[情報] 7/7 Q&A

看板Wargaming作者 (hsinhanchu)時間11年前 (2013/07/08 02:11), 編輯推噓21(21024)
留言45則, 17人參與, 最新討論串1/1
本日25場15勝,百7真的是好車,但是那個10.3秒的裝填時間得習慣一下。 http://ftr.wot-news.com/2013/07/07/7-7-2013/ - the Soviet Gavalov’s light tank project doesn’t fit tier 5, according to SerB it’s a tier 6/7 tank 蘇聯的Gavalov輕戰車計畫不適合當T5,SerB認為放T6/7比較好 http://alternathistory.org.ua/files/240111_Gvalov_tank_0.jpg
(看過一堆Object之後只能說這人體工學以祖國標準可是舒適到讓人痛哭流涕) - originally, clans were supposed to be named “brigades”, but the developers didn’t implement it in the end, because they didn’t want to explain all the time that a brigade = a clan 原本公會要叫做旅(brigade),不過後來製作組放棄這個想法,因為他們不想每天解釋 旅=公會。 - the new tier 9 Batchat arty is called Battignoles Chatillon, even though it has nothing to do with the Batchat medium tank (it’s based on the M47 hull), since the name Battignoles Chattillon is the name of the company it was built by 新的法國T9SPG是以M47底盤為基礎設計的,和BC25T沒有關係。之所以叫做這個名字是因 為承製的廠商叫做Battignoles Chattillon(沒記錯的話他們老本行是鐵路設備)。 - China tree was never planned to be built around one vehicle (SS: as in a minitree with several variants of one tank) 中國科技樹不會有一條基於同一台戰車的不同發展型號而設計的支線。 - Nahuel will be implemented apparently at some point (either as a premium tank, or as a part of the Argentine minibranch) 美洲虎(可以視為阿根廷國造版雪曼)未來會出現的樣子,可能是金幣車或是阿根廷迷你線 的一部份。 - crews get huge penalties for driving a tank they aren’t trained for, because “they get lost in the tank, that’s unknown to them” 組員放到非主訓的戰車上熟練度會受到嚴重懲罰是因為「他們會在戰車裡暈頭轉向, 對那台戰車一無所知」。 - Q: “There are a lot of people noticing that the patches suck and the balance is bad” A: “There have been people noticing this ever since the game went public. The game is ‘dying’ for 3 years already, we can’t live like this anymore!” 「很多玩家都已經注意到每次改版都很爛,而且遊戲平衡也很差」 「遊戲公開的時候就有玩家注意到了,我們已經這樣苟延殘喘三年,我們快混不下去了」 - Q: “Some people think that premium tanks will be removed from the sales, because there are too many of them in battles and the balance goes to shit?” (SS: literally “to ass”) A: “I would tell you what to do with your ignorant (in many senses) opinion… but it would be very rude to refer you to the last word of you “question”. So I won’t do that.” (SS: this is a bit difficult to translate, because “to go to ass” (literally) in Russian means “to go fuck yourself” – I am sure you get what SerB means…) 「有些玩家認為金幣車應該從商店拿掉,因為現在場上太多金幣車,遊戲的平衡爛的和 屎一樣」 「我原本可以告訴你該怎麼處理你那無知(從很多層面上都是)的問題,不過有鑑於你問題 結尾的那個字,不告訴你。」 - apparently, Sentinel is also planned, just like Nahuel. Unlike Nahuel, Sentinel will probably be a part of the British tree 哨兵式(澳洲國產戰車,參見連結)也有計畫,和美洲虎一樣。不過哨兵會放在英國線 (大概是國協分支) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sentinel_tank - there are no plans to introduce the “spectator” function for public to clanwars, due to espionage 不打算開放路人進場觀看CW,因為一定會有人用來作弊。 - too much RNG in some vehicles’ damage spread? “How terrible…” 某些車的傷害浮動數值太高? 「好貼蘿蔔...」 -- Немцефилен унд немцефилкен нихьт ерсте по ст тема читайнен? Орднунг мус зайн, дарум фирцейн таге нихьт шрайбен! Germanlovers und Germanloverettes nicht erste post of the topic readen? Ordnung muss zein, darum fierzen tage nicht schreiben. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/08 02:14, , 1F
Serb真的超級會吸仇恨的感覺XD 發言ph值有夠低~
07/08 02:14, 1F

07/08 02:16, , 2F
07/08 02:16, 2F

07/08 03:24, , 3F
07/08 03:24, 3F

07/08 03:27, , 4F
07/08 03:27, 4F

07/08 03:43, , 5F
07/08 03:43, 5F

07/08 03:49, , 6F
07/08 03:49, 6F

07/08 04:33, , 7F
07/08 04:33, 7F

07/08 04:45, , 8F
07/08 04:45, 8F

07/08 04:48, , 9F
07/08 04:48, 9F

07/08 04:48, , 10F
07/08 04:48, 10F

07/08 04:55, , 11F
07/08 04:55, 11F

07/08 07:52, , 12F
中間兩個抱怨遊戲很爛的玩家不知在想什麼 不要玩不就
07/08 07:52, 12F

07/08 07:52, , 13F
07/08 07:52, 13F

07/08 07:59, , 14F
07/08 07:59, 14F

07/08 08:00, , 15F
07/08 08:00, 15F

07/08 08:01, , 16F
07/08 08:01, 16F

07/08 08:38, , 17F
我百夫長常常扛三四千潛傷 那個頭真是莫名的硬啊
07/08 08:38, 17F

07/08 10:30, , 18F
07/08 10:30, 18F

07/08 10:31, , 19F
07/08 10:31, 19F

07/08 10:36, , 20F
下了命令 鳥不鳥你又是另一回事了
07/08 10:36, 20F

07/08 10:48, , 21F
SEA的猴子們才懶得鳥指揮的 XD
07/08 10:48, 21F

07/08 10:53, , 22F
07/08 10:53, 22F

07/08 10:54, , 23F
樓上 那老實講很沒用....
07/08 10:54, 23F

07/08 10:54, , 24F
1.不是大家都裝XVM 像我就沒裝
07/08 10:54, 24F

07/08 10:55, , 25F
07/08 10:55, 25F

07/08 10:55, , 26F
2.我勝率57% 不算太高但起碼還能看
07/08 10:55, 26F

07/08 10:55, , 27F
但是 只是多要一台重坦來我這一樣沒人屌我
07/08 10:55, 27F

07/08 10:57, , 28F
你知道3001P 一台車要擋IS*2+虎*2+100M1+豹式
07/08 10:57, 28F

07/08 10:57, , 29F
07/08 10:57, 29F

07/08 11:06, , 30F
MM用天梯排法會搞死server + 玩家的耐性
07/08 11:06, 30F

07/08 11:06, , 31F
07/08 11:06, 31F

07/08 11:07, , 32F
何況還要考慮車階 車種 以及等待中的玩家總數
07/08 11:07, 32F

07/08 11:12, , 33F
07/08 11:12, 33F

07/08 11:14, , 34F
勝率過5成就OK了啊,57%的話,我會跟到天涯海角的 XD
07/08 11:14, 34F

07/08 11:24, , 35F
07/08 11:24, 35F

07/08 11:25, , 36F
比如本來AB兩線人數比9:2 我要從A線去支援B線
07/08 11:25, 36F

07/08 11:25, , 37F
07/08 11:25, 37F

07/08 11:27, , 38F
其實不是猴子 是小雞雞小鴨鴨 跟著前面走很合理的
07/08 11:27, 38F

07/08 11:31, , 39F
07/08 11:31, 39F

07/08 11:31, , 40F
07/08 11:31, 40F

07/08 11:45, , 41F
這才是醍醐味啊 (喂
07/08 11:45, 41F

07/08 11:47, , 42F
07/08 11:47, 42F

07/08 11:56, , 43F
敵人就算了 重點是隊友.... 無力...
07/08 11:56, 43F

07/08 12:36, , 44F
守線拖住對方主要火力 結果抬頭發現另一邊被全滅
07/08 12:36, 44F

07/08 12:36, , 45F
07/08 12:36, 45F
文章代碼(AID): #1HsQz18H (Wargaming)