[投稿] Here to win - Why I'm staying in Utah

看板UTAH-JAZZ作者 (JazzSpirit)時間6年前 (2018/07/07 15:00), 編輯推噓10(201011)
留言41則, 29人參與, 6年前最新討論串1/1
原文:nba.com https://tinyurl.com/yabof5tl -- I was raised on Cleveland Avenue on the south side of Atlanta. 我在亞特蘭大南邊的 Cleveland Avenue 長大的。 You’d probably get a good laugh if you saw where I learned to play. My best friend would be on the street shooting into a recycling bin. Then he got a new hoop and a trampoline for Christmas. After that we learned how to play on the bent goal we broke while we were dunking. 你如果看過我怎麼學習打球的,大概會會心一笑。我最好的朋友以前會在街上朝回收桶 射籃,然後當他在聖誕節拿到新籃球和彈簧床後,我們不斷在我們自己搞壞的籃框上灌籃 ,學到了怎麼打球。 I love Atlanta. It’s my home. Atlanta—my mother, my family, my friends, the city—shaped me in so many ways. 我愛亞特蘭大,這是我的家。那裏有我的母親、家庭、朋友、城市─他們用各種方式塑造 了我。 But Utah is my home, too. 但猶他也是我的家。 This is where I grew up. 這是我長大的地方。 Man, I still remember all the trade rumors my rookie season in New Jersey. I came into the practice facility one day after the All-Star break and the assistant GM told me to go home, that I was being traded. I asked where but he couldn’t tell me. By the time I got to the apartment, I sat down on the couch and flipped on the TV. That’s when I saw it. Breaking news. I was going to Utah. 我仍然記得我在紐澤西的新秀賽季時有許多交易留言。當我在明星周後一天來到體育館時 助理 GM 叫我回家,因為我被交易了。我問他自己被交易到哪裡但他沒辦法告訴我。而當 我回到自己的住所時,才看到電視上的頭條是──我要去猶他了。 I didn’t say too much on the flight out of New Jersey. It was a relief but at the same time I didn’t know what to expect. I didn’t know anything about Utah, to tell you the truth. When I got out here, I looked around and researched Utah, went out and saw the scenery, started meeting people and I just grew to love it. 我在飛離紐澤西的飛機上沒說甚麼,對我來說這是個解脫,但同時我並不知道接下來該期 待些甚麼。老實告訴你們,我當時對猶他一無所知。當我到那裏時,我在猶他走走看看研 究了一番,出門看了那些景色,與當地人打打招呼後我才開始愛上這個地方。 I guess I got comfortable. 我想我那時開始感到舒適了。 The Jazz always believed in me. Kevin O’Connor was my guy. He traded for me. Dennis Lindsey is always straight with me. My strength coach, Mark McKown, has been there for me since day one. 爵士球團總是相信著我。 KOC 是那個不斷支持我的人,把我交易了過來。 Lindsey 也是 對我非常老實直接。我的重訓教練 Mark McKown 在我到猶他時就不斷陪著我。 The fans always believed in me, too. They welcomed me with open arms when I got here. They stuck with me through the good and the bad. How many games did we win that one year? Twenty-five? Man, that was tough to deal with. But we were just getting started. And that’s what makes last year and the year before more special. To finally reap the rewards from being patient with that, man, that was a good feeling. 球迷也總是相信著我。他們在我初來乍到時熱情的歡迎著我,也在高潮低潮之中不斷支持 著我,那年我們贏了幾場? 25 場?天啊,那是個艱困的時期。但我們只是剛開始而已, 那成就了我們的去年以及過往各種特別的賽季。那種經歷了耐心而收穫成果的感覺,實在 是爽啊。 Last year was a little different for me personally. I had to sacrifice a lot. I had to sacrifice touches. I had to sacrifice shots, minutes, everything really. But I knew it was best for the team. I had to find a way to just make an impact. It was worth the sacrifice. 去年對我個人來說有些不一樣,我必須做出很多犧牲。我必須犧牲我的手感,我必須犧牲 出手數,幾乎所有事情。但我知道這一切都是為了球隊,我必須找到影響這支球隊的方法 ,這一切犧牲都會是值得的。 We won a lot of games, made it to the second round of the playoffs. 我們贏下很多比賽,也打進了季後賽第二輪。 But now I want more. 但我現在想要更多。 I want to win a championship. 我想要贏下總冠軍。 We’ve got a good team. You’ve gotta give credit to Dennis. He brought in a group of guys with great attitudes. No one’s selfish, no egos or anything like that. 我們有一隻好隊伍,你必須感謝 Dennis [Lindsey] 。他找來一群有態度的傢伙,沒有人 是自私的,沒有任何自我中心的成分存在。 We’ve got a good core. Donovan surprised a lot of people. I don’t think anybody expected him to have the type of year he had. He’s a hard worker. He ’s a hooper. You just get him the ball and tell him to go. Rudy … I was here when he couldn’t catch the ball two feet away from him. He’s improved a lot. He’s the Defensive Player of the Year. I’m proud of him. And I want to show people that we can play together, so you can just throw that question away. Joe is my guy. I love Joe. I don’t know what my life would be like without Joe Ingles. Everybody respects what he has to say, which is good because he’s always going to talk whether you like it or not. When you see him, you don’t think he’s going to be that good at basketball until he steps on the court. I’m glad I’m one of his teammates. 我們也有好的核心。 Donovan [Mitchell] 讓很多人驚呆了。我不認為有人期待他打出這 樣的賽季。他是個努力的人,他是個籃球好手,你只要把球給他叫他上就行了。 Rudy [Gobert] 呢... 我剛來的時候他甚至沒辦法在他周圍兩呎的範圍內接好球。他進步了很 多,他成為了年度最佳防守球員,我為他感到驕傲。我也想向人們證明我們能一起打球, 所以你們就不會再對此感到質疑了。 Joe [Ingles] 是我的兄弟,我愛他。我不知道如 果沒有他,我的生活將會變得怎麼樣。大夥都尊重他需要說的話,反正不管你喜不喜歡聽 ,他就是會一直講,這是件好事。你看到他時,直到他上場前你大概都不會認為他很會打 球,我很開心我是他的隊友。 We’ve got a great coaching staff. Quin Snyder means a lot to me. He’s one of the best coaches in the NBA. I don’t think he gets enough credit. He does a wonderful job. Sometimes we do have three-hour practices, but I don’t complain about that. He’s a great coach to play for. He’s a player’s coach. He’s always thinking of ways to get each guy involved. 我們有著很棒的教練團, Quin Snyder 對我意義重大,他是 NBA 的最佳教練之一,我認 為他沒有得到足夠的認可,他做得很棒。有時候我們會有三小時的訓練,但我不會抱怨, 他是個能讓人為他打球的偉大教練,他是球員的教練,他總是想盡辦法讓大家融入。 We’ve got great owners. The Millers, they’ll do whatever they’ve got to do to make sure we’re comfortable and we’ll win. 我們有很棒的老闆, Miller 家族會傾盡一切讓我們感到舒適,幫助我們取得勝利。 That’s why I’m staying in Utah. 這就是我留在猶他的原因。 -- 簡潔直白! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/UTAH-JAZZ/M.1530946847.A.2BA.html

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07/07 15:35, 6年前 , 10F
推啊 感動
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07/07 15:49, 6年前 , 13F
你還說你不是M QQ
07/07 15:49, 13F

07/07 16:15, 6年前 , 14F
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07/07 16:32, 6年前 , 15F
Fav推特還回了Thank you Utah, 美國鄉民覺得是偷酸
07/07 16:32, 15F

07/07 16:33, 6年前 , 16F
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07/07 17:03, 6年前 , 17F
原來狒狒才是安納金 墮入魔皇的黑暗原力
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07/07 17:45, 6年前 , 20F
小比剛來而已啊哈哈 米丘是因為新秀大爆發才稍微提到的
07/07 17:45, 20F

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07/07 17:52, 6年前 , 23F
反觀上一個Thank you, Utah
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07/07 18:37, 6年前 , 27F
他很高興鷹勾是他的隊友。 果然是怕變成敵人xd
07/07 18:37, 27F

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07/07 21:19, 6年前 , 30F
「有時候我們會有三小時的訓練,但我不會抱怨」 XD
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07/07 22:21, 6年前 , 35F
我記得鷹勾之前的訪問也特別提過3小時練球 XD
07/07 22:21, 35F

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07/08 01:50, 6年前 , 38F
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07/08 02:01, 6年前 , 39F
推 山男Fav 暑假去找馬龍前輩山訓唄
07/08 02:01, 39F

07/08 08:25, 6年前 , 40F
沒寫名字 我還以為是LBJ寫要來爵士呢
07/08 08:25, 40F

07/08 09:53, 6年前 , 41F
馬龍應徵教練失敗 會不會回來狂操嫩爵
07/08 09:53, 41F
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