[爆料]"No Moral W's" by Donovan Mitchell

看板UTAH-JAZZ作者 (聽你的)時間6年前 (2018/06/08 13:33), 6年前編輯推噓8(1243)
留言19則, 17人參與, 6年前最新討論串1/1
原文: https://www.theplayerstribune.com/en-us/articles/donovan-mitchell-utah-jazz 參考:虎撲翻譯 https://bbs.hupu.com/22431829.html I didn’t want to get off the plane. 我不想走下飛機。 That’s a feeling I’ll never forget — not wanting to get off the plane. It was tough, man. The game was over. The series was over. The season was over. There was so much good that had happened this season. So much good. But then in those games against Houston, all of a sudden it was like, well, O.K. … there it goes. Whole thing gone to waste. 我永遠不會忘記這感覺。 比賽結束了,系列賽結束了,賽季也結束了。這實在很令人難受。 這賽季有那麼多、那麼多的美好。 但是在面對火箭的系列賽後,突然間事情就像是"好吧,也就這樣了"。 一切的美好也只能徒留遺憾。 And now it was late, and we lost, and we had to fly back home. 夜色已深,而我們正在輸球後的歸途。 I think a lot of people, just looking at our team from the outside … they might have said, “Oh, this Jazz season? This Jazz season was a win.” Like, just because we had beaten our expectations and everything, somehow that was a W. 我想,很多外界的人也許會說:“對爵士而言,這個賽季算是成功了。” 就因為我們表現的超乎預期。某種程度上,這也算是一種成功。 A moral W. 一種阿Q式的成功。 But what you have to understand is — we didn’t beat our expectations by being the type of team satisfied with moral W’s. We beat our expectations by being satisfied with W’s. 但你要知道,我們之所以能超出預期並非因為我們滿足於精神勝利,而是實在的贏球。 We beat our expectations by being killers. 我們超出預期靠的是殺手本性。 If we had been a satisfied type of team, we’d have probably gone nowhere. It ’s crazy how many excuses this team had to fall back on. Lost a big star in free agency. Had these injuries. Had this backcourt of a new guy and a rookie. But man … at no time did anyone on our team even think about excuses. Didn’t think about excuses, or expectations, or any of that. We didn ’t even have chips on our shoulders! You know how you hear that all the time — about how guys get snubbed, and so they have chips on their shoulders? It’ s like, with this team, we didn’t even have the time to bother with that. Didn’t even have the ego to bother with that. Weren’t sitting around worried about snubs, or where people expected or predicted or wanted us to be. 如果我們是容易滿足的球隊,我們啥也成就不了。 瘋狂的是,我們有無數的藉口可以推托。 在自由市場失去了我們的明星球員。接連不斷的傷病潮。 後場搭擋是個新來的屁股跟一個新秀。 但没有任何一刻,有任何人想找藉口。藉口或期待之類的都無關緊要。 甚至也沒有人覺得委屈。 總有這樣的事情:有人不被重視,便覺得自己受了天大的委屈。 但這支球隊不會這樣,我們沒空,也沒那種自私心態去搞這種小劇場。 我們不會花心思擔心是否被重視或是有沒有變成外界期望的樣子。 All we cared about was being the best. 我們在乎的,只有成為頂尖。 And all we ever had in our minds as a goal was a championship. 自始至終,我們的目標就只有總冠軍。 And that’s why it was so tough getting off of that plane in Salt Lake. It’s like, we had a goal … and we fell short of that. So as far as we were concerned, we had let this city down. 這也就是為何走下飛機回到鹽湖城是這麼令人難過的事。 我們踏上征途,却半途折戟,因此我們覺得讓這座城市失望了。 But then something crazy happened. 但說來瘋狂, We got off the plane…. 一下飛機…… And y’all were there cheering for us. 所有人都在為我們喝彩。 And it wasn’t even just that y’all were cheering. Because it’s like I said: This wasn’t a situation where we were looking for any moral victories. No one on this team wanted to get off that plane, and be cheered in that moral-victory kind of way, that participation-trophy “you did the best you could” kind of way. What’s crazy though is that the fans here … y’all knew that. Y’all somehow just knew. It’s hard to describe — how you can tell what a group of people means simply by how they’re cheering. You can’t really put your finger on it until you hear it. But it’s like we got off that plane … and we heard those cheers … and we were just in sync, man. 這意義不僅僅是喝彩。因為就像我之前說的:我們不要精神勝利。 沒人想要下飛機接受喝采只為了這種精神勝利, 只為了一句"你們盡力了"這種跟參加獎無異的東西。 最瘋狂的是,雖然難以形容,但是,看到你們慶祝的方式我就知道你們都了解。 我們走下飛機,聽到了那些歡呼聲,那一瞬間彷彿我們的思想就同步了。 It was like, Oh, they get it. This isn’t a moral W. This is an L. 啊!他們都懂。這不是精神勝利。這是個失敗。 But it’s only a temporary L — because we’re going to be back next year, and the year after that, and the year after that. It’s temporary, because this isn’t the end. 但失敗只是暫時的,因為我們還會回來。下個賽季,下下個賽季,之後每個賽季。 This is the start of something special. 不凡的事情才正要開始。 Y’all fans showing up like you did — it’s hard to put into words how much it meant to me, in that moment. How much I needed that. And how much I’m going to take that into this off-season, and use it as fuel to get better. 你們球迷這樣的到場支持,對我而言是難以形容的意義重大。 我會帶著這些進入休賽期,作為進步的燃料,變得更加出色。 To get Win the West better. 出色到足以衝出西區。 To get Bring a Championship to Utah better. 出色到可以為猶他贏得總冠軍。 And that’s just real. The sky’s the limit here. We’ve got the Mayor of Swat Lake City in Rudy. We’ve got one of the most dangerous trios of young guards in the league in myself, Ricky and Dante. We’ve got this group who is going to do it all, both on the floor and in the locker room, in guys like Jae and Joe. We’ve got one of the best — and most underrated, if you ask me — coaches in the league, in Coach Snyder. And man, you already know: 這一切都會成真的,我們的未來無可限量。由“搧湖城主”Gobert領銜。 加上我、Rubio跟Exum組成的,聯盟中最危險的年輕後場三重奏。 我們還有不管場上還場下啥都能幹的人物,像是Crowder跟Ingles。 還有聯盟最好,也許也是最被低估的教練之一,史總 而且你已經知道了: We’ve got the best fans in the world. 我們有全世界最好的球迷。 It’s crazy to me that only a year ago, I was still deciding whether to even be in the NBA at all — whether to stay in school or to enter the draft. And I made the best decision of my life, no doubt. One, because I had a rookie year I can be proud of. Two, because, man … I just love this league. But maybe most of all, I know I made the right decision because I ended up where I belong. 一年前,我還在考慮是否要返校還是参加選秀,想來真是瘋狂。 但我無疑做出了人生中最正確的決定。 第一,我有一個讓我自豪的新秀賽季。 第二,因為我就是喜歡這個聯盟。 但最重要的是,我知道我做出了正確的決定,因為我找到了我的歸屬 Playing for this team, for this city. 為這個球隊打球,為這座城市打球。 Jazz fans: I’ll see you around this summer — and I’ll see y’all in October for sure. 爵士球迷們:夏天見。當然還有,十月見。 Hopefully the next time we hang out at the airport, we’ll bring a trophy. 希望下一次在機場相會的時候,會帶著一座獎杯。 -- 5/29的文章,好像都沒人發我就越俎代庖一下 美中不足的是,標題不是取成 "Thank You, Utah" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/UTAH-JAZZ/M.1528436023.A.EF2.html

06/08 13:40, 6年前 , 1F
標題取成 "Thank You, Utah" 才不好 看看那頭蛇.....
06/08 13:40, 1F

06/08 14:04, 6年前 , 2F
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06/08 14:13, 6年前 , 4F
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06/08 14:17, 6年前 , 5F
這文章真的很狂 新秀嗆聲帶隊獲得總冠軍 太爽啦!
06/08 14:17, 5F

06/08 15:07, 6年前 , 6F
看好他 切入後的放球的手感是與生俱來的
06/08 15:07, 6F

06/08 15:08, 6年前 , 7F
新秀到處串門子上節目還招募大咖這都很少見啊 XDD
06/08 15:08, 7F

06/08 15:17, 6年前 , 8F
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06/08 15:29, 6年前 , 9F
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06/08 16:12, 6年前 , 10F
the players tribune一定有編輯幫忙改文章啦
06/08 16:12, 10F

06/08 16:15, 6年前 , 11F
06/08 16:15, 11F
※ 編輯: Leech (, 06/08/2018 16:45:10

06/08 16:49, 6年前 , 12F
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06/08 22:18, 6年前 , 16F
哈哈,new guy翻譯新的屁股
06/08 22:18, 16F

06/09 06:13, 6年前 , 17F
06/09 06:13, 17F

06/09 08:42, 6年前 , 18F
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06/10 11:12, 6年前 , 19F
06/10 11:12, 19F
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