WTA 賽制更動

看板Tennis作者 (︿(@ ̄o ̄@)︿)時間17年前 (2007/03/28 04:44), 編輯推噓0(001)
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節錄 * Shortened Season – Tour Championships to end in October, creating a 9 week off-season (up from the current 7 weeks) for top players * Streamlined & Optimized Calendar Structure – reorganization of the Tour's top level events, including a streamlining in the number of top tournaments from 26 Tier I/Tier II events to 20 premier events that will feature the top players competing against each other more often. These 20 premium events will be anchored by four mandatory events awarding equal prize money – the Sony Ericsson Open in Miami, the Pacific Life Open in Indian Wells and new events in Madrid and Beijing * Record Prize Money – significant prize money increase of 30% at Tour events over the current 2007 prize money levels, taking total estimated Tour prize money to $72 million and including prize money increases at all tournament levels. Prize money at each of the four crown-jewel events will be a minimum of US$4 million * Healthier and More Defined Calendar for Players – a reduction in number of Tour tournaments top players must play by 23% (from 13 to 10) and limits on top players' ability to play events outside of the 20 premier events * Enhanced Rules & System to Ensure Players Play Commitment Tournaments – suspensions for Top-10 players who miss commitment tournaments, significantly increased fines for missed commitment tournaments, and an innovative revenue sharing formula that for the first time ever in tennis will enable players to share in tournament revenue growth and that links increases in prize money to player commitment * Record Investment in World Class Venues – over $200 million to be invested in new world class tennis venues, highlighted by significant investments by the cities of Beijing and Madrid to ensure the best possible presentation of the sport, and including enhanced stadium, facility, television and media standards at all events * Major China Presence – a mandatory 9-day event featuring equal prize money in Beijing (with the possibility of rotating annually between Beijing and Shanghai as a combined women's/men's event), along with a new Sony Ericsson WTA Tour Asia-Pacific regional office to be opened in Beijing, positioning women's tennis for unprecedented growth in one of the world's biggest markets and fastest growing regions (see Tour's China story for further details) * New Ranking System – based on 16 results and more directly linked to the Tour's top events by awarding of "zero pointers" for any missed commitment tournament, Grand Slam or the Sony Ericsson Championships The 20 premier events on the streamlined 2009 Calendar, listed alphabetically by region, are as follows: * Europe (Berlin, Eastbourne, Madrid, Moscow, Paris, Rome, Stuttgart) * North America (Charleston, Cincinnati, Indian Wells, Los Angeles, Miami, Montreal/Toronto, New Haven, Stanford) * Asia-Pacific & Middle East (Beijing, Doha, Dubai, Sydney, Tokyo) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: okk 來自: (03/28 04:46)

03/28 04:47, , 1F
03/28 04:47, 1F
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