[情報] 爐石戰記新卡-夢卡(Dream cards)

看板WOW作者 (我要做個好宅男)時間11年前 (2013/05/26 17:55), 編輯推噓1(102)
留言3則, 3人參與, 最新討論串1/1
圖文網誌版:http://bigwatermonster.blogspot.tw/2013/05/dream-cards.html After Ysera was announced, many wondered what the dream cards could be. As of this time, there appear to be 5 cards tagged with the "Dream" class. Keep in mind this is an early build. These cards can change, and they could even add more. 「夢境之龍」伊瑟拉(Ysera)發佈之後,許多人都在猜想什麼是夢卡(Dream cards)。截至 目前,有5張卡其標籤為"夢卡"類別。請謹記在心這是一個初始設定。這些卡可能會改變, 甚至更多卡會加進去。 Dream 0 M/C Return a minion to owner's hand. 將一個小弟回復為其擁有者的手牌。 Emerald Drake 4 M/C, 7/6 Laughing Sister 3 M/C, 3/5 Cannot be targeted by spells or hero powers. 不會成為法術或英雄能力的目標。 Nightmare 0 M/C Give a minion +5/+5, then destroy it at the start of your next turn. 給一個小弟+5/+5,然後在你下一回合開始時摧毀它。 Ysera Awakens 2 M/C Deal 5 damage to all characters except Ysera. 對全體造成5傷害,除了伊瑟拉。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/27 02:39, , 1F
不~ 我恨反招喚阿阿阿
05/27 02:39, 1F

05/27 11:31, , 2F
05/27 11:31, 2F

05/27 16:31, , 3F
nightmare + 返回手牌
05/27 16:31, 3F
文章代碼(AID): #1HeTmKs9 (WOW)