[討論] Virgo horoscope for Apr 21 2017

看板Virgo作者 (20 seconds insane)時間7年前 (2017/04/21 00:10), 編輯推噓17(1702)
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Virgo horoscope for Apr 21 2017 Is there a chasm between you and someone you want to be close to, Virgo? Can you see across the gap, but you don't know how to bridge it? Thoughts of estrangement from someone who is important to you may be on your mind now. The gap between you may seem huge, and there may appear to be no way to make a connection. But that is an illusion that's based on fear and longing. You can certainly build a bridge. Just reach out with hopeful thoughts in mind, and you may find that person will meet you halfway. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope. Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh 你是否想接近某個人,但你們之間卻存在著鴻溝? 你夠看見你們之間的間隙,但卻不知道怎麼搭起一座橋樑接近對方? 現在的你很重視「與對方疏遠(或者說跟對方有不同意見)」這個想法。 你們兩人之間的距離看起來很大,而且感覺上沒有辦法建立起連結。 但這一切都只是從恐懼和渴望當中產生的幻覺 (因為太害怕,卻又很想要跟對方更加接近,因此放大了錯覺)。 你當然可以建立起一座溝通的橋樑。 只要心中懷抱著希望,你就能順利在半途當中遇見那個人。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Virgo/M.1492704629.A.17F.html

04/21 00:18, , 1F
04/21 00:18, 1F

04/21 00:20, , 2F
04/21 00:20, 2F

04/21 00:21, , 3F
04/21 00:21, 3F

04/21 00:45, , 4F
04/21 00:45, 4F

04/21 01:24, , 5F
04/21 01:24, 5F

04/21 02:10, , 6F
我也希望能夠這樣 拜託 好想妳
04/21 02:10, 6F

04/21 02:25, , 7F
04/21 02:25, 7F

04/21 03:06, , 8F
有點不知道該怎麼辦 還是先放著
04/21 03:06, 8F

04/21 06:32, , 9F
04/21 06:32, 9F

04/21 07:25, , 10F
04/21 07:25, 10F

04/21 08:08, , 11F
唉 過盡千帆皆不是
04/21 08:08, 11F

04/21 08:11, , 12F
04/21 08:11, 12F

04/21 08:36, , 13F
04/21 08:36, 13F

04/21 08:41, , 14F
04/21 08:41, 14F

04/21 09:49, , 15F
04/21 09:49, 15F

04/21 11:43, , 16F
這都是幻覺 嚇不倒我的
04/21 11:43, 16F

04/21 12:07, , 17F
04/21 12:07, 17F

04/21 13:32, , 18F
04/21 13:32, 18F

04/21 21:06, , 19F
04/21 21:06, 19F
文章代碼(AID): #1O-Drr5_ (Virgo)