[討論] Virgo horoscope 4 June 2015

看板Virgo作者 (天氣變冷了)時間9年前 (2015/06/03 22:11), 9年前編輯推噓8(804)
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才剛剛發文說app沒辦法顯示明天運勢 回頭打開 app就好了 以下為明天的運勢 Virgo horoscope for Jun, 04, 2015 (The DailyHoroscope) Virgo horoscope for Jun, 04, 2015 If you believe in something or someone, and you have come to this belief thro ugh exploration, objective thinking, and with an open mind and heart, then you owe it to yourself to keep your belief pure. It could easily be sullied, you know. If you were to turn your attention to gossip or to negative comments fro m other people, then you might start to question your belief. And since you sp ent a good, long time formulating your own ideas, then why would you want to s tart doubting now? 如果你相信某件事或某人 而且你是經過勘探 客觀的思考 與 開放的心與想法來得到這個信念的話 那你應該為了你自己去保持這個信念 你知道的 它是可以很容易被玷污的 如果 你將你的注意力轉向八卦或其他人的負面意見 那你可能會開始懷疑你自己的信念 既然 你都花了那麼多的時間來獲得你自己的想法 那為什麼你還要現在開始質疑它呢? -- Copyright (c) The DailyHoroscope by Comitic http://comitic.com/horoscope -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Virgo/M.1433340687.A.AF2.html ※ 編輯: fuer8 (, 06/03/2015 22:20:34

06/03 22:20, , 1F
可以了唷 可能app占星師才剛寫出來吧
06/03 22:20, 1F

06/03 22:22, , 2F
06/03 22:22, 2F

06/03 22:22, , 3F
我還以為是我的手機跟iPad的app同時壞掉 XD 不管也是這樣
06/03 22:22, 3F

06/03 22:22, , 4F
我才發現 這個運勢好像是Susan Miller寫的耶
06/03 22:22, 4F

06/03 22:33, , 5F
真的嗎? 這家好勵志
06/03 22:33, 5F

06/03 22:33, , 6F
06/03 22:33, 6F

06/03 23:42, , 7F
06/03 23:42, 7F

06/03 23:43, , 8F
持之以恆 :)
06/03 23:43, 8F

06/04 00:47, , 9F
06/04 00:47, 9F

06/04 07:15, , 10F
06/04 07:15, 10F

06/04 07:32, , 11F
06/04 07:32, 11F

06/04 14:59, , 12F
06/04 14:59, 12F
文章代碼(AID): #1LRmiFho (Virgo)