[情報] 11/6 Q&A 不負責翻譯

看板Wargaming作者 (Willie)時間10年前 (2013/11/07 15:24), 編輯推噓10(10022)
留言32則, 16人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Two important things first: - as you might noticed, FTR experienced some trouble for last few days, resulting in almost not being available yesterday and earlier today for some players. Edrard investigated and the culprit has been identified as the Hupso share buttons plugin. Edrard disabled it and now everything works fine. However, in order to fix other things, Edrard will be doing deep maintenace in the night. So, from like midnight till early tomorrow (no exact ETA, depends on Edrard), the server will be taken offline and will have its bugs fixed. So don’t panic if you won’t ba able to log on, FTR will be back tomorrow afternoon. 大意:「For The Record」前幾天因為某個套件導致出錯。停用該套件後恢復正常,但 夜間仍會關閉伺服器維修,11/7下午會好。 - because there is a prolonged weekend in Minsk (from tomorrow till Sunday), Cannoneer wrote me that people won’t be working since tomorrow and the FTR QA answers will be delayed. I will submit them later today, but the answers will not be available sooner than on Monday. 因為 Minsk 從明天開始休長週末,Cannoneer 寫信說從明天開始不上班,所以 FTR 和 Q&A 暫緩回答。我今晚會把問題傳給他們,但週一之前不會有答覆。 - WoT for OS X to appear earlier then War Thunder for OS X? “Time will tell” OS X 版本的 WoT 會比 War Thunder 更早推出?「到時就知道了。」 - WoT is not considered a “historical” game according to SerB SerB 表示 WoT 並不是個忠於史實的遊戲。 - Q: “Are you doing something to improve the quality of the game? How much do you respect the work of your team, when you treat the game like this?” A: “Everyone knows we found the game in a dumpster and now are just cashing in” 問:「你們有在改進遊戲品質嗎?這樣子經營,你們的團隊在搞神馬?」答:「大家都 知道我們根本不管這遊戲,只是拿來騙錢而已。」 - Q: “Who is the game made for, developers of players?” A: “Not idiots, that’s for sure!” 問:「這遊戲是打算做給誰玩的?給一般玩家玩還是讓開發人員自爽?」答:「肯定不 是拿來取悅白痴的!」 (譯註:我覺得這句 developers of players 應該是筆誤,"or" 打成 "of"。這兩句火氣 超大…) - WoT won’t be converted to OpenGL anytime soon WoT 近期內不會轉換到 OpenGL 系統。 - Hurricanes (as in the British planes) will appear in WoWp 颶風戰鬥機(英國戰機)會在 WoWp 出現。 - new city maps maps Minsk, Kharkov and Konigsberg will appear in random battles too 以 Minsk、Kharkov 和 Konigsberg 為藍本的地圖也會在隨機戰鬥中出現 - WoT API works on OS X using emulators (SS: no idea what that means or whether it is important) OS X 版本的 WoT 應用程式介面(API)會使用模擬器(emulators)(SS: 不知道那是 啥或重不重要…) - KV-4 in game is based on N.Dukhov’s design. It was picked because it is “ most distinctive” 遊戲中的 KV-4 是 N.Dukhov 設計的版本。選中它的原因是因為「最有特色。」 - there might be optional hulls even for “paper” tanks: for example it’s possible the E-50M will become an optional hull for E-50 and both will move to tier 10, but “paper tanks will have unlockable hulls only when really necessery” 藍圖戰車也可能有可選的車體。例如:E-50M 會變成 E-50 的可選車體,這兩台都會被 提昇至十階;但是「藍圖戰車只有在很必要的條件下才會有可選車體。」 - Object 430 prototype: “When it’s done it’s done” 430工程原型車(T-64的前身)?「WIDID」 - plans to use PaK 36(r) from Marder on other vehicles? “If there are any, I will tell” 打算把 Marder 的 PaK 36(r) 裝在其他車上?「如果有的話,我們會說。」 - in historical battles the T-34/76 won’t be buffed to compete with Tigers in 1943 battles: “Either flank, or use ISU-152〃 1943年代的史實戰役中,T-34/76 不會為了對抗虎式而 buff。「要嘛側襲,不嘛改開 ISU-152。」 - FCM36 Marder I gun module too heavy? “How terrible” Marder I 的 FCM36 砲做的太重?「好貼蘿蔔」 - apparently perks rework don’t have exactly high priority 重做技能的優先度不高。 - the “detrack” XP bonus (shared XP) doesn’t apply when you knock out opponent’s engine and not tracks 如果是打壞敵人的引擎而非履帶,你無法獲得協助傷害的經驗分享。 - Dicker Max and Sturer Emil have identical guns, but their weight is different. The reason for it are different gun mounts Dicker Max 和 Sturer Emil 用的是同一管砲但重量不同。原因出在用的砲架不同。 原文連結 http://ftr.wot-news.com/2013/11/06/6-11-2013/ -- In church, they say to forgive! Forgiveness is between them and God; it's my job to arrange the meeting. 《 Man on Fire 》 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/07 16:11, , 1F
阿勒 打壞引擎沒有獎勵喔XD
11/07 16:11, 1F

11/07 16:12, , 2F
這個消息一定是德粉在背後操縱的 不要被騙
11/07 16:12, 2F

11/07 16:25, , 3F
11/07 16:25, 3F

11/07 16:37, , 4F
11/07 16:37, 4F

11/07 16:59, , 5F
說到燒引擎,今天入手TYPE 64 燒的次數讓我心都涼了
11/07 16:59, 5F

11/07 17:13, , 6F
11/07 17:13, 6F

11/07 17:15, , 7F
11/07 17:15, 7F

11/07 17:15, , 8F
11/07 17:15, 8F

11/07 17:16, , 9F
11/07 17:16, 9F

11/07 17:19, , 10F
步兵協戰阿 當時還不是純裝甲對抗
11/07 17:19, 10F

11/07 17:22, , 11F
那放機槍就好幹嘛放炮塔啦=w= 不論裝填或空間、人員
11/07 17:22, 11F

11/07 17:22, , 12F
11/07 17:22, 12F

11/07 17:36, , 13F
就打一些輕裝甲/掩體 機槍打不穿開主砲又太牛刀
11/07 17:36, 13F

11/07 17:41, , 14F
戰車裝砲的好處是 你看到對方的裝甲目標可以打爆它
11/07 17:41, 14F

11/07 17:41, , 15F
11/07 17:41, 15F

11/07 17:42, , 16F
11/07 17:42, 16F

11/07 17:42, , 17F
一顆高爆彈過去 敵人大概死一半殘一半
11/07 17:42, 17F

11/07 17:42, , 18F
11/07 17:42, 18F

11/07 20:09, , 19F
一顆沒有全死透 那你有沒有再射第二顆?
11/07 20:09, 19F

11/07 20:17, , 20F
戰場上死一半就該投降了啦=w= 除非是無法投降的情況
11/07 20:17, 20F

11/07 20:18, , 21F
11/07 20:18, 21F

11/07 21:57, , 22F
11/07 21:57, 22F

11/07 22:00, , 23F
陰你又怎樣呢 嘿嘿嘿嘿
11/07 22:00, 23F

11/08 12:36, , 24F
How Terrible 中文到底怎麼翻比較好?
11/08 12:36, 24F

11/08 12:42, , 25F
好~恐~怖~喔~(棒) ←像這樣
11/08 12:42, 25F

11/08 12:45, , 26F
不知道 在巴哈有些人看完大大翻譯 把它拿來當動詞
11/08 12:45, 26F

11/08 14:00, , 27F
11/08 14:00, 27F

11/08 20:00, , 28F
How terrible = 嗯嗯真是糟糕啊 (語帶不屑)
11/08 20:00, 28F

11/08 20:25, , 29F
11/08 20:25, 29F

11/08 21:17, , 30F
11/08 21:17, 30F

11/08 21:23, , 31F
類似 我好怕喔 ?
11/08 21:23, 31F

11/09 21:26, , 32F
好恐怖啊 也是嘲諷的口氣啊XDDDD
11/09 21:26, 32F
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