[外電]Tskitishvili agrees to deal

看板Timberwolves作者 (楠家 夢想神傳流)時間19年前 (2005/07/23 16:36), 編輯推噓4(401)
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The Timberwolves on Thursday agreed to a contract with free-agent forward Nikoloz Tskitishvili and have made offers to free-agent forwards Eddie Griffin and Mark Madsen. 灰狼在星期四的時候與前鋒Nikoloz Tskitishvili同意簽下合約,另外也開出了 條件給Eddie Griffin與Mark Madsen Tskitishvili had 25 points and 10 rebounds last Friday in his summer league debut with the Wolves. He broke a bone in his right hand in his second game and will be out about four weeks. Terms of the contract were not disclosed. 在夏季聯盟上週五的比賽中,第一次以灰狼球員身分出賽的Tskitishvili打出 二十五分十籃板的表現;不過在第二場比賽中就因為右手骨折而必須休息四周 左右;合約內容並沒有被透露 "However they want to use me, they can use me," Tskitishvili said of his role with the Wolves during a phone interview. "I can do everything. I can be a rebounder. I can be a low post player if I work on my post moves more this summer. I can be a shooter. I'm ready for everything." Tskitishvili說明他在灰狼的角色:「不管他們想怎麼使用我都可以」 「我可以做任何事,可以抓籃板,可以打低位如果我在這個夏天多努力些的話; 也可以當射手,我已經都準備好了」 The Denver Nuggets picked Tskitishvili fifth overall in the 2002 NBA draft. He averaged three points and 11.9 minutes in his first three seasons. In February, Denver traded him to Golden State in a package that involved Eduardo Najera. 2002年的選秀會上金塊以第五順位選了Tskitishvili,他在NBA的前三年平均 每場上場11.9分鐘得三分;二月的時候金塊在一筆交易中將他送到勇士去,換 來Eduardo Najera Tskitishvili, 7 feet, 225 pounds, is most well known for his shooting ability. He is only 22 years old, and the Wolves believe he has talent and potential. Rex Kalamian, who helped coach the Wolves' summer league team, spoke highly of Tskitishvili last week but said being consistent has been his biggest challenge. Tskitishvili有七呎二百二十五磅的身材,投籃能力不錯;灰狼因為他才二十二歲, 相信他的天賦與發展潛力 夏季聯盟的灰狼助教Rex Kalamian則大加讚許Tskitishvili,不過也說他最大的挑 戰是保持穩定的表現 "I really like all the coaches," Tskitishvili said. "It seemed like they really cared about me. I loved the way the fans were excited about me when I was playing there." Tskitishvili說:「我真的很喜歡這些教練,他們看起來真的很關心我;當我在這裡 打球的時候,我愛那些因為我而興奮的球迷」 As for Madsen, the Wolves are working toward a contract agreement as they attempt to hold off the Washington Wizards and the Utah Jazz, who have shown serious interest in the center-forward. San Antonio and Seattle also showed interest. 灰狼則努力希望能留下前鋒Mark Madsen,對手則是有高度興趣的巫師與爵士;馬刺 跟超音速也對Madsen有興趣 Madsen reaffirmed that he loves Minnesota. Madsen則再次強調他喜歡明尼蘇達 "I think it's fair to say, right now, we've had some great conversations with Minnesota, and we're in serious talks with Minnesota," Madsen said Thursday evening. 星期四的時候Madsen說灰狼與他已經有一些很不錯的對話,現在在談一些核心問題 The Wolves had not formally reached an agreement with Madsen, who declined to discuss contract terms. 灰狼則還沒有獲得Madsen正式的同意,他拒絕討論合約內容 (上面這兩段表示Madsen與灰狼在討論的東西是他有沒有意願要留下來,不是合約內容) (仔細看了一下,我不是很確定他是拒絕與灰狼討論合約內容還是拒絕對媒體透露, 這邊請高手指教m(_ _)m) The opportunity to play for Utah would appeal to Madsen, because he has family there. But Madsen said he enjoys playing for Minnesota with Kevin Garnett. 為爵士打球對Madsen來說是有吸引力的,因為他有家人在猶他;不過Madsen也說他喜歡 與KG一起為灰狼打球 -- 原po將原文擺在簽名檔中我感到很難過( ̄▽ ̄) -- 我が心は鋼鉄。戦いのための魂。求めるべき理想もこの身を襲う恐怖も無い。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: 07/23, , 1F
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