[外電] 下一季先發SF的選擇?

看板Timberwolves作者 (T-Wolves)時間11年前 (2013/07/19 11:35), 編輯推噓35(35071)
留言106則, 20人參與, 最新討論串1/1
There will be a couple assumptions made in this piece, so let’s just go ahead and start with a big one: The Minnesota Timberwolves will re-sign Nikola Pekovic. It’s not far-fetched to think that the Wolves will get the big man back next year. CBS Sports’ Zach Harper reported that the Timberwolves made Pekovic a formal offer on July 8, Adrian Wojnarowski of Yahoo! Sports tweeted that he was close to signing a four-year, $50 million deal and Marcus R. Fuller of the St. Paul Pioneer Press reported that Pekovic wants to stay. So, safe to say, he will be in the starting five if (when) he returns. 首先,沒意外的話,下季的先發5號已經底定是Peko了 The second assumption is that everyone will stay healthy this year. 再來的關鍵就是我狼最欠缺的健康= = Of course, there will be injuries here and there throughout the season, but let’s hope Minnesota does not have everyone sitting courtside in a suit and tie like they did last year. 當然有時傷病難免,但我們可以期許不要先發都一起穿西裝看球嗎? Finally, make the assumption that Derrick Williams is the sixth man and Chase Budinger and Shabazz Muhammad are key reserves if they are not in the starting five. 目前預設的情況可能是D-Will打第六人,Budinger跟蝦壩子作為主要的鋒線替補 The main question with the team, of course, is who plays the 3. Ricky Rubio will be the starting point guard, Kevin Martin will be his backcourt partner, Kevin Love will start at power forward and Pekovic will be the center. In order to find a starting small forward, the Timberwolves should use these three lineups. 基本上灰狼的核心已經確定是 1:Rubio 2:KM 4:Love 5:Peko 了 所以下面就來排列組合3號人選吧^.< Derrick Williams as small forward Timberwolves fans either love or hate Williams. There is a segment of the fanbase that feels he is just one of many lottery busts the team has had over the years—he’s Johnny Flynn or Wesley Johnson waiting to happen. At the very least, they feel Williams is not worthy of the No. 2 overall pick in 2011. 在某些人眼裡,DW已經算是個失敗的選秀了...就像Flynn跟Wes 至少,可能不值得浪費一個2th pick Then there are people who love his athleticism and versatility and see him as a starter who can be a volume scorer at the 3 and a backup to Love at the 4. At the very least, they feel Williams is a solid sixth man who can generate offense off the bench. 當然依舊有人喜歡他的全能,而且勉強可以打三號 或是扮演4號Love的替補 再怎麼不濟,起碼他打第六人還是很ok的嘛.. If Williams is going to start next season, he has to play the 3. That means he needs to improve upon his three-point shooting percentage, which increased from 26.8 percent to 33.2 percent last season. 如果下一季要啟用DW當先發,首先他的投籃能力需要大幅提升。 即便是他已經從26.8%提升到了上一季的33.2,不過還是有提升的空間 By improving his shot, he should open the floor up to slash his way through the defense and score with the ball. He has the speed, size and strength necessary to get to the hoop, but he needs to shoot well enough so that defenders don’t sag off of him. 如果他可以有效提升他的投籃能力,有助於他開啟切入的空間 他同時也需要增進當對手放投不放切時的投籃穩定度 Williams also needs to improve as a defender, something that will happen with focused offseason regimens and three years of experience in the league. Williams has an opportunity to be a starter next season, but he has to seize it. 最後他需要的是防守,希望他在休賽期可以有更多的進步,並汲取前兩年的經驗 (怎麼好像是在說他只需要加強:進攻、防守= =) 總之,他下一季也可能會在2號先發,但可能需要很努力才有機會爭取到 Shabazz Muhammad as small forward Yet another polarizing player on the Timberwolves, Muhammad is a guy who some feel is talented enough to enter an NBA rotation right away, while others feel that problems both on and off the court will keep him from ever reaching his potential. Shabzz看起來已經是隻即戰力了,不過某些場上、場下因素可能會影響他的天賦發展 In order to get a starting spot, he needs to improve his defense, grab boards on both sides of the court and pass the ball. Essentially, he has to be a good teammate. With his talent, Muhammad could easily be part of the starting five next season. He must be committed to helping the team, however, and cannot be distracted by issues off the court. 假如他想要有辦法先發,他需要提升他做苦工的能力,以及傳球意識。 簡單說,他需要當個無私的好隊友。 Chase Budinger as small forward I hate to view Budinger as the “last resort,” but he sort of is. He got a three-year, $16 million contract in the offseason and appropriately so—he’s a good backup. He basically does two things well: drilling three-pointers and throwing home dunks. Those are two nice traits for a player coming off the bench, but his defense is suspect, and he struggles to score from the field. He also has less upside than Williams or Muhammad. With more to offer as a backup 2 or 3, Budinger still can be the starting small forward in a pinch. Minnesota needs shooting, and it’s always nice to have somebody who can excite the crowd with a monster jam. Budinger also passes the ball well and can grab boards, so it is not as though he has nothing to offer. At the same time, he is not a permanent solution as a starting small forward, and the team has to be hoping that either Williams or Muhammad takes ownership of that position to allow Budinger to come off the bench. 雖然不是很想,不過Budinger依舊是有先發的可能性的 他是個稱職替補,擁有三分能力,會傳球,甚至還會抓板,偶爾還能灌籃給觀眾看 不過他的得分能力不佳,防守也不怎麼樣,如果要讓他先發, 可能會在很需要外線火力的時候 基本上是不預期也不希望他先發。如果可以的話DW跟Shabazz會是更好的選擇 Conclusion As the player with more experience, Williams looks like the favorite to get the starting job, unless Muhammad outperforms him in camp. Both players are talented enough to start in the NBA, but they have to prove that they have worked out their kinks on the court (and for Muhammad, off of it). Budinger is an option as well, but he is probably served best as a bench player with a spot in the rotation. 在Shabazz證明自己之前,先發人選可能是DW。 至於Budinger,應該仍舊會讓他由板凳上來提供火力 Tom Schreier covers Minnesota sports for Bleacher Report and is a contributor to Yahoo! Sports. --       ◣◣          INNESOTA        ▌◣▌ TIMBER◥ ◤OLVES ψsunnyside -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/19 12:26, , 1F
07/19 12:26, 1F

07/19 12:45, , 2F
同意樓上 但是覺得會擺布丁狗
07/19 12:45, 2F

07/19 12:47, , 3F
07/19 12:47, 3F

07/19 12:48, , 4F
07/19 12:48, 4F

07/19 12:55, , 5F
我是路人 個人覺得....那幾隻是灰狼不會養....
07/19 12:55, 5F

07/19 13:16, , 6F
07/19 13:16, 6F

07/19 13:18, , 7F
07/19 13:18, 7F

07/19 13:38, , 8F
DW先發的話 先發5人扣掉Rubio真的是完全悲劇...
07/19 13:38, 8F

07/19 14:17, , 9F
07/19 14:17, 9F

07/19 14:18, , 10F
抱歉 打錯 是Shabazz...
07/19 14:18, 10F

07/19 14:35, , 11F
07/19 14:35, 11F

07/19 15:11, , 12F
sag off of him 是守開一點賭切入 不是放掉的意思
07/19 15:11, 12F

07/19 15:12, , 13F
07/19 15:12, 13F

07/19 15:31, , 14F
那一大段的主要意思是提昇投籃能力的話 能幫助DW創造自己切入
07/19 15:31, 14F

07/19 15:31, , 15F
的機會和空間 翻譯的意思整個偏掉了
07/19 15:31, 15F
收到 已修改~ ※ 編輯: HeavyBlue 來自: (07/19 21:09)

07/19 21:36, , 16F
07/19 21:36, 16F

07/19 22:51, , 17F
以這樣的先發來說 有個角色球員作為先發也不奇怪
07/19 22:51, 17F

07/19 22:53, , 18F
也有可能是布丁狗 但我覺得CB更好發揮 畢竟防守的拼勁
07/19 22:53, 18F

07/19 22:56, , 19F
還有攻守轉換的瞬間嗅覺 搭配Rubio的後場更能發揮失誤後
07/19 22:56, 19F

07/19 22:56, , 20F
07/19 22:56, 20F

07/19 22:57, , 21F
07/19 22:57, 21F

07/19 23:00, , 22F
布丁狗在場上進攻可能較活躍些 相反DW先發的可能較小點
07/19 23:00, 22F

07/19 23:01, , 23F
除非他有飛躍性的成長 不然作為三號幾乎沒有甚麼特點
07/19 23:01, 23F

07/19 23:02, , 24F
07/19 23:02, 24F

07/19 23:12, , 25F
我覺得練他的話可以多嘗試以Love作為中鋒的陣容 DW PF將
07/19 23:12, 25F

07/19 23:12, , 26F
機動性與空間拉開 反而更能將他的能力發揮
07/19 23:12, 26F

07/19 23:18, , 27F
還有定點投籃必須加強 他現在似乎沒有辦法適應接球投籃
07/19 23:18, 27F

07/19 23:25, , 28F
07/19 23:25, 28F

07/19 23:25, , 29F
07/19 23:25, 29F

07/19 23:28, , 30F
07/19 23:28, 30F

07/19 23:31, , 31F
07/19 23:31, 31F

07/19 23:37, , 32F
07/19 23:37, 32F

07/19 23:37, , 33F
07/19 23:37, 33F

07/19 23:38, , 34F
07/19 23:38, 34F

07/20 01:13, , 35F
Rambis不忍心看Corey每場都被撞得東倒西歪的 他難過
07/20 01:13, 35F

07/20 01:14, , 36F
07/20 01:14, 36F

07/20 01:22, , 37F
07/20 01:22, 37F

07/20 01:33, , 38F
CB的本位本來就是3號 扛2號才太勉強 尤其以他癟角的運球...
07/20 01:33, 38F
還有 28 則推文
07/22 03:38, , 67F
07/22 03:38, 67F

07/22 03:39, , 68F
07/22 03:39, 68F

07/22 03:41, , 69F
07/22 03:41, 69F

07/22 09:14, , 70F
07/22 09:14, 70F

07/22 11:15, , 71F
07/22 11:15, 71F

07/22 11:16, , 72F
07/22 11:16, 72F

07/22 11:20, , 73F
07/22 11:20, 73F

07/22 11:52, , 74F
07/22 11:52, 74F

07/22 13:21, , 75F
應該是這樣說 進攻誰站哪個位置不是很重要 Brewer的功能
07/22 13:21, 75F

07/22 13:25, , 76F
性很明確 就是快攻箭頭就是底線三分 這一點無論他打哪個
07/22 13:25, 76F

07/22 13:25, , 77F
07/22 13:25, 77F

07/22 13:26, , 78F
剩下問題就是在3號位的防守能撐起多少 尤其能不能補上去年
07/22 13:26, 78F

07/22 13:29, , 79F
07/22 13:29, 79F

07/22 13:30, , 80F
看完過去兩年Brewer在金塊的防守 機動性是沒問題 但判斷
07/22 13:30, 80F

07/22 13:31, , 81F
和容易協防過深 原則沒有掌握好(? 這點不知道跟囧卡有沒有
07/22 13:31, 81F

07/22 13:31, , 82F
關係) 是和AK差距比較大的地方
07/22 13:31, 82F

07/22 13:33, , 83F
當然500萬簽到也沒什麼好嫌了 至少他和Martin的進攻點
07/22 13:33, 83F

07/22 13:33, , 84F
07/22 13:33, 84F

07/22 13:50, , 85F
07/22 13:50, 85F

07/22 13:51, , 86F
07/22 13:51, 86F

07/22 13:51, , 87F
07/22 13:51, 87F

07/22 13:52, , 88F
07/22 13:52, 88F

07/22 13:52, , 89F
07/22 13:52, 89F

07/22 13:53, , 90F
07/22 13:53, 90F

07/22 14:30, , 91F
07/22 14:30, 91F

07/22 14:30, , 92F
不過Brewer這兩年外線有進步喔 尤其左邊底線三分超過4成
07/22 14:30, 92F

07/22 14:31, , 93F
當然其他shot spot的命中率落差比較大 出手選擇也不算很好
07/22 14:31, 93F

07/22 14:31, , 94F
但我覺得來到灰狼應該不算太大問題 重點還是功能性和防守
07/22 14:31, 94F

07/22 18:20, , 95F
07/22 18:20, 95F

07/22 20:42, , 96F
Brewer有Playmaker的心但沒有技術XD 金塊多半都是雙控
07/22 20:42, 96F

07/22 20:44, , 97F
配合 Brewer大概一半時間跟Iggy上 三成時間與雙衛一同
07/22 20:44, 97F

07/22 20:45, , 98F
除了攻守轉換跑特別快外(佔其進攻比27%)  多半都在偏底
07/22 20:45, 98F

07/22 20:48, , 99F
位置埋伏準備接應 也正好符合他持球偏弱的特性
07/22 20:48, 99F

07/22 20:56, , 100F
撇開身體條件 防守能做到非常的黏基本上在灰狼是沒甚麼
07/22 20:56, 100F

07/22 21:05, , 101F
問題 2~3人的情況多半也能明智抉擇
07/22 21:05, 101F

07/22 21:12, , 102F
07/22 21:12, 102F

07/24 15:23, , 103F
這樣的陣容,我狼大概要打純進攻隊型了 囧
07/24 15:23, 103F

08/13 21:50, , 104F
08/13 21:50, 104F

08/17 01:55, , 105F
08/17 01:55, 105F

08/17 13:52, , 106F
我覺得聯盟最好的幾個球員都應該換給火箭 吃屎
08/17 13:52, 106F
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