[英中] 貓的科學

看板Translation作者時間11年前 (2013/04/07 02:22), 編輯推噓7(7013)
留言20則, 6人參與, 最新討論串1/1
The Science of Cats The internet loves cats, but did you know the print on the cats nose has a unique rigid pattern just like a fingerprint? Or that catnip really is like a drug for cats? One of its volatile oils called nepetalactone enters the cats nasal tissue and acts like an artificial cat pharamone. The sensory neurons are stimulated and ultimately trigger a behavioral and sexual response in the brain and body in around 80% of cats. 貓在網路上很受歡迎,但你知道貓鼻子上的印記有個像指紋般唯一且精確的 樣式嗎? 或者(你知道)貓薄荷對貓來說就像毒品一樣? 貓薄荷中一樣揮發性的 叫做荊芥內酯的油進入到貓的鼻子組織,就像貓的人工費洛蒙。大約 80% 的貓 的感官神經都會被刺激最終引發大腦和身體性和行為上的反應。 Which must be nice considering cats spend around 85% of their day doing absolutely nothing. Drinking, eating, defecating and even mating only take up about 4% combined. But when they are moving, they always seem to land on their feet. This is becasue of something called the "Righting Reflex". Not only do cats have very sensitive motion and gravity sensing abilities allowing them to determine which way is down, they also have an extremely flexible backbone and no collarbone. By bending in the middle and using fast twitch muscle fibers they can whip around without ever changing their net angular momentum. 細想到貓在一天中有 85% 的時間無所事事一定很棒。飲食、排便、甚至交配總共只占 4% 左右。但牠們行動時總能幸免於難,這要歸功於 "Righting Reflex" 這玩意。 貓不只擁有非常靈敏的動作和重力感知的能力,這種能力能讓牠們確定往下的方向, 牠們也有極端柔韌的脊骨且沒有鎖骨。經由在彎曲身體和運用快縮肌纖維它們就可以 快速急翻轉,甚至連淨角動量都不會改變。 (已修改,感謝 mhhwang,還有 BigBreast 的提示 ~) And did you know that when a cat lifts it's tail while being pet it's really inviting you to smell it's behind? Cats use scent to communicate and this exposes glands and pharamones holding their signature smell. A nice alternative to a hug or a handshake. They also rub up against you to spread these pharamones. The glands on their face, tail and body help them to claim you with their scent, while also leaving nearby cats signals about their identity, sexual availability and territory. 另外你知道當隻家貓揚起牠的尾巴實際上是邀請你聞牠的屁股嗎? 貓以氣味來溝通 且這種行為曝露出含有牠們特徵氣味的腺體和費洛蒙。是另一種的擁抱和握手。 牠們也會在你身上磨蹭來散布這些費洛蒙。牠們臉上、尾巴和身體的腺體幫助牠們用 氣味認定你,同時也留給附近的貓有關牠們的身分,是否在發情期和領地範圍的信號。 (請問這裡的 "claim you" 有貓宣稱我們飼主是屬於貓的含意在嗎?) On the other hand, cats bury their poop in an attempt to hide its smell. This evolutionary instinct is not only to avoid attracting predators but to show that they're submissive to a dominant cat in the wild. In the case of your house, this is your cats way of recognizing you as dominant. 另一方面,貓會把牠們的便便埋起來以掩蓋氣味。這種演化上的本能不只是為了在野外中 避免引來掠食者也顯示對領袖的服從。在家中這就是你的貓把你當成領袖的方式。 Also in complete darkness cats can't actually see, though they can see, though they can see much better than you and I in dim light. Cats have a layer of cells behind the retina called the "Tapetum lucidum" which acts like a mirror reflecting extra light back at the retina. In near darkness this gives their eyes a second chance to pickup more light, but without any light present they can't see anymore than we can. 還有在一片漆黑當中貓沒有辦法看見任何東西,但在微光中看的比你我都要清楚。貓在視 網膜後有一層細胞稱為 "Tapetum lucidum",這層細胞就像鏡子一樣可以把額外的光反射 回視網膜。在近乎黑暗的環境這給了牠們第二次機會來收集更多的光,但完全沒有光的時 候牠們就跟我們沒什麼兩樣。 And if you ever see a cat with three distinct colours, often called a Calico or Tortoise Shell cat you can bet it's female. The fur colour gene is located on the "X" chromosome. This means females can have two colours in addition to white because they have two "X" chromosomes. The male "Y" chromosome, on the other hand, does not have any colour genes, as a result males will generally only have one colour along with white though in rare genetic cases it is possible for them to have more. 另外如果你曾經看過一隻貓有三種不同的顏色,通常叫做三色貓或玳瑁貓,那麼你就可以 斷定牠是雌性。毛皮顏色的基因位於 X 染色體上。這代表因為雌貓有兩個 X 染色體,牠 們除了有兩種不同的顏色還可以有額外的白色。另一方面雄性的 Y 染色體沒有任何顏色基 因,結果就是雖然在罕見情況下有可能有更多顏色,但雄貓一般只有白色外加另一種 顏色。 Interestingly we still don't really know why cats purr. In fact cats purr both during pleasurable situations but also while they're in duress or injured. While many believe it's a means to communicate passivity or pleasure. One interesting theory suggests that the frequency that purrs occur at (24-140 Hz) promotes healthy bone growth and healing. Because cats have adapted to a lifestyle with frequent rest and sleep, this may be a low energy mechanism to promote muscle and bone health. 有趣的是我們尚未真的知曉貓咕嚕咕嚕的原因。事實上不管貓在高興,被威脅或受傷的情 形下都會咕嚕。然而許多人相信這是表達順從或愉悅的手段。一個有趣的理論是處於 24 ~ 140 頻率間的低鳴有助於健康骨骼的成長和治療。因為貓已經適應於頻繁的休息和睡眠的 生活風格,這可能是個增進肌肉和骨骼健康的低效機制。 (已修改) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * 因為這是 YouTube 影片的字幕,所以有可能文法本身就有錯。 * 請問當一個英文句子很長時,翻譯時有必要自行斷句嗎? 還是說英文多長就多長? 希望各位給些意見,謝謝大家喔~ 補上影片連結: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PoGXr6hUTD4
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Minilogo 來自: (04/07 02:24)

04/07 03:58, , 1F
04/07 03:58, 1F

04/07 03:59, , 2F
2. purr 這個詞的意思要不要再查一下?
04/07 03:59, 2F

04/07 04:01, , 3F
04/07 04:01, 3F

04/07 11:33, , 4F
我在youtube找purr的影片那個聲音不知道怎麼形容= =聲音
04/07 11:33, 4F

04/07 11:35, , 5F
低 咕嚕咕嚕地 我應該改成喉音比較好...
04/07 11:35, 5F

04/07 11:37, , 6F
我知道了 謝謝ChibiYou喔 這麼晚還能回覆我:D
04/07 11:37, 6F

04/08 01:56, , 7F
04/08 01:56, 7F

04/08 02:00, , 8F
04/08 02:00, 8F

04/08 02:14, , 9F
04/08 02:14, 9F

04/08 02:14, , 10F
04/08 02:14, 10F

04/08 02:16, , 11F
不過In the middle我不太確定是半空中,還是身體的中間。
04/08 02:16, 11F

04/08 02:37, , 12F
04/08 02:37, 12F

04/08 06:55, , 13F
04/08 06:55, 13F

04/08 08:47, , 14F
to hhwang: fast twitch muscle fiber是專有名詞
04/08 08:47, 14F

04/08 09:38, , 15F
樓上感謝,沒看到using 呢!
04/08 09:38, 15F

04/08 09:39, , 16F
04/08 09:39, 16F

04/08 09:41, , 17F
04/08 09:41, 17F

04/08 10:04, , 18F
謝謝樓上各位的建議和吐槽XD 完全對"超人氣"這個詞沒有自
04/08 10:04, 18F

04/08 10:07, , 19F
覺 也一點都沒想到fast twitch muscle fiber是專有名詞..
04/08 10:07, 19F
※ 編輯: Minilogo 來自: (04/08 10:11)

04/08 10:13, , 20F
我想"超人氣"改成普通的"很受歡迎"就好了吧 不用太花俏
04/08 10:13, 20F
※ 編輯: Minilogo 來自: (04/14 02:23)
文章代碼(AID): #1HO6ViOj (Translation)