[討論] 9/13 14 The daily horoscope

看板Virgo作者 (獨角獸貓貓)時間10年前 (2014/09/13 23:22), 編輯推噓7(701)
留言8則, 7人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Saturday Sep 13 You could be making a rather silly fear more realistic and legitimate and believable simply because you are taking it seriously. When you feel frightened or worse - desperate or panicked - and you go in search of things to worry about, you will find them. That's why it is very important to chase silly fears the moment they come to you, because harboring them and protecting them and feeding them will only make them stronger and give them power over you. Dismiss a fear that is tapping at the back of your mind, Virgo. Let it go. -- Copyright (c) The DailyHoroscope by FortunesFoundry http://bit.ly/DHmobile -- 你可以輕易的使一個相當愚蠢的恐懼變得更加真實、合理且可信,只要你認真的看 待它。當你感到有些受驚或著更糟,感到絕望或著驚恐時,你開始尋找你所擔心的事, 而你便會因此感到恐懼。 這就是為什麼當愚蠢的恐懼來臨時追逐它們是很重要的,因為窩藏、保護並餵食它 們只會使他們更加強而有力。處處,駁斥你腦海裡的恐懼吧。讓它離開遠離你。 Sunday Sep 14 A topic may come up today that you don't really want to talk about or even think about. You may choose to leave the room when this happens, or you may choose to simply ignore the conversation. If you got involved, though, and you allowed yourself to hang in until it played itself out, you might learn something that could really help you. Don't be afraid to confront a matter that has held you hostage for some time, Virgo. You will likely find that it isn't as big a deal as you feared. -- Copyright (c) The DailyHoroscope by FortunesFoundry http://bit.ly/DHmobile -- 今天可能會出現一個你一點也不想去談論或想到的話題。當這個話題出現時,你也 許會選擇離開房間或著選擇無視對話。然而,如果你參與進去了,並讓自己堅持到話題 結束,也許你會學到一些真的對你有幫助的事情。 處處,不要害怕那糾纏你一段時間了的話題。你將會發現那其實一點也不像你所害 怕的那麼嚴重。 ............................................................................. 昨天在忙著當貓(?),所以抱歉今天才一次po出 -- 試著把心中的美好 用文字傳遞出去 http://sujaya.pixnet.net/blog -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Virgo/M.1410621726.A.AE3.html

09/13 23:42, , 1F
09/13 23:42, 1F

09/13 23:44, , 2F
09/13 23:44, 2F

09/13 23:54, , 3F
09/13 23:54, 3F

09/14 00:20, , 4F
09/14 00:20, 4F

09/14 00:30, , 5F
09/14 00:30, 5F

09/14 00:32, , 6F
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09/14 00:32, 6F

09/14 12:08, , 7F
09/14 12:08, 7F

09/14 23:35, , 8F
09/14 23:35, 8F
文章代碼(AID): #1K564UhZ (Virgo)