[情報] 8/3 Q&A

看板Wargaming作者 (hsinhanchu)時間11年前 (2013/08/04 01:12), 編輯推噓11(1104)
留言15則, 12人參與, 最新討論串1/1
今天花了27場拿滿30殺。 對了,明天會有個只和我個人有關的小消息公布。 = Well, first and foremost (so he doesn’t kill me or something :) ), Ilosz (EU server) made an interesting WoT magazine – 1st Issue. Graphically it’s very pretty, you can check it out at that post adress. http://sdrv.ms/18RRLd5 某玩家自製的WOT雜誌,請自行取用。 我必須說還挺精美的... - SerB on why the various “Stalin” inscriptions were removed from the game (apparently only for EU client): “It wasn’t me or Storm – European office deals with Europe and despite they (at least a part of them) yell “For Stalin!” when drunk, they thought it’s not worth it to have a conflict because of him with a part of the local internet-patriots – not ours, not Soviet, burgeois people.” (SS: I hope this translation is ok, someone correct me if it isn’t) SerB評論為什麼EU把史達林相關的標語全部和諧掉了:「不是我或者Storm弄的,EU有 自己的辦公室處理自己的事務。即使有幾個員工會在喝醉的時候大喊『史達林萬歲』 ,他們還是覺得為了這個標語和某些鍵盤愛國者戰起來很不值得。你知道的,不是我們 這邊、不是蘇聯勞動人民,而是那些小資產階級份子。(酸)」 - historically, there was a project to install the BL-9 gun on IS-3 (it can be found in archives, SerB might write a book about it one day) 史實上有把BL-9裝上IS-3的計畫(BL-9原本是ISU-122BM的實驗性質主砲),資料可以從 某資料庫找到,哪天SerB有空他或許會寫本書論述這個主題。 - it’s not clear what will happen with the Stalinist inscription, when roaming is activated (SS: as in, there will be ‘For Stalin!’ tanks from RU server roaming to EU server) 不確定開放伺服器漫遊的時候會不會讓RU的玩家帶著(在EU被移除的)史達林標語進到EU。 - Q: “I will spam ‘For Stalin!’ when I go to EU server using roaming!” A: “Your country will hugely benefit from that and without any doubt you will protect our history from the attacks of revisionists!” (SS: it is irony) 「我去EU漫遊的時候我要大喊『尬史達林跟上,吵到抱歉』洗頻!」 「祖國將因為您的愛國行為而強大,而您將保護光榮正確偉大的歷史不受修正主義者扭曲 !(酸)」 - Q: “I have seen a WoT screenshot, where the loader destroyed the tank by dropping the shell on the ground. Under what conditions can that happen?L” A: “This is a special feature, used for punishing players by the game administrators. Another one is that the tank commander can shoot any of the crewmembers in the head with his pistol, the driver can intentionally drown the tank in a river, radioman can send the tank coordinates to the enemy artillery and the gunner might fire into the allies.” 「我看過一張遊戲截圖,裝填手把彈藥掉到戰車地板上炸了整台車,什麼情形下會 出現這種狀況?」 「這是遊戲管理人員處罰玩家用的特殊機制,其他爆車法還有車長用配槍處決成員、 駕駛故意開下水、通訊員通敵或是砲手故意打自己人。」 - SerB on model errors (for example KwK 40 L/48 too short): “Everything is possible, errors are not out of the question.” SerB評論做錯的模組,例如說KwK40 L48做太短了:「既然什麼都有可能,做錯當然也是」 - the coming removal of Panther top engines is an attempt to make the tanks as historical as possible 豹式頂引擎移除是為了貼近史實(之前說地形適性會調整以維持機動力不變。) - KwK 44 L/70 gun was not any more powerful than the KwK 42 (SS: KwK 44 was a Czech Skoda development for Panther Ausf.F, it had better optics, but power- wise, the gun could IIRC shoot the same shells as KwK 42) KwK44 L/70不會比KwK42更強(SS:KwK44是捷克斯科達為了豹式F型開發的砲,它的光學 瞄具比原版更好,不過以威力來說,據我所知它和KwK42打同樣的砲彈) - KV-122 (KV-1S with 122mm gun) was historical KV-122是史實砲,這好像是第五還第六次回答了。 - E-25 has good viewrange, because “the optics are good” E-25的視野很好,因為「上面的觀測設備很好」 - top tier German and Soviet HE shells too expensive? “Don’t shoot top tier German and Soviet HE shells” 德蘇兩國頂階HE太貴? 「嫌貴不要打」 - Q: “The current Soviet LT branch is ugly, will you fix it?” A: “I am sorry, but Soviet light tank designers from the 40′s cared little for our branch beauty 「現在蘇聯輕戰車線超醜的,你們會不會修正?」 「我深感抱歉,但是蘇聯輕戰車設計師從1940年代起就不關心科技樹好不好看。」 - ingame currently running event overview? “When it’s done it’s done” 遊戲中的活動概觀介面WIDID - there was a Wargaming company party to celebrate the 15th anniversary, “ with different drinks” WG辦了趴慶祝15周年慶,派對中提供不同的飲料。 - it’s possible that the French and the Chinese will get a lowtier light premium tank 法國和中國可能會拿到低階金幣輕坦。 - SerB states his longest string of defeats was around 15 in a row SerB的最長連敗紀錄是15場。 (有個以前在同公會的朋友創下34場的紀錄,他當時在公會頻道上表示「我要賣了我的帳號 然後用拿到的錢告死WG」,事後34場連敗就以他的ID命名為Fat_Unit Line,目前沒人破 這個紀錄...) -- Немцефилен унд немцефилкен нихьт ерсте по ст тема читайнен? Орднунг мус зайн, дарум фирцейн таге нихьт шрайбен! Germanlovers und Germanloverettes nicht erste post of the topic readen? Ordnung muss zein, darum fierzen tage nicht schreiben. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

08/04 01:18, , 1F
08/04 01:18, 1F

08/04 01:21, , 2F
08/04 01:21, 2F

08/04 01:23, , 3F
08/04 01:23, 3F

08/04 01:26, , 4F
08/04 01:26, 4F

08/04 01:36, , 5F
說到車長槍決乘員 大陸人好像把藍色小精靈叫做政委
08/04 01:36, 5F

08/04 03:02, , 6F
34連敗超平衡的 不爽不要玩
08/04 03:02, 6F

08/04 04:03, , 7F
34連敗真是神了...多我一倍 我懂那種無力感
08/04 04:03, 7F

08/04 04:07, , 8F
34連敗真是厲害 我都沒在算幾連敗的
08/04 04:07, 8F

08/04 04:16, , 9F
08/04 04:16, 9F

08/04 09:06, , 10F
在我看來史達林跟希特勒沒兩樣 只是一個打贏一個打輸
08/04 09:06, 10F

08/04 09:24, , 11F
08/04 09:24, 11F

08/04 09:35, , 12F
08/04 09:35, 12F

08/04 11:03, , 13F
08/04 11:03, 13F

08/04 11:15, , 14F
http://imgur.com/a/XCbQA 兩張都是8.7改完後
08/04 11:15, 14F

08/04 11:15, , 15F
08/04 11:15, 15F
文章代碼(AID): #1H_JeRmX (Wargaming)