[打屁] A....W5 Bush 挖角挖很大=,=

看板TribalWars作者 (yuan)時間17年前 (2007/04/03 06:39), 編輯推噓5(500)
留言5則, 5人參與, 最新討論串1/1
以下是第一封挖角信 Greetings Neighbour, Just noticed you're growing quick and thought you might be interesting in an offer. We would love to have you here in our tribe and here are some reasons why you should make the switch. 1. We are all active both in game and in forums. 2. We are all extremely helpful to each other as most of us come from another gaming community and have played alongside each other for long periods of time. 3. Continuing from the previous point, we are all loyal to each other, with no deceptions and arguments amongst our own members. 4. We treasure the time we spend with each other and enjoy playing the game, and most of all beating the hell out of everyone else :D 5. We are experienced players. 6. Most of us are very contactable because we use IRC. 7. We are well positioned , and will respond to help very fast. 8. We always send defence and help each other out during major crisis. 9. We have great potential to win this round! 10. We never forget the main part of this game is to have fun :) Hopefully you make the right schoice :) Respond to this mail as soon as you read it :) Thanks JJbrosandjl 我利用之前的文章"善意"拒絕他 Thank you for the kind offer. I joined my current tribe for my friend, I know I'm far away but I don't want to change tribe in this time. They need me :) We can still be friends and let me know if you need anything. 不過他居然回我 Can your friend join this tribe also? 我只好回她 I'll ask them for this and response to you give me some times,thank you. ----------------------------------- 現在怎麼辦= = 總不會要整個PTT都搬過去... 說實在她們也沒離我很近阿=,= http://0rz.tw/1b2yA 要怎麼婉拒阿=,= -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: yuanwu 來自: (04/03 06:40)

04/03 06:43, , 1F
crazy? this is PTT!!
04/03 06:43, 1F

04/03 07:28, , 2F
04/03 07:28, 2F

04/03 08:50, , 3F
04/03 08:50, 3F

04/03 09:31, , 4F
04/03 09:31, 4F

04/07 23:53, , 5F
04/07 23:53, 5F
文章代碼(AID): #164OOca1 (TribalWars)