[討論]Virgo horoscope for Feb 23 2017

看板Virgo作者 (20 seconds insane)時間7年前 (2017/02/22 18:32), 編輯推噓8(801)
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今天早點貼,因為我怕自己忘記。 Virgo horoscope for Feb 23 2017 A young person's first experience with "puppy love" might never evolve into the true, complete, forever kind of love they think it is at first. But it does provide the experience to eventually enjoy that kind of relationship. Similarly, you may have recently learned something through an innocent experience, only to discover that it wasn't the real thing. This wasn't necessarily about love, but it was about something you wanted very much. Don't feel foolish, Virgo. Allow yourself to feel enlightened and wiser. This will serve you well in the future. -- Copyright Daily Horoscope. Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh 年輕人的「初戀」體驗可能不會發展成他們一開始想像中那種真實、完整、永久的愛情, 但這(初戀的經歷)可以為他們在最終走向擁有與享受如是(成熟,真實,完整而永久的) 關係時提供經驗(和參考)。 類似如此,你最近可能從某個新的(初次、天真的)經驗當中學習到某些東西, 卻僅僅發現一切並真的代表一切真實情況。 這未必一定關於愛情(方面),但它必然是你相當渴求的東西。 別覺得自己笨。 讓自己能感到(因為此事)獲得啟發及智慧增長,這(經驗)在未來派得上用處。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Virgo/M.1487759550.A.A23.html

02/22 20:19, , 1F
謝謝。 真的學到教訓
02/22 20:19, 1F

02/22 20:34, , 2F
02/22 20:34, 2F

02/22 21:13, , 3F
02/22 21:13, 3F

02/22 22:33, , 4F
02/22 22:33, 4F

02/23 08:08, , 5F
02/23 08:08, 5F

02/23 08:22, , 6F
嗚 怎麼這樣準
02/23 08:22, 6F

02/23 16:43, , 7F
02/23 16:43, 7F

02/23 19:26, , 8F
02/23 19:26, 8F

02/23 22:28, , 9F
準 學到教訓!
02/23 22:28, 9F
文章代碼(AID): #1OhMY-eZ (Virgo)