家自己想例子,不要太在意我的例子。例子只要完整解釋,但不超 出topic sentence,就是好例子。 這邊也必須特別提醒,作文最重要的是架構,其次是不要離題。離題又分 「topic sentence沒有正確回答題目」和「段落內容沒有完全解釋、或超出 topic sentence」兩種。希望我想的幾點,可以在審題、想點、舉例上給各 位一些幫助。 當然,最重要的還是搞懂英文邏輯,瞭解怎麼審題,自己練習想點。這部分 需要不斷的練習。而一旦搞定,口說、面試、留學文件申請、甚至之後出國 到課堂上的英文報告,邏輯的部分都能迎刃而解。 明天我再寫幾題口說的擬答,希望對大家有幫助。祝1/12考試的各位好運,考試順利! ~SK2 David -- SK2 David. iBT 118, R29/L29/S30/W30 SK2 TOEFL Consultant Group. http://SK2toefl.blogspot.com -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: earnest 來自: (01/09 23:11)

01/09 23:25, , 1F
01/09 23:25, 1F

01/09 23:36, , 2F
Thanks a lot!
01/09 23:36, 2F

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01/10 10:08, 3F

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01/10 13:29, , 5F
01/10 13:29, 5F

01/10 13:34, , 6F
01/10 13:34, 6F

01/10 13:36, , 7F
David哥 感謝分享!!
01/10 13:36, 7F

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01/10 16:43, 10F

01/10 17:24, , 11F
thanks david!!
01/10 17:24, 11F

01/10 17:41, , 12F
thanks a lot David!!
01/10 17:41, 12F

01/11 02:29, , 13F
01/11 02:29, 13F

01/11 06:49, , 14F
01/11 06:49, 14F
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