[閒聊] 那些讓人國籍錯亂的演員們

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會發這篇文是因為看到上面有文章把Lee Pace誤認為英國人,就找來這篇讀一下。 已經盡量選擇了在英國發展的演員和女演員,或著是使用過英國腔演戲的演員。 如果覺得那個演員不適合在板上討論,請跟我說,我會刪掉那個演員的相關部份。 https://reurl.cc/52O1l6 17 Celebs Who I Fully Thought Were British But As It Turns Out, I'm Wrong 讓你以為是英國人的外國人XDDDDD (名單節選,詳細請去點開看) 1. Gillian Anderson https://i.imgur.com/1c1pDcl.png
What you know her British accent from: The Fall, Bleak House, Sex Education. Where she's actually from: Born in Chicago, United States. Grew up between Michigan and London. https://reurl.cc/emdDmR 最近有名的應該是性愛自修室和王冠,但我是X檔案就認識這位演員(透漏年紀XD) 安德森出生在美國伊利諾伊州芝加哥,母親是電腦分析師Rosemary Alyce,父親是開有一 家電影後製公司的Edward Anderson III。安德森擁有英國、德國和愛爾蘭血統。 2. Elizabeth Debicki https://i.imgur.com/jhffsMz.png
You may have thought Liz was gold-standard-Maggie-Smith British based on her previous roles, but she grew up in the Southern Hemisphere, don't you know! https://reurl.cc/52O1py 戴比基出生於巴黎,父親是波蘭人,母親是愛爾蘭裔澳洲人 What you know her British accent from: Tenet, The Man from U.N.C.L.E., Vita and Virginia. Where she's actually from: Born in Paris, France, but grew up in Melbourne, Australia. 天能、紳士密令到最近的王冠(演出黛安娜)都是演英國人,但實際上出生法國,並且是在 澳洲長大XD 5. Lee Pace https://i.imgur.com/IgUEWix.png
Lee has spoken numerous times on being mistaken for a Brit, but he's actually American and uses his normal speaking voice in Pushing Daisies. 李佩斯生於奧克拉荷馬州。 What you know his British accent from: The Hobbit, Ceremony, Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day. Where he's actually from: Oklahoma, United States. Grew up in Texas. 地表上最常被認為是英國人的美國人吧XDDDDDDD 7. Anya Taylor-Joy https://i.imgur.com/N3GDFT8.png
Scream queen Anya has had a really interesting career trajectory and somehow gives off major British vibes, but she's actually Argentine-American. https://reurl.cc/82NjqM 是一位出生於美國,擁有美國、英國及阿根廷三重國籍的女演員及模特兒。 泰勒-喬伊於嬰兒時期搬到布宜諾斯艾利斯,六歲時在只會說西班牙文的情況下搬去倫敦 ,此後英語也成為她的母語,泰勒-喬伊飾演過多個美國人角色,也具備自然的美國口音 ,但現實生活中她的天然口音偏向英國,用字遣詞也是濃厚的英式風格,她多元的家庭背 景,以及在英美兩地的成長經驗,造就她能不太費力地進行自然的口音變換,初接觸到她 的觀眾,經常因此難以判斷她來自哪裡。 What you know her British accent from: Emma, The Witch, The Miniaturist. Where she's actually from: Miami, United States. Grew up between Buenos Aires and London. 演了艾瑪還有之前的Marrowbone(馬柔本宅秘事),其實是個變換腔調自如的演員,甚至第 一語言是西班牙文XD 如果去聽她受訪,其實她是習慣用英國腔的。 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWylG7evjro
她聲音都抖了XDDD 介紹她的話會想要一起介紹George MacKay,然後就想重溫1917, 這部所有演員都可以來討論的電影XD 9. Ruth Negga https://i.imgur.com/1PlTUWW.png
Ruth's Irish accent is often swapped out for American or English dialects on screen, so you may have thought she was a Brit, but she's actually not! What you know her British accent from: Misfits, Secret State, World War Z. Where she's actually from: Born in Ethiopia, grew up in Limerick, Ireland. https://reurl.cc/ZjyWeA 奈嘉1982年出生在阿迪斯阿貝巴。她是家裡的獨生女,父親是衣索比亞人,在她7歲那年 因車禍去世。母親是愛爾蘭人。4歲以前一直住在衣索比亞,後在愛爾蘭的利默里克長大 。2006年起移居倫敦。 14. Cillian Murphy https://i.imgur.com/EL77BE5.png
Cillian hides his smooth Irish brogue pretty well – so well in fact that a lot of Peaky Blinders fans don't even know he's not a true Brummie! What you know his British accent from: Peaky Blinders. Where he's actually from: Cork, Ireland. 是一位愛爾蘭電影與劇場演員。 估計會被這篇列入,是因為愛爾蘭人對"不屬於英國"這件事情非常在意XDDDD 15. Mia Wasikowska https://i.imgur.com/ctNlTaX.png
Mia had a pretty successful phase as a go-to period drama heroine, which is perhaps why people often mistake her for a Brit! What you know her British accent from: the Alice in Wonderland films, Jane Eyre. Where she's actually from: Canberra, Australia 常常演出英國歷史或古裝劇,所以常被誤認是英國人。 出生在澳洲的澳洲首都特區坎培拉。 其實在澳洲能看到很多英國用法的英文,但是澳洲口音大概是我最難理解的口音Q_Q (每天都在微笑應答澳洲同事的話但是每次都是在假裝聽懂而已XD) 16. Karl Urban https://i.imgur.com/nFrlapQ.png
Some might not rate his "cockwi" accent as Billy Butcher, but I was pretty sold that Karl was a Brit. Who knew!? What you know his British accent from: The Boys, The Lord of the Rings films. Where he's actually from: Wellington, New Zealand. 出生於紐西蘭威靈頓。 這個我覺得不太適合這個板但是他畢竟也演員魔戒XD (爛理由) 而且他在黑袍糾察隊Cockney口音也太棒,因為我常常聽不懂啊XDDDDDD 不過紐西蘭是不是想切換英國口音也很容易的一個國家XD 17. Timothée Chalamet https://i.imgur.com/05Edw7O.png
提摩西出生於1995年12月27日並在紐約曼哈頓的地獄廚房街區長大。 There's something so British about Timmy's face, I just can't explain it! Alas, he's a New Yorker through and through (with a dual French citizenship). What you know his British accent from: The King. Where he's actually from: New York City. 我一度認真的在想要不要來介紹這演員,然後才發現他根本不是英國人XDDDDDDDDD 對他真得不熟,不過好像也不少人認為他是英國地區出生的XD ◇*.◇*.◇*.◇*.◇*.◇*.◇*.◇*.◇*.◇*.◇*.◇*.◇*.◇* 另外一篇。 讓你以為是美國人的英國人XDDDDD https://reurl.cc/V54LD6 17 Famous People Who Tricked You Into Thinking They're American (名單節選,詳細請去點開看) 2. Charlie Hunnam https://i.imgur.com/E7LExxk.png
What you know his American accent from: Sons of Anarchy and Pacific Rim Where he's actually from: Newcastle upon Tyne, England https://reurl.cc/n5LDpd 查理杭南生於英格蘭泰恩河畔新堡。 其實發跡地絕對是英國(電影Green Street),但是環太平洋和飆風不歸路真得太有名了, 所以有這印象也不是很意外。近幾年他也都回英國去拍電影,希望他能有更好的電影推出 。 亞瑟:王者之劍其實真得沒有很難看耶XDDDDDDDDDD 怎麼會這樣XD 5. Dominic Cooper https://i.imgur.com/3S0binQ.png
What you know his American accent from: Captain America: The First Avenger, Agent Carter, and Preacher Where he's actually from: Greenwich, London 我東尼史塔克鐵粉,每次看到Dominic Cooper都想叫他一聲爸(你哪位) 依舊擠不出時間看傳教士XD 8. Kevin McKidd https://i.imgur.com/wgSlnNK.png
What you know his American accent from: Grey's Anatomy Where he's actually from: Elgin, Moray, Scotland 是蘇格蘭的一位演員。他在蘇格蘭出生長大,曾經就讀於愛丁堡大學。 曾是GA裡面我最喜歡的男演員,但現在就是......最讓我煩的吧XD https://reurl.cc/aN4V7Z 2013 年 4 月,McKidd擔任紐約市第 15 屆年度Tartan Day遊行大禮官。當時,他表達了 他對蘇格蘭獨立的支持。 In April 2013, McKidd was Grand Marshal of the 15th annual Tartan Day Parade in New York City. At the time, he voiced his support for Scottish independence and expressed regret that he would be unable to vote in the then upcoming Scottish independence referendum the following year because he no longer lives in Scotland. Of Scottish independence, McKidd stated, "A lot of people think we're all gonna fall flat on our face if we do this. We're too feisty a people to let things turn bad if we went and tried it. Why not? Why not try at least?" 蘇格蘭獨立的話,應該還是能在這個板討論吧? (我是否要花一晚上去研究每個蘇格蘭出生演員對於獨立議題的意見XDDDD) 11. Damian Lewis https://i.imgur.com/UJIDboK.png
What you know his American accent from: Homeland, Band of Brothers, and Billions Where he's actually from: St John's Wood, London 路易斯出生於倫敦的聖約翰伍德。他的祖父母是威爾斯人。 感覺常常演美國軍人XD 基本上他在我心中是變色龍演員(褒) 最近家裡發生了一些不幸的事,希望Helen McCrory能擺脫病痛,希望Damian Lewis儘快 走出悲傷。 (但是退出Billions我太傷心Q_Q) 17. And Michael Fassbender https://i.imgur.com/rzuWaLV.png
What you know his American accent from: Shame, 12 Years a Slave, Steve Jobs, and Band of Brothers Where he's actually from: Born in Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg, West Germany, but grew up in Fossa, County Kerry, Ireland 看到And我快笑死XDDDDDDDDDD 到底是多怕忘記提XDDDDDD https://reurl.cc/EZ1oy1 1977年4月2日,麥可·法斯賓達出生於西德海德堡,母親愛黛兒是北愛爾蘭人,父親約瑟 夫·法斯賓達是德國人。當法斯賓達兩歲時,全家搬遷到愛爾蘭。法斯賓達和姐姐經常在 德國度過暑假,因此他可以講一口流利的德語。法斯賓達輾轉於歐洲和北美之間拍戲,但 他自從1996年起就定居在倫敦東部。他一直住在倫敦東部哈克尼的同一棟簡樸的公寓裡, 這是他25歲之後買下的公寓,當時他努力爭取工作以維持生活。於2016年,他表示有意搬 離倫敦東部,原因是離拍攝廠區太遠,他曾考慮搬到紐約和澳洲,但最終決定還是留在倫 敦。他會說德語,但他表示他在拍攝《惡棍特工》之前補習了一下德語,因為他的德語有 一點生疏了,他還希望未來能有機會出演德語的電影或戲劇。 2017年10月14日,法斯賓德已和薇坎德結婚。 2021年薇坎德宣傳新片《藍色海灣》(Blue Bayou)時,向《時人》雜誌證實年初悄悄迎 來第1個小孩,但並未透露性別。 他的舊同窗湯姆·哈迪曾於訪問時提及二人在倫敦中央戲劇學校其間的趣事,話說法斯賓 達於三年級時曾演出一名坐輪椅的角色,在午飯時間仍坐著輪椅點餐而導致校內的小飯 堂 (Barbara's canteen) 大排長龍,因只有半小時午膳時間,於是便跟法斯賓達說快起 來去點餐,結果卻被法斯賓達以F*** U作回應。 哇嗚要我想像Tom Hardy和Michael Fassbender一起同框的畫面,我心臟快爆了XDDDDDDDD 總之,結論就是: 英國腔真得好難學Q_Q (什麼鬼結論) 補充幾個演員: JJ Feild https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0035514/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JJ_Feild 菲爾德出生於美國科羅拉多州的波德。 Feild and his parents moved to London when he was six months old (he says he "never walked in America"). 老婆是很漂亮的Neve Campbell 是可以被估狗收入到分辨機器人的一位演員XD (請問下列哪張圖片不是演員Tom Hiddleston) https://i.imgur.com/8sVjVyq.jpg
還有個二哥 https://i.imgur.com/KI4H2eO.jpg
然後三個都演出漫威,好亂啊你們XD Richard Armitage https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Armitage_(actor) https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0035514/ Armitage was born in Leicester, England. 今年剛滿50歲,嗓音實在太讚了,竟然忘記在10月電影情報中提到他!!! 可能會有第三趴整理文。 直闖暴風圈 Into the Storm (2014 film) 中有用美國口音。 瞞天過海:八面玲瓏 Ocean's 8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CgwNoOUtr7s
認真不想重看這部片XDDDDDDD 找預告看發現是英國口音。 新片消息 https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2201227 https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4194974 https://www.imdb.com/title/tt13303602 之後有整理文第三趴再研究。 韓國電影勝利號宣傳 https://i.imgur.com/wL8uLhQ.jpg
估計其實也可以整理文章像是: 沒有演出過哈利波特相關系列的英國男演員 沒有演出漫威系列的英國男演員 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/UK_Actors/M.1633942626.A.F11.html

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謝謝你~~ <3 <3 <3
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※ 編輯: ivy77814 ( 臺灣), 10/11/2021 22:27:58

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文章代碼(AID): #1XO_nYyH (UK_Actors)