[情報] 2/12hotfixes

看板WOW作者 (小安)時間9年前 (2015/02/13 14:09), 9年前編輯推噓3(3012)
留言15則, 7人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Classes Death Knight Armor Sets Tier-17 2-piece bonus for Unholy Death Knights in addition to its current effect also causes Dark Transformation to apply an additional 40% damage bonus to the ghoul, increasing total pet damage by roughly 20%. DK T17兩件特效 額外增加黑暗變身效果40% 大略增加20%寵物傷害 Raids, Dungeons, and Scenarios Blackrock Foundry 黑石 The Blast Furnace Reduced the health of Primal Elementalists on Mythic difficulty. M高爐p2原始元素師血量調降 (沒講調多少) Primal Elementalists are now immune to knockback effects. 原始元素師現在免疫擊退效果 Fixed an issue in Phase 2 where Slag Pools may fail to heat up Heart of the Mountain. 修bug 我還沒打到這個看不懂只好亂翻一下... 修正一個熔渣池無法將山脈之心過熱的問題 Fixed an issue where if the encounter is reset at the beginning of Phase 2, then Phase 2 adds would incorrectly spawn in during Phase 1 on the next attempt. 扼這個這個... 應該是修掉一個如果在p2一開始工程師把爐子修好了的bug Kromog 克羅莫格 大山傳奇 Kromog’s Stone Pillars now persist for 60 seconds or if they are hit by Rippling Smash, whichever comes first. 石柱現在會存在60s或者被震撼痛擊擊中(傳奇模式) Kromog’s enrage timer is now at 9 minutes (up from 8 minutes) across all difficulties. 所有難度的大山狂暴時間現在9分鐘 Beastlord Darmac Dreadwing's Inferno Breath and Spirit of the Rylak's Superheated Shrapnel no longer deals damage to player pets or guardians. 萊拉克的吐息和燃燒屍體不再燒到寵物啦~ Fixed an issue in Stage Two where Beastlord Darmac may sometimes be unaffected by Cruelfang's Savage Howl. 修正一個有時候王會不受野蠻嚎叫影響的bug Operator Thogar Train schedules after the 7.5 minute mark have been adjusted to be less difficult on Normal and Heroic difficulty. 調整普通和英雄7.5分鐘後的火車時刻表 這樣會使得NH比較簡單 後面那句是他講的喔 [Requires a realm restart.] Fixed an issue that could cause reinforcements from trains to appear to be standing still while still moving around. [需要伺服器重啟] 修正一個可能會導致增援下來後怪物有位移 但沒有移動動作的bug 就是怪站直直的跑過來 @@? Iron Maidens 鐵娘子 沒打過 崩潰>< Fixed an issue that could cause Enforcer Sorka to become stuck in the railing after using her Blade Dash ability. 修正一個會讓某隻在施放完刀刃突擊會卡住的bug Fixed an issue that could cause the Iron Maidens encounter to reset prematurely. 修正某些情形導致王重置 Fixed an issue where Iron Maidens were incorrectly only dropping Normal difficulty quest items for Sigil of the Black Hand on all difficulties. 修正鐵娘子"只"會掉落普通難度的任務道具的bug Battlegrounds and Arenas Arathi Basin: Completion criteria for the Resilient Victory achievement should now be tracking correctly and be obtainable. 阿拉西強韌獲勝現在可以被追蹤了 Eye of the Storm (Rated): Fixed an issue where defending a capture point at Mage Tower and Blood Elf Tower displays the wrong tower in the chat window. 暴風之眼 修正法師塔和血精塔在頻道被誤報的bug -- 有些bug沒看過所以麻煩板友指正> < 至於雙子... 看來是活過今天了 -- 某一天有人因為練的稍慢被嘲笑 [公會][十xxxx]: 你們對我練的慢有什麼意見逆 [公會][楓xx]: 你好帥 [公會][甄xx]: 你好帥 [公會][狂xx]: 你好帥 [公會][野xxxxx]: 你好帥 於是公會又度過了美好的一天..╮(﹋﹏﹌)╭.. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WOW/M.1423807771.A.811.html

02/13 14:13, , 1F
primal elementists應該是P2小怪吧
02/13 14:13, 1F
我想起來了!! 原始元素師!

02/13 14:13, , 2F
第一次打普通黑石時 前面被虐過打到大山覺得好舒服XD
02/13 14:13, 2F

02/13 14:14, , 3F
Stone pillars是Kromog M的機制
02/13 14:14, 3F

02/13 14:15, , 4F
02/13 14:15, 4F

02/13 14:18, , 5F
02/13 14:18, 5F
原來如此 感謝^^

02/13 14:18, , 6F
02/13 14:18, 6F
好 我修一下

02/13 14:18, , 7F
02/13 14:18, 7F
※ 編輯: alan5 (, 02/13/2015 14:25:17

02/13 14:20, , 8F
溶渣池bug是不會加熱高爐,而高爐是越熱越難打 (難度增加了
02/13 14:20, 8F

02/13 14:21, , 9F
primal elementists是那個要把火拉到他旁殺掉小怪
02/13 14:21, 9F
ccode太神啦 早知道就不寫java啦>\\< ※ 編輯: alan5 (, 02/13/2015 14:27:30

02/13 14:27, , 10F
鐵娘子那個是任務Sigil of the Black Hand 直接打黑手的
02/13 14:27, 10F

02/13 14:28, , 11F
要打各區尾王拿任務道具 之前只有普通鐵娘會掉普版任務道具
02/13 14:28, 11F

02/13 14:29, , 12F
打錯 應該所有難度都只會掉普通任務需要的任務道具
02/13 14:29, 12F
對啊 這篇打一打才發現沒遇過沒看過的bug就不知道那在寫啥@@ 感謝各位大大幫忙!! ※ 編輯: alan5 (, 02/13/2015 14:31:49 ※ 編輯: alan5 (, 02/13/2015 14:33:33

02/13 19:14, , 13F
石柱是要打斷以後躲後面的 王會全團秒殺沒躲的人
02/13 19:14, 13F

02/13 19:14, , 14F
02/13 19:14, 14F

02/13 22:21, , 15F
雙子剛剛暗閃上去會傳到門口耶 是弄錯了嗎
02/13 22:21, 15F
文章代碼(AID): #1KtPKRWH (WOW)