[外電] The Dealt

看板Timberwolves作者 (Zenko)時間13年前 (2011/02/22 18:56), 編輯推噓7(704)
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http://www.startribune.com/sports/wolves/116637953.html The Wolves' part in this Melodrama: They trade Corey Brewer to New York for third-year forward Anthony Randolph, Eddy Curry's expiring $11.2 million contract and $3 million cash from the Knicks. Anthony劇場正式落幕 灰狼得到了Anthony Randolph、Eddy Curry的到期約與$ 3 Million The fine print: Curry is persona non grata for the Wolves. Expect him to be waived quickly at no cost after they get the Knicks' cash and swap Brewer's contract for Randolph's. The Wolves' presence, though, was crucial to the deal because by absorbing Curry's contract it saves Denver millions in luxury-tax penalties. Why acquire Randolph, the 14th overall pick in the 2008 draft? The Wolves have been interested since he was with Golden State last June, perhaps envisioning him as a Lamar Odom type in Kurt Rambis' system. He's 6-10-plus in his sneakers, has a 7-foot-3 wingspan, can play both forward spots and some center. He fits the Wolves' mold: Great skills, freakish athleticism and young (doesn't turn 22 until July), but there are questions about his motor, defense and strength. Like Michael Beasley and Darko Milicic, he's left-handed. A軟?灰狼隊從他在勇士隊就一值很尬意他 期望能以ODOM類型融合進灰狼隊的三X戰術, 他有6呎10,7呎3的臂長,有雙鋒能力+玩樂性質的中鋒,他很合乎灰狼隊的建隊架構, 有特殊才能、詭異的靈巧、年紀輕輕,但科技始終來自於人性,製造出的東西一定不會 太完美,他的防守與厚度是個疑慮,最後要說的是他與Beasley、米粒一樣都是左撇子。 concluded he'll never shoot or handle the ball well enough to warrant a prominent wing spot on a contending team. They also apparently felt he wasn't the defender -- gambles too much, not great off the ball -- many Wolves fan thought he was. And he's set to become a restricted free agent. The quote: "It'll be interesting to see how he handles the triangle. He seems more of an open-floor type, one-on-one type player, but I'm not the GM." -- Wolves forward Anthony Tolliver, who was Randolph's teammate in Golden State last season. 我有興趣看他怎麼掌控三x戰術,他注視過開放式進戰術,緊盯戰術等,但我並非GM, 不確定他是不是適合這戰術。 他與Anthony Tolliver以前在勇士隊曾經是隊友。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/22 18:58, , 1F
02/22 18:58, 1F

02/22 19:25, , 2F
是哪個球探一直灌Kahn Randolph的模板是Odom的迷湯
02/22 19:25, 2F

02/22 19:38, , 3F
02/22 19:38, 3F

02/22 20:47, , 4F
02/22 20:47, 4F

02/22 21:22, , 5F
那到底有沒有送選秀權給尼克呢? 看總版有些報導寫有
02/22 21:22, 5F

02/22 21:23, , 6F
沒有的話還好 有的話感覺虧到爆了...囧
02/22 21:23, 6F

02/22 22:42, , 7F
02/22 22:42, 7F

02/23 10:13, , 8F
02/23 10:13, 8F

02/23 10:56, , 9F
02/23 10:56, 9F

02/23 12:05, , 10F
一個交易就滿足數種重建條件 超爽
02/23 12:05, 10F

02/23 17:18, , 11F
02/23 17:18, 11F
文章代碼(AID): #1DOvPewt (Timberwolves)