[中英] 標語試譯

看板Translation作者 (浩爾)時間12年前 (2012/03/17 15:12), 編輯推噓3(307)
留言10則, 5人參與, 最新討論串1/1
和朋友討論台北市國稅局的這句標語如何翻成英文 「花季傳香 稅月安康」 在思考怎麼用精簡的字表達原文語意 試譯1 這樣翻句型工整但是不是太wordy,過譯,看起來有點好笑: Wafts of floral frangrances greeting the nose, Days of Tax Season gladdening the people 試譯2 undertranslation? Savory Flower Season, Euphoric Tax Season 以上兩種都沒有表現出「稅月」的諧音.....需要靈感 討論學習,歡迎任何建議,盡量鞭吧! -- 我的戰爭尚未成為歷史。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/17 15:46, , 1F
我也試試:Bloom season as booming tax season!
03/17 15:46, 1F

03/17 15:47, , 2F
03/17 15:47, 2F

03/17 15:48, , 3F
03/17 15:48, 3F

03/17 15:49, , 4F
或:Tax savings to boom in bloom season.(鼓勵節稅?
03/17 15:49, 4F

03/17 15:52, , 5F
單字量少,但隨"譯":Seasonal blossom heightens senses.
03/17 15:52, 5F

03/17 15:52, , 6F
Yearly taxation rejoices prosperity.
03/17 15:52, 6F

03/17 18:14, , 7F
03/17 18:14, 7F

03/18 00:47, , 8F
03/18 00:47, 8F

03/20 23:46, , 9F
和稅有關?只能譯成 Taxing Season, Stinking Time!
03/20 23:46, 9F

03/21 20:59, , 10F
03/21 20:59, 10F
文章代碼(AID): #1FP3bD1_ (Translation)