
看板WNBA作者時間18年前 (2006/08/27 22:35), 編輯推噓2(200)
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話說早上爬起來試試看tvu 沒想到真的可以看耶 看起卡通來了 阿 不對... 不知是不是電腦的問題 還是有點卡卡的 (而且我現在電腦打不開 好傷心) 看了西區第一節五分鐘就想回去睡覺了 不過看到holdsclaw上場還是堅持了一下 不知道他有沒有打針 (看他動作不自然又感覺上沒有) 前一場比賽 katie douglas 打針上場 果然還是真有用 嗯 LA跟game 1一樣 籃框被封起來了 打法跟例行賽判若兩支球隊呀 中場的播報員(Liberman嗎?)說的好 "What game?" 只有一支球隊出來打球 monarchs打的球像水一樣 sparks看起來根本不該進季後賽 = = 與其這樣 還不如讓storm贏比較有看頭 畫質還不錯 只是卡了一點 又不怎麼精采 第四節就去睡覺了 囧 話說這場比賽在 Arrowhead Pond 比 被Staples Center 踢出來被拿去辦 American Idol 演唱會 WNBA果然名氣不怎麼樣 QQ 第一次WNBA季後賽在一個中立球場比 兩邊的球迷大概一樣多吧 感覺真奇怪 Yo在Arrowhead Pond的戰績現在是 4-0 Women's professional basketball returns to the Anaheim venue for the first time since Feb. 27, 1998. That's when the Long Beach StingRays defeated the Portland Power, 72-62, in the ABL's Western Conference finals. Before joining the WNBA, Sacramento center Yolanda Griffith played for the StingRays. She is 3-0 in the Pond, with victories against the Power, New England Blizzard and the Colorado Xplosion. She averaged 21 points and 12.3 rebounds in the three games. Chamique Holdsclaw, the team's second-leading scorer who played 14 minutes Saturday despite debilitating soreness in her left foot, must decide if she's going to return. Rest will heal the injury, but will she be back in 2007 ? Holdsclaw had talked about retiring if the Sparks won the title. "Right now I'm undecided," she said with a smile. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

08/28 10:09, , 1F
08/28 10:09, 1F

08/28 15:04, , 2F
08/28 15:04, 2F
文章代碼(AID): #14yQsSAN (WNBA)