Daily Horoscope 1/5

看板Taurus作者 (胖丁)時間8年前 (2016/01/04 20:58), 編輯推噓6(601)
留言7則, 6人參與, 最新討論串1/1
這是個人們變得極度敏感的時期。即使你是個神經大條或熱衷獨處的人也會受影響。 這個假期時節容易產生恐懼和糟糕的想法。 我們傾向執著在自己所期望的成果上,這很容易導致我們失望,後悔或失落。 今天別如此的放大檢視或是感到憂鬱,讓自己奮發圖強和鼓勵自己跳脫這些氛圍。 金牛,一旦你開始以此方式抵禦這個時期,你的心情將會改變並且更有收穫。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Taurus horoscope for Jan 5 2016 This is a time of year when human beings become super sensitive. Even when you are usually quite thick-skinned and eager to get along, the holiday season tends to bring out the worst thoughts and fears. We tend to compare our progress to what we only wish it was, and that can cause disappointment, regret, and depression. Instead of being so introspective and melancholy today, pull yourself up by the bootstraps and force yourself to get out and about. Once you start interacting, Taurus, your mood will change and you will be far more productive. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 僅供參考 -- 明天水星開始逆行~木星逆行準備就位 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Taurus/M.1451912306.A.E86.html

01/04 21:29, , 1F
01/04 21:29, 1F

01/04 21:35, , 2F
01/04 21:35, 2F

01/04 21:45, , 3F
01/04 21:45, 3F

01/05 04:01, , 4F
01/05 04:01, 4F

01/05 07:03, , 5F
01/05 07:03, 5F

01/05 14:54, , 6F
昨晚so sad......水逆要看那一期是影響哪一個星座居多
01/05 14:54, 6F

01/05 14:55, , 7F
01/05 14:55, 7F
文章代碼(AID): #1MYcnow6 (Taurus)