[舊聞] 爵士希望能對超賽上次的勝利有所回應

看板UTAH-JAZZ作者 (對準備工作的渴望)時間16年前 (2008/03/16 02:21), 編輯推噓5(502)
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http://deseretnews.com/article/1,5143,695261526,00.html Utah Jazz: Celtics won at Utah; now Jazz look to return favor in Boston 爵士希望能對超賽上次的勝利有所回應 By Tim Buckley Deseret Morning News Published: Friday, March 14, 2008 12:34 a.m. MDT BOSTON — The Jazz have not all forgotten that it was Boston, way back on Dec. 29 of last year, that handed them their last loss at EnergySolutions Arena. 爵士不會忘了去年的12/29,是超賽讓他們吞下了主場的最近一場敗仗 "I thought we had that game won," All-Star power forward Carlos Boozer said. "Then Paul Pierce took over a little bit." 「我認為我們那場應該贏的,」全明星強力前鋒Boo說。 「但在關鍵時刻Paul Pierce挺身而出。」 Since that 104-98 defeat, Utah has reeled off 18 straight victories on its home floor ─ one shy of tying the Jazz's franchise record. 只要主場再贏一場 ─ 爵士就可平隊史紀錄的主場19連勝 Retribution in that regard against the NBA-leading Celtics, however, will not exactly be first and foremost on Jazz minds tonight. 向目前戰績領先全聯盟的超賽報仇,並不完全是今晚爵士隊在意的首要事項。 Certainly not Jerry Sloan's. 教皇對此當然是完全不在意。 "I don't look at that sort of thing," the Jazz coach said after Utah's come-from-behind win Wednesday at Milwaukee. "I just look at we've got to play them, and we know that they're a very talented team, they're a great team, and we've just got to play our tails off to try to beat them." 「我不會去在意那種事情,」教皇在禮拜三爵士對公鹿逆轉勝後這麼說。 「我只在乎我們必須和他們比賽,而我們知道他們是一支才華洋溢的球隊, 他們是一支偉大的球隊,而我們必須繃緊神經試著去擊敗他們。」 Proving they can win when away, after all, is much more important to Sloan's 43-23 club these days than recalling who last beat them at home. 對43-23的爵士隊來說, 證明即使是在客場也可以贏球比記得上次誰在主場打敗他們來得重要多了。 Utah's 15-20 travel mark pales in comparison to most of the NBA's Western Conference playoff-position teams, as only Dallas is also sub-.500 at 14-19. 在競爭季後賽的西區球隊中爵士客場戰績15-20和低於五成的小牛14-19一樣糟 Moreover, with just six away games left including tonight's, the Jazz are one loss away from having a losing record on the road for a seventh straight season. 此外,連同今晚在內的六場客場比賽, 爵士只要再輸一場就要連續七季以來客場勝率沒達到五成了。 Even more disconcerting for the Jazz has to be the fact that their road record against the West's best ─ the Los Angeles Lakers, Houston, San Antonio, New Orleans, Phoenix, Dallas and Golden State ─ is just 3-6, as opposed to 7-6 against the conference's current lottery-bound teams. 令爵士更囧的是,與在客場時,對戰西區樂透籤範圍的球隊戰績7-6相較, 他們客場對西區列強 ─ 湖人,火箭,馬刺,黃蜂,太陽,小牛,勇士 的戰績只有3-6。 The flip side to that is how Utah has struggled against the East's least. 在東區,這個情況倒是恰恰相反,東區末段班球隊讓爵士吃盡苦頭。 The Jazz have losses this season at ─ gasp ─ Indiana, New York, Atlanta, Charlotte, Miami and, at Tuesday's start of their current four-game trip, Chicago. 爵士本季在東區輸給過 ─ 吁 ─ 溜馬,尼克,老鷹,山貓,熱火, 以及他們四場客場之旅第一場的對手,公牛。 "We had a terrific game at home (last Saturday's win over Denver), and sometimes you get to feeling good about yourself, and that's when you get smacked right between the eyes," Sloan said. "I hate to say that, but that's the lesson you learn in this business." 「我們在主場表現很棒(上禮拜六大勝金塊), 而有時當你覺得你狀況很好的時候,也往往是你會被當頭棒喝的時候,」教皇說。 「我很討厭這麼說,但這往往是你在NBA會學到的教訓。」 No wonder Sloan gets so flustered when he tries to pinpoint the cause behind his club's incredible inconsistency. 難怪當教皇試著要指出爵士大起大落的原因的時候會這麼激動了 "That's one of the questions I've always had in this business," the longtime Jazz coach said. 「這是在我執教生涯中一直懸在我心頭上的一個問題,」教皇說。 "I played with guys that some days they played better than others. And I've played with guys that just every day they're like clockwork; you know what you're gonna get out of them," he added. "That's the nature, I guess, of some people. If they don't have a good day, then they don't have a good day. So what do you do about it? If they're replaceable, you replace them. If they aren't, you go with who they are." 「我跟這些球員不斷的在往強隊進步,而他們就像是一個需要上緊發條的機械, 你知道的,你必須要讓他們放棄這種被動,」教皇接著說。 「讓進步成為自然而然的。 如果他們比賽情況不好,然後他們輸了球,你應該怎麼做? 如果他們有可以改進的地方,你就要改進它。如果他們沒有,你就要配合他們。」 It's with that in mind, and cast intact, that the Jazz face Pierce, Ray Allen, Kevin Garnett and the already playoff-qualified 51-12 Celtics tonight sensing they can ill-afford yet another road loss. 這些是要銘記在心,而且不能變動的。 爵士面對由GAP三巨頭所率領、已經取得季後賽資格51-12的超賽, 正是測試他們對客場水土不服有沒有抵抗力的時機。 "You see how tough the West is, and teams aren't losing right now," point guard Deron Williams said, "so we've got to keep on winning." 「你可以看到西區目前情勢是多麼險惡,現在每支球隊都一直贏球,」控衛蝶龍說, 「所以我們必須一直贏下去。」 "It's the Wild West," Boozer added. "For us to stay where we are, or move up, we've got to continue to win games." 「西區列強環伺,」Boo接著說。 「對我們來說,有如逆水行舟,不進則退,我們必須持續贏得比賽。」 == 在看了摸摸大神的11048(#17spW0Hf)以及11062(#17s-9Xln)篇的文章後 發現這幾天的外電剛好有一篇講到爵士目前最困擾的客場問題 所以就試著翻翻看了 不懂的地方有請Celtics版的feelike大協助 <(_ _)> 如果有錯誤的地方還請版友們不吝指正 希望不會再出現上次搞錯意思的大烏龍 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Poleaxe 來自: (03/16 02:22)

03/16 02:31, , 1F
推~! 不過我還貪心的希望有人翻一下hardaway的外電 哈
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