[新聞] Elena Baltacha肝癌過世

看板Tennis作者 ( )時間10年前 (2014/05/05 07:20), 10年前編輯推噓19(1905)
留言24則, 23人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Elena Baltacha: Former British number one dies of liver cancer http://www.bbc.com/sport/0/tennis/27280549 Former British number one tennis player Elena Baltacha has died of liver cancer, aged 30. Born in Ukraine and raised in Scotland, Baltacha revealed she had the illness in March. Baltacha, who was British number one for nearly three years, only retired from the sport in 2013. "We are heartbroken beyond words at the loss of our beautiful, talented and determined Bally," said her husband Nino Severino. He added: "She was an amazing person and she touched so many people with her inspirational spirit, her warmth and her kindness." She was diagnosed with primary sclerosing cholangitis, a chronic liver condition which compromises the immune system, aged 19. Despite her illness and multiple injury problems, she went on to reach the Australian Open third round in 2005 and 2010 and reached a career-high world ranking of 49. She won 11 singles titles, made the third round of Wimbledon in 2002 and was part of Great Britain's Fed Cup team for 11 years. Lawn Tennis Association head of women's tennis Iain Bates said: "Today we have lost a shining light from the heart of British tennis - a true role model, a great competitor and a wonderful friend. "We have so many special memories to cherish, but this leaves a gaping hole for everybody in both British and women's tennis, and words simply cannot express how saddened we are by this news. "All our thoughts are with Nino and the rest of Elena's family. We will miss you Bal." -- 前英國第一的女將Baltacha因為肝癌而辭世,得年30歲 去年退休的她,從未拿過WTA賽事等級冠軍,但在ITF拿了11座單打冠軍和4座雙打冠軍 生涯最高排名來到49,也多年代表英國參賽聯邦盃 但在今天傳出令人難過的消息,R.I.P. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Tennis/M.1399245618.A.315.html

05/05 07:26, , 1F
05/05 07:26, 1F

05/05 07:26, , 2F
英國第一? 世界第一?
05/05 07:26, 2F
已改 ※ 編輯: nicholasJCF (, 05/05/2014 07:29:44

05/05 07:30, , 3F
05/05 07:30, 3F

05/05 07:54, , 4F
太快了吧 一月中被診斷出來 五月初就病逝...
05/05 07:54, 4F

05/05 09:27, , 5F
05/05 09:27, 5F

05/05 11:28, , 6F
05/05 11:28, 6F

05/05 11:34, , 7F
05/05 11:34, 7F

05/05 11:45, , 8F
05/05 11:45, 8F

05/05 12:00, , 9F
05/05 12:00, 9F

05/05 12:37, , 10F
05/05 12:37, 10F

05/05 12:42, , 11F
RIP 太年輕了~
05/05 12:42, 11F

05/05 16:33, , 12F
跟上一篇的標題連在一起看錯就......= =
05/05 16:33, 12F

05/05 16:53, , 13F
05/05 16:53, 13F

05/05 17:17, , 14F
天啊 R.I.P
05/05 17:17, 14F

05/05 17:34, , 15F
05/05 17:34, 15F

05/05 17:35, , 16F
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05/05 18:19, , 17F
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05/05 18:20, , 18F
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05/05 19:41, , 19F
19歲就有免疫疾病 可惜為了職涯也無法好好保養吧 R.I.P
05/05 19:41, 19F

05/05 19:57, , 20F
05/05 19:57, 20F

05/05 21:28, , 21F
05/05 21:28, 21F

05/06 01:30, , 22F
Rest in peace
05/06 01:30, 22F

05/06 01:33, , 23F
05/06 01:33, 23F

05/07 08:54, , 24F
05/07 08:54, 24F
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