[徵才] Xing mobility 行競科技徵求ME及PM

看板Tech_Job作者 (荷蘭大西瓜)時間8年前 (2015/11/17 21:16), 編輯推噓3(301)
留言4則, 4人參與, 最新討論串1/1
【公司名稱】Xing Mobility 行競科技 【需求職缺】1. Program Manager/Engineering secretary 1 名 2. Mechanical Engineer 1 名 【工作地點】新北市泰山區 【工作時間】日班,08:30~17:30 (周休二日) 【公司簡介】 請參考 http://goo.gl/IApW2n 【工作內容及薪資範圍】 1. ‧ Reports to CTO. Utilize project timelines to coordinate with clients, suppliers and project engineering team to determine production schedule and deliverables. ‧ Defines resources and schedule for program implementation. ‧ Plans and schedule project deliverables, goals and milestones. You will work in a small team in a fast paced environment. You will report to an American manager who is also an engineer. We are results focused with no weekly reports, paper work or office politics. 薪資: 4萬~10萬 http://goo.gl/SyfPNL 2. You will be responsible for mechanical engineering support for Xing Mobility's electric racing vehicle battery. You will lead design of the battery module test devices along with assisting on the design of the external cooling of the battery system. You along with all Xing Mobility engineers are responsible for the design, from initial sketch through the manufacturing process until the completion of testing of your components. 薪資: 4萬~10萬 http://goo.gl/qA3EWg 請準備一份英文簡歷以及一些相關的作品寄到 Rouyu@xingmobility.com ,收到後會儘快 與您聯絡並安排面試。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Tech_Job/M.1447766200.A.7EC.html

11/17 21:35, , 1F
這是那家 Xing 嗎? 很久了耶, xingplayer 播 VCD
11/17 21:35, 1F

11/17 21:56, , 2F
11/17 21:56, 2F

11/17 23:00, , 3F
感覺很強~ 假想敵是Tesla嗎!?
11/17 23:00, 3F

11/19 22:44, , 4F
11/19 22:44, 4F
文章代碼(AID): #1MIoYuVi (Tech_Job)