Re: [討論] 分數和真正實力??

看板TOEIC作者 (努力跟收穫不成正比...)時間16年前 (2008/05/27 18:05), 編輯推噓1(100)
留言1則, 1人參與, 最新討論串16/17 (看更多)
※ 引述《a8899276 (dennis)》之銘言: : I want to share some of my experience. I have known some foreigners from ^^^^^^^^^這邊有點像中式英文 建議改成: I would like to share my experience with you. : different countries for almost 3 and half years. We hand out almost every week 這句也滿中式的... 感覺像是你三年半來一直在對外國朋友重複"認識"這個動作 (包括認識&不認識的) 可以改成: I started to make friends with foreigners from different countries around 3 years ago. 不好意思眼花沒看到...We "hang" out ... : and we have lots of activities, like seeing a movie or a party. It is true we Or "watching" movies "having" parties : can talk to each other very well, but I found myself still having lots of speak very well...很少會用talk very well.. you may say: We can talk to each other without information gap/language barrier. : same conversations after I had known them one year. The problems is you still : have to keep learning English related to lots of different issues including : cultures, politics and u know what I am saying now. The point is that SPEAKING : means u just open ur mouth and u think ur English is pretty good. NO!!! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The point is that..even though you dare to speak out confidently/without fear, it doesn't mean that your English ability is pretty well. (you can utilize English very well) ↑你的意思是這樣嗎? 原句不是很順..念起來卡卡的 : Keeping reading and listening!! Try talking some topics like cyclone happened 祈使句:"Keep" (practicing) reading and listening Try "to" talk /discuss... : in Myanmar(Burma) or Earthquake in China with your friends. For me, I am : not good at marketing and therefore I have to keep improving this part. ^^^^^^ 對於專業知識領域來說 marketing 用 this "field"必較適合 : DONT JUST TALK!! 只是給點文法上的建議 沒有要加入戰局XD 說不定我也有錯的地方 請大家指教嚕! 僅修改如上 :) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: LoveDior 來自: (05/27 18:16)

05/28 10:24, , 1F
第二句是Hang out喔
05/28 10:24, 1F
※ 編輯: LoveDior 來自: (05/28 14:21)
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