[情報] AMD官網釋出13.4 & 13.5Beta 驅動

看板VideoCard作者 (Challenge)時間11年前 (2013/04/26 20:53), 編輯推噓3(302)
留言5則, 4人參與, 最新討論串1/1
=================================== 24日AMD官網放出了13.4 WHQL的驅動 http://goo.gl/65xXI =================================== 以及 13.4 CAP1 : http://goo.gl/uqX2T 行屍走肉:修復在CCC啟用抗鋸齒出現的圖形質量問題 Crysis 3:提高3、4路交火性能 殺出重圍:提高交火性能 Unigine Heaven:提高3、4路交火性能 殺手赦免:解決HD7790在1680x1050 8AA運行出現的問題 配置文件添加 - AMD Enduro Technology profile updates: - Alien Colonial Marines – acm.exe - BioShock Infinite – BioShockInfinite.exe - Crysis 3 – Crysis3.exe - GodMode – GodMode.exe - Grid 2 – grid2.exe - Hawken – HawkenLauncher.exe - Neverwinter – gameclient.exe - SimCity – SimCity.exe - Sniper Elite Nazi Zombie Army – NZA.exe - The Walking Dead Survival Instinct – WalkingDead.exe - Tomb Raider – TombRaider.exe - Kapersky Anti-virus - avt.exe ========================================================= 另外也跟著放出了 13.5 Beta2 版驅動 : http://goo.gl/EukCH Performance gains seen on the entire AMD Radeon™ HD 7000 Series for the following: Far Cry 3: Improves performance up to 4% with Anti-Aliasing enabled Shogun II: Improves performance up to 20% with 8x Anti-Aliasing enabled Tomb Raider: Improves performance up to 6% Bioshock: Improves performance up to 6% Borderlands 2: Improves performance up to 17% Corruption is no longer seen on the AMD Radeon HD 7790 when TressFX is enabled in Tomb Raider 對HD7000全系列提升 Crysis 3開啟AA時提高4% 全面戰爭將軍2開啟8AA時最多20%提高 古墓奇兵9提高6% 生化奇兵:無限提高6% 邊緣境地2最多提高17% HD7790在古墓奇兵9啟用TreesFX不再出現問題 ================================================ http://blogs.amd.com/play/2013/04/24/new-134-135-catalyst-drivers/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/26 21:50, , 1F
04/26 21:50, 1F

04/27 03:01, , 2F
04/27 03:01, 2F

04/27 03:02, , 3F
04/27 03:02, 3F

04/30 17:29, , 4F
ati驅動跟以前一樣爛 03只能手動裝
04/30 17:29, 4F

05/26 01:07, , 5F
7990不知道以後能不能越級挑戰GTX790 XD
05/26 01:07, 5F
文章代碼(AID): #1HUdZXpX (VideoCard)