[外電] 天降菜兵

看板UTAH-JAZZ作者 (馬克斯泰爾)時間14年前 (2010/01/15 21:09), 編輯推噓36(39321)
留言63則, 33人參與, 最新討論串1/1
關於最後的調度: Brilliant coaching move? If you believe Jerry Sloan, the decision to have rookie Sundiata Gaines on the floor for the final seconds of Thursday night's TNT-televised win over Cleveland — a move that paid huge dividends, as Gaines hit the game-winning 3-pointer — was pure luck. 緊要關頭放全場最菜的二等兵在場上的決定, 不說很多人會覺得是教皇兵行險著的奇招, 然而真相卻是... "I didn't know exactly what I was doing," Sloan said. "I'd like to tell you I did." 「我也不知道在想什麼鬼啦,」教皇回憶:「寫我神機妙算比較快啦!」 "In those situations," the Jazz coach added, "you don't know exactly how they're going to guard us, so I put a smaller guy in there so we could foul them, and it turned out I left him (Gaines) in there." 「反正不曉得他們要怎麼守我們,想說放個小個子等下要犯規比較快啦!」 Good fortune for the Jazz, indeed. 所以啦,一切,只是因為崇禎皇帝的氣數已經到了盡頭。 命中註定我亡你 ^*^ "I had a feeling the ball was gonna come to me," said Gaines, who is playing on a 10-day contract. "The crazy thing about it is I was sitting on the bench and I just dreamed about it happening. I said I knew Ronnie (Price) was gonna have the ball and I was gonna catch it and I was gonna hit the winner. 「我早有預感會拿到球,」荊軻說:「還在板凳上的時候我就夢到了,」 「真王牌會把球傳給我,然後涮~我投進致勝球,ㄎㄎ。」 "Just for it to happen the same way I envisioned it — I mean, that's even more special for me." 「結果就跟我夢到的一模一樣啦,不濠洨~我也覺得很毛啊!!!」 老史重現 "I haven't been this excited in a long time," said Jazz coach Jerry Sloan, who had knee replacement surgery last year. "I was so excited I found myself trying to jump." 「記不清楚有多久沒這麼亢奮過了,」膝蓋才動過手術的老灰仔安捏貢, 「差一點點偶就跳起來啦!」 閒話 Sundiata Gaines 有個真實綽號叫 "Yada", 常看日本動作片的朋友應該不會太陌生... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: maxtail 來自: (01/15 21:16)

01/15 21:29, , 1F
01/15 21:29, 1F

01/15 21:29, , 2F
01/15 21:29, 2F

01/15 21:36, , 3F
01/15 21:36, 3F

01/15 21:36, , 4F
01/15 21:36, 4F

01/15 21:36, , 5F
01/15 21:36, 5F

01/15 21:37, , 6F
覺得他有些角度像卡塞爾= =
01/15 21:37, 6F

01/15 21:38, , 7F
我也正在抓耶 有在跑 只是很慢...不然就上hoopchina有得看
01/15 21:38, 7F

01/15 21:39, , 8F
01/15 21:39, 8F

01/15 21:40, , 9F
01/15 21:40, 9F

01/15 21:40, , 10F
Yada會讓我想到這個 http://tinyurl.com/b6rak2
01/15 21:40, 10F

01/15 21:40, , 11F
01/15 21:40, 11F

01/15 21:43, , 12F
01/15 21:43, 12F

01/15 22:07, , 13F
yada 討厭(扭)???
01/15 22:07, 13F

01/15 22:12, , 14F

01/15 22:13, , 15F
01/15 22:13, 15F

01/15 22:13, , 16F
01/15 22:13, 16F

01/15 22:17, , 17F

01/15 22:19, , 18F
01/15 22:19, 18F

01/15 22:21, , 19F
01/15 22:21, 19F

01/15 22:21, , 20F
01/15 22:21, 20F

01/15 22:21, , 21F
另外,金已經改名了 叫「金‧呼你死」
01/15 22:21, 21F

01/15 22:21, , 22F
推小傑跟金 應該重新連載了吧XD
01/15 22:21, 22F

01/15 22:31, , 23F
01/15 22:31, 23F

01/15 22:33, , 24F
B還在下 請稍待
01/15 22:33, 24F

01/15 22:42, , 25F
01/15 22:42, 25F

01/15 22:42, , 26F
01/15 22:42, 26F

01/15 22:43, , 27F
好了 收工
01/15 22:43, 27F

01/15 22:47, , 28F
第四節真的是經典 前三節真的是平淡 好久沒看到爵士好球了
01/15 22:47, 28F

01/15 22:47, , 29F
沒有人 要到哪裡下載
01/15 22:47, 29F

01/15 22:49, , 30F
不好意思 nobody的ftp在哪裡=_=
01/15 22:49, 30F

01/15 22:55, , 31F
nobody.... FTP 內沒看到B耶~~~~
01/15 22:55, 31F

01/15 22:55, , 32F
一支隊伍前3節拿55分 最後一節單節42分 真的不知道是怎樣...
01/15 22:55, 32F

01/15 22:57, , 33F
01/15 22:57, 33F

01/15 23:04, , 34F
沒有的請推 敝人酌情寄站內信
01/15 23:04, 34F

01/15 23:06, , 35F
好想看阿阿阿Q_Q 我推!
01/15 23:06, 35F

01/15 23:19, , 36F
01/15 23:19, 36F

01/15 23:37, , 37F
靠 居然有新的drama
01/15 23:37, 37F

01/15 23:40, , 38F
可能是Yata Sundi"ata" --> Yata 我看國外影片也都寫Yata
01/15 23:40, 38F

01/15 23:41, , 39F
01/15 23:41, 39F

01/15 23:42, , 40F
Boozer衝出來的時候還在拉褲頭 = =
01/15 23:42, 40F

01/16 00:15, , 41F
01/16 00:15, 41F

01/16 00:47, , 42F
推 不要24
01/16 00:47, 42F

01/16 00:51, , 43F
01/16 00:51, 43F

01/16 00:54, , 44F
01/16 00:54, 44F

01/16 01:04, , 45F
01/16 01:04, 45F

01/16 07:18, , 46F
01/16 07:18, 46F

01/16 07:41, , 47F
愛田由 ?! 0.0
01/16 07:41, 47F

01/16 08:22, , 48F
是Ya"d"a啦 XD
01/16 08:22, 48F

01/16 09:23, , 49F
"I liked seeing his face," Gaines said of James,
01/16 09:23, 49F

01/16 09:24, , 50F
I didn't like the face he made after he hit that three
01/16 09:24, 50F

01/16 09:25, , 51F
大膽刁民 >_<
01/16 09:25, 51F

01/16 09:35, , 53F
01/16 09:35, 53F

01/16 10:26, , 56F
荊軻....金ㄎ XD
01/16 10:26, 56F

01/16 10:56, , 57F
01/16 10:56, 57F

01/16 14:06, , 58F
#15 小哈背號繼承人
01/16 14:06, 58F

01/16 14:26, , 59F
01/16 14:26, 59F

01/16 14:29, , 60F
Gaines 甘寧_濕 甘寧他老師 (我都沒有在說髒話呦)
01/16 14:29, 60F

01/16 23:17, , 61F
01/16 23:17, 61F

01/16 23:21, , 62F
01/16 23:21, 62F

09/11 07:49, , 63F
荊軻....金ㄎ X https://daxiv.com
09/11 07:49, 63F
文章代碼(AID): #1BK6aR4O (UTAH-JAZZ)