[討論] 日運 Virgo horoscope for 0921

看板Virgo作者 (Chihiro Vita)時間7年前 (2017/09/21 00:07), 7年前編輯推噓10(1000)
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Virgo horoscope for Thursday Sep 21 Virgo horoscope for Thursday Sep 21 It is better to complete a small number of things well, than to complete a lar ge number of things hastily. You may feel like you are under the gun to get a lot done. Perhaps there is the sense that someone in authority is watching. Bu t it is not your output that is being observed now, Virgo - it is the quality of your work and your attention to detail that will win you admiration and acc olades. Take your time, and do it right. -- Copyright ? Daily Horoscope. Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh == 與其匆促地趕完大量事務, 不如好好地完成一小部分(就好)。 你可能覺得你被逼迫著必須處理好很多事情, 並且有著權威者正在看著你(做事)。 但親愛的處處, (如果匆促行事)並無法顯現出你真正的能力。 你在工作上(展現)的品質與對細節的專注才能夠為你贏得欽佩與榮耀。 妥善安排自己的時間, 把事情做好吧! == 分享一下昨天剛刺好的熱騰騰刺青。 據說, serendipity是最難翻譯的字之一。 對我來說, 它代表著在剛剛好的時間、 遇見剛剛好的人事物。 it's always the right time. 我將這句話放在心上, 也願各位親愛的處處: 無論眼前有多少困難繁雜, 都能夠好好地面對與享受這一切:) https://i.imgur.com/TJ9YBXW.jpg
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Virgo/M.1505923627.A.BFD.html

09/21 00:19, , 1F
09/21 00:19, 1F

09/21 01:11, , 2F
09/21 01:11, 2F

09/21 01:42, , 3F
09/21 01:42, 3F

09/21 04:15, , 4F
09/21 04:15, 4F

09/21 07:08, , 5F
09/21 07:08, 5F

09/21 08:01, , 6F
09/21 08:01, 6F

09/21 12:26, , 7F
09/21 12:26, 7F

09/21 15:27, , 8F
09/21 15:27, 8F

09/21 22:42, , 9F
09/21 22:42, 9F

09/22 15:30, , 10F
09/22 15:30, 10F
※ 編輯: memorydance (, 09/24/2017 02:17:12
文章代碼(AID): #1Pmf8hlz (Virgo)