[情報] ATI Catalyst 10.8

看板VideoCard作者 (Hsien)時間14年前 (2010/08/26 02:37), 編輯推噓16(16016)
留言32則, 20人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://game.amd.com/us-en/drivers_catalyst.aspx New Features This section provides information on new features found in this release of the ATI Radeon Display Driver. These include the following: * OpenGL ES 2.0 support * Video Quality default options * Performance enhancement for Eyefinity Quad ATI CrossFireX configurations * Anti-Aliasing support for StarCraft II Performance Improvements The following performance gains are noticed with this release of Catalyst 10.8: Far Cry 2 * Performance increases 2-6% on ATI Radeon HD5800 Series single and CrossFire configurations * Performance increases 2-4% on ATI Radeon HD5700 Series single and CrossFire configurations * Performance increases 3-8% on ATI Radeon HD4800 Series single and CrossFire configurations Left 4 Dead 2 * Performance increases 3-5% on CrossFire ATI Radeon HD5800 series and CrossFire ATI Radeon HD5700 series onfigurations Stormrise * Performance increases 5-10% on ATI Radeon HD5600 series and ATI Radeon HD5500 series configurations -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

08/26 02:47, , 1F
嗚~英文白癡求翻譯 那個常翻wow的會來這嗎XD
08/26 02:47, 1F

08/26 02:49, , 2F
Anti-Aliasing support for StarCraft II
08/26 02:49, 2F
※ 編輯: jackblack 來自: (08/26 03:03)

08/26 03:12, , 3F
就效能提升 跟SC2可以開AA
08/26 03:12, 3F

08/26 03:30, , 4F
希望全螢幕sc2切畫面可以不要等很久 = =
08/26 03:30, 4F

08/26 03:37, , 5F
你調成視窗模式全螢幕 就切很快了
08/26 03:37, 5F

08/26 04:29, , 6F
視窗模式比較吃效能吧 個人覺得全螢幕的時候好像會跑比
08/26 04:29, 6F

08/26 04:29, , 7F
較順,剛剛實驗結果,一樣切很慢 = =
08/26 04:29, 7F

08/26 06:52, , 8F
08/26 06:52, 8F

08/26 08:56, , 9F
視窗模式(全螢幕) 你調錯了
08/26 08:56, 9F

08/26 13:06, , 10F
08/26 13:06, 10F

08/26 13:07, , 11F
阿 好像是Display Driver Only這個
08/26 13:07, 11F

08/26 14:22, , 12F
08/26 14:22, 12F

08/26 14:52, , 13F
那請問可以舊的ccc配新的driver嗎?? 會怎麼樣??
08/26 14:52, 13F

08/26 20:12, , 14F
剛剛試了一下快打旋風4測試~ 原本8倍AA 53張變成59張....
08/26 20:12, 14F

08/26 20:12, , 15F
08/26 20:12, 15F

08/26 22:00, , 16F
08/26 22:00, 16F

08/26 22:01, , 17F
08/26 22:01, 17F

08/26 22:08, , 18F
切換是全螢幕...速度就是瞬間切換啊 應該調錯了吧
08/26 22:08, 18F

08/27 00:23, , 19F
08/27 00:23, 19F

08/27 02:08, , 20F
請問這版有修正oc之後 待機時脈將布下去的bug嗎??
08/27 02:08, 20F

08/27 02:27, , 21F
我知道視窗模式(全螢幕)切換是瞬間 我只是想要全螢幕可
08/27 02:27, 21F

08/27 02:28, , 22F
08/27 02:28, 22F

08/27 12:24, , 23F

08/27 15:05, , 24F
08/27 15:05, 24F

08/27 21:48, , 25F
08/27 21:48, 25F

09/01 01:59, , 26F
我換這個 在切換視窗的時候會破圖 我只有灌驅動
09/01 01:59, 26F

09/01 01:59, , 27F
電腦剛重灌完 顯卡是MSI 5770 HAWK
09/01 01:59, 27F

09/01 12:06, , 28F
我看rmvb檔(用wmp看 k-lite解碼) 久了會一頓一頓的
09/01 12:06, 28F

09/01 12:06, , 29F
不知是不是更新這個的原因 不過我最近才有這情況
09/01 12:06, 29F

09/20 02:06, , 30F
我覺得式編碼器耶 我是4770也有這問題 後來灌Gom的播放器
09/20 02:06, 30F

09/20 02:06, , 31F
09/20 02:06, 31F

09/20 02:07, , 32F
09/20 02:07, 32F
文章代碼(AID): #1CTMBcvJ (VideoCard)