Re: 舞男就是舞男="=

看板Tennis作者 (I THANK YOU)時間19年前 (2005/03/28 15:52), 編輯推噓9(901)
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※ [本文轉錄自 FRA_hotties 看板] 作者: Escude (I THANK YOU) 看板: FRA_hotties 標題: Re: 舞男就是舞男="= 時間: Mon Mar 28 15:49:36 2005 好無聊我來翻譯一下好了:p ※ 引述《Escude (I THANK YOU)》之銘言: IVAN LJUBICIC的賽後訪問 Q. What was the other story where you were shocked? 問:還有一件讓你震驚的事是哪樁? IVAN LJUBICIC: Oh, was 10 to 10, 10 minutes to 10. I went to take a shower. I come back in locker room -- I mean, I came back and I see my stuff on the ground, from the locker. Yeah, I was like -- and a lot of people, a lot of people in locker room because the matches at 10 o'clock, they were just getting ready. I was like, "What's going on? My stuff on the ground." 喔,九點五十的時候。我先去沖了個澡,然後回到我的置物櫃。我回來時發現我的東西 都在地上,本來是放在置物櫃裡的。對啊,我整個...當時有很多人在更衣室那邊,因為 十點比賽就要開始了,大家都在準備要上場。我整個傻眼,「搞什麼鬼,我的東西都在 地上。」 I see the doors of the locker just slightly open. So I went to open the locker and then shock, completely shocked. What happened, Michael Llodra naked in my locker. I mean... he was looking at me, I was looking at him. I said, "What the hell are you doing here?" I'm trying to focus for my match. I said, "It's 10 to 10, you're playing at 10 o'clock." I don't know what he did, did he won? 我看到置物櫃的門微微敞開,所以我就去打開它,然後我真是震驚,完全震驚。你知道 嗎,Michael Llodra在我的置物櫃裡面,沒穿衣服。挖哩勒...我跟他大眼瞪小眼。我 說:「你在這裡幹嘛!!!」我正要為我即將開始的比賽集中精神。我說:「現在九點 五十分了,你不是十點比賽嗎!?」我不知道他後來打得怎樣,他贏了嗎? Q. Yes. 記者;贏了。 IVAN LJUBICIC: I mean, that's the way (laughing). I don't know. I mean, the locker, it's not the big locker, it's small locker. You better maybe, if you have a chance, just to see how big is the locker. 我是說,就是那樣啊(大笑)。我也不知道,是說,那置物櫃,不是大型置物櫃,是很 小的那種,如果有機會你最好看一下它有多小。 Q. Expect to see him again, I suppose? 記者:我猜你很期待再見到他? IVAN LJUBICIC: Now when I'm opening my locker, I'm opening really slowly. I mean, after this, I don't know what I'm gonna find in there. 現在我打開我的置物櫃的時候,我都要很慢的打開來,你知道,在這件事之後,我不再 確定我的置物櫃裡會有什麼了。 Q. What were you thinking would be in there? 記者:你當時覺得裡面是什麼? IVAN LJUBICIC: I was shocked. I mean, I was really shocked. I didn't know what to say. I didn't know if to laugh or, you know, looking at people around me. I mean, obviously, everybody knew because it takes time to get in. 我簡直嚇傻了。完全無言。不知道要大笑還是怎樣。你知道當時我身邊都是人。我是 說,顯然每個人都知道他在裡面,因為他當然需要一點時間才能進到置物櫃裡。 Q. They were all in on it? 大家都有份喔? IVAN LJUBICIC: He said to me "I'm trying to get positive energy from you. You're winning a lot of matches this year." (Smiling). 他說:「我想要從你這裡得到正面的能量,你今年贏了很多比賽。」(微笑) I mean, he is weird guy. Maybe next time I'm gonna tell you another stories with him. Just imagine that he's actually father. I mean, this kid is really lucky kid. I mean, he's gonna have great time with him. It's just, it's not easy to get in that locker, I'm telling you. He is not small guy. Very flexible. Very, very flexible. Naked. 我是說他真是個怪咖。說不定下次我可以跟你們說他又做了什麼。你想像看看,他都已 經為人父了。他小孩真是太幸運了。我是說,他們父子在一起時一定會是歡樂時光。實 在是...要進去那置物櫃很難ㄟ,我跟你說!!!他的個頭又不小。真的是,身體相當 能屈能伸。非常非常能屈能伸。然後又不穿衣服。 實在太蠢了可是又好好笑XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: 03/28, , 1F
XDXDXDD 03/28, 1F 03/28, , 2F
太妙了~~~XDDDDD 03/28, 2F 03/28, , 3F
超妙 XD 03/28, 3F 03/28, , 4F
笑破肚皮哈哈哈 03/28, 4F 03/28, , 5F
真的很好笑..好可愛的人... 03/28, 5F 03/28, , 6F
旁邊的人都沒怎樣嗎..要是我就笑死..0 03/28, 6F
※ 編輯: Escude 來自: (03/28 18:38) 03/28, , 7F
真的是怪咖ㄝ.....笑死我了..... 03/28, 7F 03/28, , 8F
狂推推推推他小孩很幸運(笑倒):P 03/28, 8F 03/28, , 9F
XD有蠢到 真是可愛的想法啊:P 03/28, 9F 03/30, , 10F
XD 真是搞笑呵~~~ 03/30, 10F
文章代碼(AID): #12HxVIA_ (Tennis)