[外電] Close losses spun Wolves into big deal

看板Timberwolves作者時間18年前 (2006/01/31 01:31), 編輯推噓2(200)
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※ 引述《jerod (KG4MVP)》之銘言: : http://www.twincities.com/mld/twincities/sports/basketball/13744459.htm : The Timberwolves' first half of the season fell well short of their goals. : The most striking admission of that mediocrity came when they traded Wally : Szczerbiak, a longtime fan favorite who was having a career season, to the : Boston Celtics on Thursday. 灰狼隊在上半球季並未順利達成他們的眾多目標。他們也做出了令人震驚的交易: 將整個生涯都在灰狼陣中並長期受到球迷歡迎的Szczerbiak在星期四送到了波士頓。 : As they prepare to face Szczerbiak and the Celtics tonight at Target Center, : the Wolves are desperate to fix their season, plagued by inconsistency and : the inability to win close games. With the team struggling at 19-21 at the : time of the trade, Szczerbiak became the casualty. 同時他們即將在主場面對擁有Wally的塞爾提克,灰狼隊本季在關鍵時刻的糟糕表現使得 球隊以些微差距輸了好幾場比賽,同時也陷入了19勝21負的窘境中,這也讓Wally成為了 交易標的。 : "If we had won a number of those close games, we probably wouldn't have : thought about doing the trade," owner Glen Taylor said. "Looking at the : results, which were below our expectations, we felt we had to do something. : Wally was a player other teams wanted." 灰狼隊老闆Glen Taylor說到:"如果我們能夠贏得一些低分差的比賽的話,我們很可能 不會做出這個交易,光就結果來說,這樣的表現是不夠讓人滿意的,我想我們必須做些 交易,而Wally就是那個其他隊會想要的球員。 : The Wolves hope the trade will improve their team. Many areas need an upgrade, : as the first half of the season revealed. : The Wolves might have had unrealistic expectations entering the season. Many : experts had the team pegged for a record hovering around .500 and a finish : in the middle of the pack in the Northwest Division. 按照上半季球隊的表現來看,灰狼隊會希望這個交易能夠在許多方面都使球隊獲得改善 ,球隊似乎在球季開打前仍然抱持著不切實際的預期。許多球評都預測灰狼本季大約會 以五成左右的勝率排在西北組中間的位置。 : But from the day the Wolves hired coach Dwane Casey on June 17, Taylor and : Wolves vice president of basketball operations Kevin McHale said they : believed this team should make the playoffs and, they hoped, make a run : past the first round. : Now the Wolves (20-22) are searching for answers, three games behind : first-place Denver in the division with five of the next seven games on : the road. If the playoffs had begun Sunday, the Wolves would have been : sitting at home. 去年6月17日,灰狼隊聘用Dwane Casey為總教練時,老闆Taylor和籃球事務總裁McHale 都相信本季灰狼隊能夠進入季後賽,並希望可以順利突破第一輪。但是現在,灰狼隊仍 然以三場勝差落後給西北組的龍頭金塊隊。如果季後賽在週日開始的話,灰狼隊將會回家 開始放暑假。 : Casey took over bent on reshaping the Wolves into a defensive team. He : has succeeded in that regard. : Teams are averaging 91.2 points against the Wolves, the fourth fewest : in the NBA. The Wolves also rank in the top 10 in field-goal percentage : defense (43.8). : But numbers don't tell the full story. Their defense has been porous in : the fourth quarter over the past 21 games, outscored by an average of five : points (27-22) as opponents shot 49.1 percent. : Casey's team has lost seven games when leading after three quarters, the : most in the NBA. The Wolves are 0-6 in games decided by three or fewer points Casey表示會把重點放在防守方面,他在某些層面的確做到了,灰狼隊平均每場讓對手 得到91.2分,在聯盟中排名第四;對手的命中率為43.8%,也排在聯盟的前十位。但是 事時並未如前面的數字表現的那麼順利,他們在第四節的防守可以說是千瘡百孔,對手 的命中率達到49.1%,灰狼的平均得分也比對手少了五分。灰狼隊已經輸了七場前三節 領先,到第四節卻被逆轉的比賽,這也是全聯盟最多。在三分差距已內的比賽,灰狼的 戰績是難看的0勝6敗。 : Casey hopes the acquisition of Ricky Davis from Boston in the Szczerbiak : trade will improve the Wolves' mental toughness in close games. : "I think Ricky Davis' offensive aggressiveness will help that a lot," : Casey said. : Davis averaged 19.7 points a game in Boston. He is a slasher who can attack : the basket and go one on one against defenders, not unlike former Wolf Latrell : Sprewell. : "He reminds me a lot of Gary Payton as far as that type of grittiness and : toughness," Casey said. "That's what you need, night in and night out, to : be successful." : Davis also can quickly switch on defense to provide help. : "Athleticism is always a good thing," Wolves all-star Kevin Garnett said. : "And we have a lot of it, so it helps in both offensive and defensive : situations." Casey期望從波士頓交易過來的Ricky Davis可以改善灰狼在低分差比賽時所展現的心理 素質。他說:"我想他的進攻企圖心能對球隊產生很大的幫助"。Davis本季在塞爾提克有 19.7分的PPG,他是個可以進行一對一作戰的球員,類似之前的Latrel Sprewell。Casey 表示:"他那股不服輸的毅力和強悍總讓我聯想到Gary Payton,想要能夠在每場比賽中 獲勝的話,那會是你所需要的東西"。Davis也可以很快在防守端提供貢獻,KG表示:"熱 愛比賽絕對是件好事,現在我們有足夠的鬥志,相信很快就能在攻守兩方面產生幫助"。 : In the seven-player trade, Mark Blount, Marcus Banks and Justin Reed also : came to Minnesota, and Michael Olowokandi was traded to Boston along with : rookie Dwayne Jones. : Minnesota's reserves have provided little production, and that's where : Blount can help. Friday's 96-92 victory at Houston ended a streak of 15 : consecutive games in which opponents' reserves had outscored Minnesota's. : Casey said Blount would have an opportunity to compete for the starting : center role. But even if he comes off the bench, he can be effective, as : he showed with 18 points during Saturday's 102-88 loss at San Antonio. : Blount made midrange jump shots and looked like much more of a threat on : offense than Olowokandi. Blount, a 7-footer, averaged 12.4 points a game : this season for Boston. The Wolves are hungry for more scoring to complement : Garnett. 在這筆交易當中,灰狼同時得到了Mark Blount、Marcus Banks和Justin Reed三名球員 ;而一併送走了Michael Olowokandi和新秀Dwayne Jones。 灰狼隊目前的板凳深度不足,這也是Blount能夠貢獻的地方。在星期五擊敗火箭的比賽 當中,球隊也中止了連續15場比賽板凳球員得分低於對手的慘況。Casey表示Blount有機 會出任球隊的先發中鋒,不過即使如此他還是能做出不少貢獻。就像星期六出戰馬刺的 那場比賽中,Blount得到18分,他展現了中距離跳投能力和勝過Olowokandi非常多的鬥志 。身高七呎的Blount,本季在波士頓每場平均得分是12.4分,他將會是灰狼隊熱切期盼的 那位Garnett的禁區夥伴。 : The trade gives this team a chance to reverse the close losses. : "All in all, yeah, it's like a fresh start," Garnett said. "You've got whole : new players, new atmosphere." : Said Casey: "I'm optimistic once we jell together and get some more time : together that we'll be fighting, hopefully, for playoff position. But we : have to get it together pretty quick." 這筆交易讓灰狼有機會大幅減少以低比分差距輸球的比賽場數。KG說到:"那的確是一個 很大的改變,就像一個全新的開始,有了很多新球員,就連球隊氣氛也都煥然一新。" Casey則表示:"在球隊團結起來之後,我想一切都會變的樂觀,甚至是回到季後賽的行 列當中,但重點就是我們必須要加快球隊凝聚的速度。" 如果有翻譯的不好的地方,還請大家不吝指教!!! 另外關於交易的一點小心得: 我想這筆交易目前看來是相當不錯的,至少老大目前所表現出來的態度是這樣的。 光看Blount和軟糖這一部分就覺得已經成功一半了,希望還有一些後續的交易。 把人滿為患的PG拿去換一個苦力或是炮台都可以。 總之,灰狼加油!! Go Go Go!! T-Wolves!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: twrre 來自: (01/31 03:14)

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文章代碼(AID): #13tario4 (Timberwolves)