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看板UTAH-JAZZ作者 (急凍人布魯爾)時間17年前 (2007/03/24 00:13), 編輯推噓20(20016)
留言36則, 13人參與, 最新討論串18/23 (看更多)
http://deseretnews.com/dn/view/0,1249,660204739,00.html Tuesday, March 20, 2007 Jerry Sloan討厭藉口, 也不抱怨傷兵。如果球員們感覺疲憊, 那是心理問題。 他說球隊沒有一個能挺身而出罰個20來球的人, 像是Karl Malone, 所以全隊 得一起努力。以後會有不少用到zone defense的機會, 這需要全隊踩在同一 個節奏上。 Miles在上周日度過他的20歲生日, 但因為客場之旅而累得無法做其他事(?)。 只和Deron、Millsap及Brewer等人一同吃了晚餐, 他們沒去麥當勞, 而隊友 們請客。 --- http://deseretnews.com/dn/view/0,1249,660205012,00.html 一篇替教練發聲的文章, 節錄最後一部份: A few weeks ago, TV broadcaster Bill Walton was raving about Dallas' Johnson, calling him the "hands down" pick for Coach of the Year. Whose hands? Sloan will get the Jazz into the playoffs this year. That alone should earn him the award, as should winning the division title. This year's team has talent, but it is talent he developed. Two years ago it didn't appear that Mehmet Okur or Carlos Boozer were All-Stars. Now they are. Sloan should be Coach of the Year because he's a future Hall of Famer. He should win it for his body of work. Even without that, he's done a better job with what he has than anyone this year. But he won't win the award. Maybe they'll they find a grocery bagger somewhere that deserves it more. --- http://www.sltrib.com/jazz/ci_5485308 被問到Millsap在勇士那場比賽的三分球, Sloan笑答: "Oh, yeah. We told him he could shoot that any day of the week . . . any day I'm not here." --- http://deseretnews.com/dn/view/0,1249,660205100,00.html Wednesday, March 21, 2007 爵士在2005年的自由球員市場強烈爭取Sarunas Jasikevicius的加入, 甚至 在去年也曾探問交易他的可能性。 印城星報的專欄作家Bob Kravitz在交易後提到了他, 認為他能夠在NBA強度 的比賽中投進三分, 卻連吉祥物都守不住。 並且有態度上的問題。 Deron Williams談到爵士如何應對勇士第四節擺出的小型陣容, 他知道Don Nelson 的球隊常不按牌理出牌, 陣容可大可小, 你不知自己將碰上什, 讓自己準備好。 (完) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/24 00:28, , 1F
他那天怎麼會去砍三分阿 有八卦?
03/24 00:28, 1F

03/24 00:29, , 2F
03/24 00:29, 2F

03/24 00:33, , 3F
03/24 00:33, 3F

03/24 00:32, , 4F
Jasikevicius<= 這傢伙當年說不想替一支 losing team 打球
03/24 00:32, 4F

03/24 00:33, , 5F
不過如果連吉祥物都守不住..... 那大概連開特力都不能守吧
03/24 00:33, 5F

03/24 00:38, , 6F
吉祥物會360度灌籃, 不能小看
03/24 00:38, 6F

03/24 00:39, , 7F
剛剛去看了一下數據 其實他的3分能力不錯........
03/24 00:39, 7F

03/24 00:40, , 8F
但是沒防守就沒有愛 我們不需要 XD
03/24 00:40, 8F

03/24 00:40, , 9F
03/24 00:40, 9F

03/24 00:41, , 10F
he could shoot that any day of the week.....
03/24 00:41, 10F

03/24 00:42, , 11F
03/24 00:42, 11F

03/24 00:41, , 12F
any day I'm not here. 教皇幽默
03/24 00:41, 12F

03/24 00:42, , 13F
03/24 00:42, 13F

03/24 00:43, , 14F
03/24 00:43, 14F

03/24 00:45, , 15F
Sloan離16T也不遠...或許那天我們可以看到 Fisher打低位
03/24 00:45, 15F

03/24 00:45, , 16F
他的對手應該是溜馬小吉, 把球迷絆倒被告那個
03/24 00:45, 16F

03/24 00:45, , 17F
Okur狂crossover 阿魯橋狂切入 米爺AK狂噴三分的歡樂場面...
03/24 00:45, 17F

03/24 00:46, , 18F
03/24 00:46, 18F

03/24 00:53, , 19F
Sloan: 投三小
03/24 00:53, 19F

03/24 00:54, , 20F
03/24 00:54, 20F

03/24 00:56, , 22F
03/24 00:56, 22F

03/24 00:56, , 23F
03/24 00:56, 23F

03/24 00:58, , 24F
03/24 00:58, 24F

03/24 01:07, , 25F
第四節進攻時限快到 DW持球受到防守者壓迫---
03/24 01:07, 25F

03/24 01:08, , 26F
Millsap(往三分線外跑): 我只有這個時候能投三分了
03/24 01:08, 26F

03/24 01:09, , 27F
Okur (往三分線外跑): DW總是會在這時候傳給我!
03/24 01:09, 27F

03/24 01:09, , 28F
Giricek(往三分線外跑): 我可是爵士隊的SG!
03/24 01:09, 28F

03/24 01:10, , 29F
Boozer (往三分線外跑): 小心長籃板! 我可要回防了!
03/24 01:10, 29F

03/24 03:15, , 30F
Sloan (往三分線外跑): 我還想再多吃幾個T
03/24 03:15, 30F

03/24 03:20, , 31F
推 sam369:有奈許帳號在這裡這麼搞笑的八卦嗎?
03/24 03:20, 31F

03/24 03:29, , 32F
It`s hardaway not fadeaway
03/24 03:29, 32F

03/24 06:07, , 33F
It's a hard way for Penis, his opportunity fades away
03/24 06:07, 33F

03/24 07:07, , 34F
什麼鬼 = =
03/24 07:07, 34F

03/24 07:46, , 35F
03/24 07:46, 35F

03/24 08:37, , 36F
It's a hard way for Penis, his opportunity fades away
03/24 08:37, 36F
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