[討論] Virgo horoscope 1 Jun 2015

看板Virgo作者 (天氣變冷了)時間9年前 (2015/05/31 23:06), 編輯推噓6(604)
留言10則, 6人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Virgo horoscope for Jun, 01, 2015 (The DailyHoroscope) Virgo horoscope for Jun, 01, 2015 You aren't quite as sedate and composed as some people believe you to be. You do have a wild side, Virgo, though you don't let it out very often. Now, thou gh, you may be craving some sort of an adventure. You may be hoping for an exc iting invitation or the opportunity to release some of the staid, stoic aspect s of your personality that you are best known for. You may soon get your wish, and it could be wonderful. Make sure to make a promise to yourself to actuall y enjoy it when the chance comes your way. 你並不像其他人想的那麼穩重與沉著 處女座們 雖然你並不常表現出來 但你是有瘋狂 野性的一面的 但是 現在 你可能渴望有一些冒險 你可能正希望有個讓人激動的邀請 或 有個機會可以釋放一些你為人所知人格的穩重面 或堅忍面 你很可能很快地會實踐你的願望 而且它會是很精彩的 記得要對自己承諾 當機會來臨時 要好好地去享受它 -- Copyright (c) The DailyHoroscope by Comitic http://comitic.com/horoscope -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Virgo/M.1433084776.A.000.html

05/31 23:24, , 1F
終於有點正向的感覺了 轉換心情正積極樂觀 面對它的到來
05/31 23:24, 1F

05/31 23:42, , 2F
05/31 23:42, 2F

05/31 23:43, , 3F
的 跟他說要休息他也只是嗯嗯兩聲然後又繼續讀書...看他
05/31 23:43, 3F

05/31 23:43, , 4F
05/31 23:43, 4F

05/31 23:45, , 5F
05/31 23:45, 5F

05/31 23:50, , 6F
05/31 23:50, 6F

06/01 00:26, , 7F
樓上上 我覺得我這樣做他會先跟我絕交啦哈哈哈
06/01 00:26, 7F

06/01 07:04, , 8F
06/01 07:04, 8F

06/01 16:30, , 9F
06/01 16:30, 9F

06/01 16:38, , 10F
累死了冒什麼險 但是有想出氣的衝動是沒錯
06/01 16:38, 10F
文章代碼(AID): #1LQoDe00 (Virgo)