[新聞] Kim Clijsters Gives Birth to 3rd Child

看板Tennis作者 (加州‧陽光)時間8年前 (2016/11/02 06:52), 8年前編輯推噓12(1205)
留言17則, 11人參與, 最新討論串1/1
* New Source : http://tinyurl.com/h2o5kvo (Tennis World USA) KIM CLIJSTERS GIVES BIRTH TO THIRD CHILD 31-10-2016 Tennis - Former World No. 1 Kim Clijsters has given birth to her third child - Blake Richard Lynch, the Belgian star tweeted to her fans on Twitter on Sunday. The 33-year-old Clijsters is married to American basketball player Brian Lynch since 2007 and the two already had two children earlier - Jada Elle in February 2008 and Jack Leon Lynch in September 2013. TennisWorld wished the Clijsters family all the very best for the latest addition to their family. http://tinyurl.com/ha3lzvn ( Tennis - Clijsters gives birth to son Blake Richard Lynch ) ============================================================================== Kim 生第三個寶寶了!! 我的記憶還停留在她剛生女兒後又復出而已! ( http://tinyurl.com/yah5pns ) 真是恭喜她了~~ 是說Kim 大女兒側臉的神韻真的像極了媽媽啊!!根本Mini Kim!!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Tennis/M.1478040728.A.736.html ※ 編輯: deehsu (, 11/02/2016 06:59:29

11/02 07:28, , 1F
11/02 07:28, 1F

11/02 07:31, , 2F
11/02 07:31, 2F

11/02 07:54, , 3F
喜歡kim 希望她能夠一直幸福美滿
11/02 07:54, 3F

11/02 10:12, , 4F
喜歡kim +1 希望她女兒們十幾年後稱霸網壇
11/02 10:12, 4F

11/02 10:26, , 5F
11/02 10:26, 5F

11/02 11:09, , 6F
11/02 11:09, 6F

11/02 11:09, , 7F
11/02 11:09, 7F
http://tinyurl.com/z9lfjmj ( 看到當時Kim的第二個寶寶出生時拍的全家福~ ) ※ 編輯: deehsu (, 11/02/2016 11:12:31

11/02 13:59, , 8F
11/02 13:59, 8F

11/02 16:13, , 9F
11/02 16:13, 9F
http://tinyurl.com/zhsfa4v ( 不知道耶,感覺如果像爸爸一様高也能打籃球? 不然就像媽媽一樣打網球?或是踢足球?選擇性蠻多的?~XD ) ※ 編輯: deehsu (, 11/02/2016 22:01:03

11/02 22:50, , 10F
第一張照片 大女兒好像kim 恭喜kim媽~~
11/02 22:50, 10F

11/03 03:09, , 11F
說實話 腦公真的不帥……
11/03 03:09, 11F

11/03 06:34, , 12F
11/03 06:34, 12F

11/03 09:06, , 13F
11/03 09:06, 13F

11/03 09:52, , 14F
太棒了希望未來可以走運動之路 應該先天基因就比別人好吧
11/03 09:52, 14F

11/03 09:54, , 15F
我猜XD kim是網球選手 Brian是籃球選手
11/03 09:54, 15F

11/03 21:30, , 16F
11/03 21:30, 16F

11/03 21:30, , 17F
11/03 21:30, 17F
文章代碼(AID): #1O6HoOSs (Tennis)