[外電] 人帥真正好

看板UTAH-JAZZ作者 (馬克斯泰爾)時間15年前 (2009/04/29 22:29), 編輯推噓16(17110)
留言28則, 15人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Optional reading 人帥真正好 In addition to Boozer, both Mehmet Okur and Kyle Korver can opt out of their contracts and become free agents, with Okur set to make $9 million and Korver $5.2 million next season. Both indicated a desire to stay and/or sign extensions with the Jazz. 歐庫跟帥哥季後都可以動用選擇權跳脫合約, 但兩個人不約而同表達了續留猶他的意向。 Okur called Utah his "second home" while Korver was asked how he could leave a team that plastered his face on such a large billboard along 600 South to advertise playoff tickets. 歐庫說出猶他就是他『第二個家』的感人話語, 帥哥則被問道當看到公路上用他照片來當季後賽賣票大看板時的感想。 "The first time I saw it, I almost wrecked and quite possibly could have killed myself," Korver joked. "It was probably the scariest picture of me I've ever seen. 「第一次看到的時候我簡直羞愧得無地自容,」明星臉飛紅了雙頰, 「他們挑了一張大概是我有史以來最醜的照片,討厭啦~」 "I really like it here, I like the team, I love the city. It's so much more than I thought I was getting into when I got traded here." 「我非常喜歡這個城市、這支球隊,」 「這是我當初被交易來的時候無法想像的。」 Reserve role tough for Millsap 左右為難 However it affects his decisions as a restricted free agent, Paul Millsap admitted Tuesday that he struggled with having to come off the bench after Carlos Boozer 's return from knee surgery. 雖然這事對於米爺成為自由球員後的影響仍不得而知, 他首度承認阿布復出後要重新回到板凳出發是個艱難的考驗。 "I want to say it wasn't difficult," Millsap said, "but at times, never knowing what was going to happen kind of weighs on you, never knowing really how many minutes you're going to play, when you're going to go into the game, when you're going to come out." 「我很想說這一點兒也不難,」米爺說:「但有時並非如此,」 「不確定的上場時間、進場時刻還有場上角色都難免會影響表現。」 Whether he winds up as a starter or a reserve next season, Millsap said he was "going to continue to be humble and accept my role." Millsap is in line for a significant raise from the $797,581 he made this season, though the Jazz can match any offer from another team. 不管下季打先發還是替補,米爺說他都會虛心接受任何角色。 "I'll fit in anywhere, seeing how hard I work and what I bring to the table," Millsap said. "I feel like if I go wherever I go, I'm going to give it my all." 「看看我的態度跟場上績效,相信我到哪兒都能適任,」米爺說, 「不管去了哪,我都會全力打拼。」 Weighty issue 排骨精 Andrei Kirilenko said there was nothing out of the ordinary, as he typically enters a season weighing around 226 pounds and loses about 10 pounds by the end. Yet he heard concern again during Tuesday's exit meeting about his weight loss this season. 雖然嫩雞之前就表示每年開季到結束他體重會少個十磅已是常態, 但這個話題不知怎地又冒了出來。 "He's got to work a little harder off the court to make himself strong enough to be consistent night in and night out," Jazz coach Jerry Sloan said. 「他得認真多增點重量好變得更強壯、有更穩定的表現。」教皇說。 Kirilenko said: "I never concentrate on that in my life, in my career, but obviously it's been brought to my attention, so I'll try to concentrate a little bit more." 嫩雞解釋:「我這輩子從來沒關心過這件事兒,」 「不過被一提再提.....好啦接下來我自己會多注意啦!」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/29 22:47, , 1F
乾脆開場Liar Game的裁員制吧... 大家都想留......
04/29 22:47, 1F

04/29 23:21, , 2F
04/29 23:21, 2F

04/29 23:37, , 3F
04/29 23:37, 3F

04/29 23:38, , 4F
04/29 23:38, 4F

04/29 23:39, , 5F
04/29 23:39, 5F

04/30 00:04, , 6F
KK我覺得不會跳 他應該也拿不到更好的約...
04/30 00:04, 6F

04/30 03:21, , 7F
04/30 03:21, 7F

04/30 07:52, , 8F
04/30 07:52, 8F

04/30 08:44, , 9F
04/30 08:44, 9F

04/30 11:04, , 10F
打不了先發 球技有缺陷的替補射手 行情價碼好像是200-400W
04/30 11:04, 10F

04/30 11:08, , 11F
KK如果真上不了先發 他的價碼對球隊的負擔就大了~~
04/30 11:08, 11F

04/30 11:09, , 12F
04/30 11:09, 12F

04/30 11:15, , 13F
如果可以 其實我蠻想交易Nocioni的 反正他不想待國王...
04/30 11:15, 13F

04/30 11:15, , 14F
04/30 11:15, 14F

04/30 11:27, , 15F
04/30 11:27, 15F

04/30 11:30, , 16F
而且主要他1個人能做的東西 是我們家2~3個人在攤...
04/30 11:30, 16F

04/30 11:37, , 17F
04/30 11:37, 17F

04/30 11:38, , 18F
04/30 11:38, 18F

04/30 11:38, , 19F
04/30 11:38, 19F

04/30 11:39, , 20F
04/30 11:39, 20F

04/30 11:41, , 21F
他想到有競爭力球隊 國王也想清薪資 我們又有一堆外國人陪他
04/30 11:41, 21F

04/30 11:41, , 22F
04/30 11:41, 22F

04/30 11:42, , 23F
04/30 11:42, 23F

04/30 11:50, , 24F
Nocioni 不錯耶 感覺是 酷哥型的球員 教皇應該會喜歡
04/30 11:50, 24F

04/30 13:02, , 25F
04/30 13:02, 25F

04/30 13:35, , 26F
瘦才好呀 這樣才可以騙進攻犯規
04/30 13:35, 26F

04/30 21:38, , 27F
04/30 21:38, 27F

09/11 07:36, , 28F
米爺倒是真的有點被看破 https://daxiv.com
09/11 07:36, 28F
文章代碼(AID): #19-6HGNu (UTAH-JAZZ)