[外電] 型男大主廚

看板UTAH-JAZZ作者 (伊利諾農夫魂)時間16年前 (2008/05/10 16:12), 編輯推噓27(2706)
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NBA playoffs: Personal chefs keep players fueled 型男大主廚 By Lya Wodraska The Salt Lake Tribune It's game day for the Utah Jazz, but one of the busiest men in town won't don a jersey and shorts and perform in front of nearly 20,000 screaming fans. 在猶他主場有比賽的那一天, 最忙的那個人並不會穿上球衣在兩萬名瘋狂球迷前亮相。 Chef Kris Czartoryski will wake at 6:45 a.m. to be at Andrei Kirilenko's home an hour later to prepare breakfast for the Jazz star. Czartoryski (pronounced Char-tor-risky) heads to Carlos Boozer's home to prepare the power forward's game-day brunch - three pieces of french toast, eggs, bacon, sausage, half a muffin and apple juice. 大廚查多瑞斯基得在6:45起床, 一個小時後到羅剎人家裡去給他做早餐, 緊接著又得到騙人布家裡去準備早午餐, 份量是三片法國土司、蛋、培根、香腸、半個杯子蛋糕與蘋果汁。 Czartoryski is back at Kirilenko's by 1:30 p.m. to prepare his pregame lunch. He'll have a few hours to himself and watch the game before returning to Kirilenko's to make his postgame meal. 查多瑞斯基下午1:30又得趕回ΑΚ家幫他準備午餐, 然後他會有幾小時的時間可以看比賽或做自己的事, 等比賽結束他還得再幫ΑΚ準備一頓呢! "I'm busy," Czartoryski said. "But their schedules are worse. They train all day or are playing all night. They barely have time to eat. It's crazy." 「我比牛仔還忙,」查多瑞斯基說:「但球員的行程更滿耶!」 「他們要嘛整天訓練要嘛整晚比賽,根本沒時間吃,根本是肖ㄟ嘛!」 Personal chefs are becoming as popular among NBA players as fancy cars, expensive suits and lavish homes. 專屬主廚在聯盟中有越來越風行的趨勢, 球員們愛的不再只是香車、名牌服飾或豪宅而已。 Mehmet Okur and Deron Williams also have people cook for them, paying as much as $350 per day. 歐庫與蝶龍也都有專人打理他們的胃, 他們付的薪水是一天350塊美金。 "It's hard when you have long road trips or long days to make sure you eat right," Boozer said. 「當你經常得長途征戰的時候,實在很難兼顧飲食均衡。」阿布說。 Boozer met Czartoryski in Florida while looking for someone to help cook for his family after his twins were born. The two hit it off well enough that Czartoryski agreed to come to Salt Lake City for the season. 阿布與阿基師是在佛羅里達相遇的, 那時候剛喜獲雙胞胎的阿布正想找個家庭廚師, 兩人是如此一見如故,阿基師隨即答應來鹽湖城幫忙做飯。 "I made sure to see how close the ski resorts were first," Czartoryski joked. 「當然啦,我是先確定滑雪度假村很近才肯來的啦!」阿基師笑笑。 He now cooks for Boozer and Kirilenko. 現在除了阿布他也幫ΑΚ烹飪。 "I'm a big environmentalist, so I try to cook really healthy, all organic meals for them," Czartoryski said. "They don't know much about good food. A lot of people are still eating really unhealthy. I get mad at Booz when I see a McDonald's bag in his trash, but they are slowly coming around." 「我認為天然ㄟ尚好啦,所以要讓他們吃得有機、健康,」阿基師說, 「他們並不注重這些,就跟很多人都吃得很不健康一樣,」 「之前看到阿布家有吃完的麥當勞空袋偶都快氣炸了,」 「當然現在有了我的呵護,事情就完全不一樣啦,嘿嘿!」 One of the most notorious Jazz eaters is rookie Kyrylo Fesenko, who hired Williams' chef on the advice of his agent after too many trips to Denny's left Fesenko a little thicker around the middle. 飲食習慣最糟的其實是菜鳥中鋒吠三顆, 在狂吃美式餐廳導致體重直線上升的危機之後, 他接受了經紀人的建議,也聘了蝶龍的主廚來家裡。 "He has a key for my apartment and will leave food every two or three days," Fesenko said. "I liked mashed potatoes, steak. Right now I'm on a diet and I have to watch what I eat." 「廚師有我公寓的鑰匙,每兩三天他會留一些菜給我,」阿吠說, 「我喜歡馬鈴薯泥跟牛排,不過我現在在減肥,得控制飲食嗚嗚。」 Okur's chef started out as his housekeeper several years ago and now focuses on cooking the family's meals. 庫哥的主廚從幾年前就是他的管家, 只是現在改為專門幫他們家打理餐點。 "Game day I like chicken, pasta and salad, that's my routine," he said. "I love to come home from practice and see food on the table; it helps me out a lot." 「比賽當天我習慣要有雞肉、義大利麵跟沙拉,」庫哥說, 「練球完回到家看到餐桌上準備好的食物總能讓我樂開懷,ㄎㄎ。」 The players say making trips to the market or trying to dine out is hard because of their high profile in town. 球員們異口同聲說去超市採買或外面吃太麻煩啦, 畢竟他們在小城裡也算是號公眾人物。 "It saves so much trouble when you don't need to go to store," Kirilenko said. "Jazz fans are very nice, but it takes a long time to go to store and say 'hi' to everyone." 「不需要外出用餐可以省去超多麻煩哩,」ΑΚ說, 「爵士迷都很友善啦,但你知道沿路跟每個人說嗨有多花時間嗎?」 Kirilenko doesn't have any specific instructions other than no onions and a lot of soup. ΑΚ吃飯沒啥特殊喜好, 除了兩個原則:不能有洋蔥跟一定要有很多湯。 "Every Russian lunch, you have to have soup for sure," he said. "Having the food there for sure is good, that is why I lose so much weight in season before, no time to cook." 「俄羅斯沒人吃飯不喝湯的啦,」他解釋, 「現在有人幫忙煮飯真的很讚,」 「季前我就是因為沒時間開伙體重才會掉那麼多耶~」 Czartoryski is of European descent and attended culinary school in Austria before he opened a catering business in Miami, so he has no problem making dishes that satisfy Kirilenko's tastes. The challenge has been adding weight to his 6-foot-9 frame. 同樣是歐洲人,又畢業於奧地利廚藝學院的阿基師, 要滿足越來越快樂的羅剎人的胃顯然對他不是問題。 唯一的挑戰是怎麼幫這個6呎9的瘦皮猴增加體重。 "I've been hitting him hard with a lot of protein and sandwiches at night," Czartoryski said. 「我晚上會拚命餵他吃高蛋白食品(羞)跟三明治之類的。」阿基師說。 Kirilenko said he doesn't have a favorite meal but "likes surprises," while Boozer is a BBQ chicken, mac 'n' cheese kind of guy. ΑΚ說他對食物沒偏好,但喜歡菜色有變化, 騙人布則是喜歡烤雞跟簡單的家常菜。 Those who don't have chefs often find themselves foraging or bumming off teammates. Kyle Korver has been eating food prepared and frozen for him by someone in Philadelphia when he was traded. Now that it's gone, he is sticking with the basics. 至於那些沒聘廚師的隊友就只能自己覓食或厚著臉皮去人家家搭伙啦, 凱兒原本在費城有人(女粉絲?)會幫他準備吃的或先冰在冰箱裡, 但是現在沒有啦,他只好自己DIY(不是那個)。 "Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and cottage cheese," he said of his recent meals. "I don't cook." 「三明治塗花生奶油跟果醬,還有乾酪。」他說他最近都吃這些, 「我不開伙的啦~」 C.J. Miles doesn't have a chef, but has a knack for making visits to teammates' homes around meal time. 小牌如西街當然沒有聘廚師, 他求生的方法是吃飯時間一到到處去搭伙。 "I'll eat at Deron's house a lot, or Ronnie's 'cause his brothers cook or Paul's because his mom cooks, so I find my ways," he said. "There is nothing in my house right now. When you're gone like we are, there is no reason to buy stuff because it gets old. But I try to watch what I eat now. It's not like in high school when I'd go to Wendy's and eat a burger and fries before the game." 「我最常去的就是小胖家啦,或者去小酒他家他哥會煮,」 「米爺家吃米媽煮的也不賴,我都碼是這樣填飽肚子。」 西街說:「我住的地方什麼都沒放啊,」 「像我們這樣來來去去的,沒什麼理由在家囤積食物浪費吧!」 「只是我現在也開始會注重飲食內容啦,」 「畢竟我已經不是那個上溫蒂隨便嗑個漢堡薯條就去比賽的高校生啦~」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/10 16:14, , 1F
05/10 16:14, 1F

05/10 16:20, , 2F
相當精彩 XD
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KK吃好爛 CJ好心酸 XD
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05/10 16:50, , 9F
KK DIY高蛋白食品
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05/10 17:00, , 10F
附上型男主廚的圖 http://tinyurl.com/5aao3k
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05/10 17:12, , 13F
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05/10 17:19, , 14F
XD 餵他吃高蛋白(羞)
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05/10 19:15, , 19F
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05/10 19:17, , 20F
mashed potatoes?碎番茄?
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05/10 20:24, , 24F
tomato?potato? XD
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05/10 21:04, , 25F
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05/10 21:59, , 26F
350美金應該是薪水 材料費報帳.................
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05/10 23:02, , 27F
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05/10 23:04, , 28F
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05/10 23:59, , 29F
媽啦 一天一萬台幣ㄟ....
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※ 編輯: maxtail 來自: (05/11 00:15)

05/11 00:37, , 30F
下午半夢半醒翻 有翻錯的感謝大家提醒 都已經更正囉 *^^*
05/11 00:37, 30F

05/11 01:22, , 31F
05/11 01:22, 31F

05/11 22:07, , 32F
05/11 22:07, 32F

09/11 07:06, , 33F
XD 餵他吃高蛋白(羞 https://daxiv.com
09/11 07:06, 33F
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