[發問] 不知道這些東西能不能派上用場??

看板TribalWars作者 ( )時間18年前 (2006/10/31 18:39), 編輯推噓1(100)
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從某部族的Overview 擷取下來的 有op嗎?? Private Announcements ~~ Your Ranking ~~ TES_W is currently ranked 43/1363 tribes! TOP 100! ~~ Your Forums ~~ http://z9.invisionfree.com/TEStribalwars/index.php? IMPORTANT: You MUST email Galaphile in order to gain access to the offsite forums. First, register your TW player name on the forums and then confirm with Galaphile with an in-game email so that you can be validated. Thank you. ~~ Your IRC Channel ~~ Java App http://www.gameradius.org/javachat/index.php CGI Script http://www.the-empty.net:8080/TW-TES/irc.cgi Server irc.GameRadius.org::6667 Channel #tes ~~ Your Local Aristocracy ~~ Duke FiveCentFather Lord Eranm, Recruiter Lord Galaphile, Diplomat Lord Caelestis, Military Cmdr ~~ Your Tribe ~~ Branches TES_E TES_U Other TES Aristocracy Lord Blucastle Patron and Father of The Exploration Society {Honorary Baron in TES_W) Lord Kelley "The Mad Dog" Maddux (MadDogMaddux) Founder of TES in TribalWars {Honorary Baron in TES_E} Duke DRVeyl of TES_E Tribewide Supreme Military Cmdr Lord EdgeDS Diplomat for TES_E Tribewide NAP/alliance coordinator Lord RazBobka Military Cmdr for TES_E Lord RoadRunner Recruiter for TES_E Lord Protagoras Diplomat of TES_E Duchess Dakota Goldenheart of TES_U ~~ Your Allies ~~ (These appear as light blue on your map. These MUST be honored at all times. Violations of alliances will NOT be tolerated.) EoD FTR FTR2 HOT|NE HOTNEd HOT|NW HOT|SE HOT|SW HOTaSW HOTaSE HOTaNW HOTaNE [L2] TW TW1 TW2 TW3 TW4 TW5 TW6 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/01 09:51, , 1F
11/01 09:51, 1F
文章代碼(AID): #15HoV-4b (TribalWars)