[情報] 1/18 Q&A

看板Wargaming作者 (hsinhanchu)時間10年前 (2014/01/19 02:00), 編輯推噓10(1003)
留言13則, 12人參與, 最新討論串1/1
組員經驗單場加一萬就是一個爽字。 - Storm: there will be a perk/skill rebalance, but not soon Storm表示會有組員技能重新平衡,不過不會是近期。 (譯註:SerB說要nerf第六感已經喊了大半年了,和國家技能一樣WIDID。 另外,能不能給裝填手一個加速從受損彈藥架中取彈的技能XD) - the 8.11 patchnotes info about “modifiers to appear in tanker’s personal info” means the bonuses for for example ventilation or BIA 8.11 patchnote說的「組員個人資訊頁中的修正」指的是例如BIA或是風扇給的加成。 - Storm confirms that there still will be the planned crewmember retraining from one role to another (SS: for example, radioman to driver), WG has not abandoned this idea – Storm later adds that when this happens, perks/skills will be also “resetted” and you will be able to pick new ones, it will however also cost credits or gold (free version being the worst) just like re-training Storm確認無線電手回收計畫(沒有誤),未來組員將可以在各項專長間轉換,WG並沒有 終止這個開發計畫,Storm稍後表示轉職之後技能會重設並且可以重選,轉職和重訓/洗技 能一樣要花錢。 - developers are happy with the team battle implementation results, there are more players playing TB than there are players playing companies, a lot of players play them 開發組對於隊伍模式的結果感到很滿意,玩隊伍的玩家比組TC的玩家多很多。 - apparently the national battles will be available on all maps, it won’t have “any additional mechanisms” to “improve game balance”, they will be avaliable for all tiers too 國家模式的地圖會是全部的地圖,不會有多餘的機制來增進平衡,同時也會適用於所有階 (等著看好戲...) - no American tier 8 tank destroyer is planned at this moment (SS: the player asked specifically about tier 8 premium TD, the answer does not exclude that there might be a premium American TD of another tier) 目前沒有計畫出美國T8PremTD,但是WG並沒有明確否認有其他階PremTD的可能性。 - team battles apparently strongly reduced the popularity of “Champion” companies, there are no measures planned in order to increase the popularity back 隊伍模式讓T8的TC受歡迎程度嚴重下降,不過WG也不打算動工把T8TC救回來。 - the national battles will play like standard battles (no assault or encounter) 國家模式就是分國家的隨機模式,而非攻防/搶旗。 - there was a proposal by a player to split the option to disable chat into “ disable for dead players”, “disable for enemies” and “disable for all”, Storm wrote this won’t be implemented 有個玩家建議關閉談話的選項可以分成「死人閉嘴」、「敵人別吵」和「我什麼都不聽」 ,但是Storm否決這個提案。 - the rule “if a tank has no turret, it can rotate around its pivot” applies for TD’s only, not for the ELC for example 「如果一輛載具沒有砲塔,那就可以原地迴轉」這個原則只對TD生效,例如ELC就不適用。 - Wargaming is still writing down the list of alternative hulls for vehicles, for now, 2 hulls are planned for each tank with alternative hulls apparently WG還在列可更換車體的清單,目前可以換車體的車會準備兩種可以互換的車體。 - M6A2E1 tank will also be reworked into HD (“along with all the other tier 8 ′s”) 超級M6也會重製為HD版本(「和其他T8一起」) - IS-6 creditmaking ability is fine IS-6賺錢能力沒問題(譯註:和超潘一樣是靠金彈錢滾錢的車,農銀幣洗勝率練組員三合一 好車。) - the “shell weight” parameter will not be added (SS: as in, heavy shell pushing a tank), Storm states that even heavy shells don’t push LT’s around, they simply penetrate them 彈頭重這個係數不會加入遊戲中(SS:即使是大口徑彈也不會推動戰車),Storm表示 大口徑砲彈不會推動輕戰車,只是穿過去而已。 - apparently, there is an internal discussion in WG about large caliber shells leaving craters in the ground WG內部似乎在討論大口徑砲彈在地上砸出彈坑的可能性。 - it’s theoretically possible some alternative hulls will mean de-facto vehicle nerfs, developers will deal with this as they work on it 理論上某些車的車體更動在事實上會造成nerf,開發組會想辦法處理。 - tank speed has no influence on vehicle penetration 戰車車速不影響穿甲 (譯註:原本問的人大概是覺得全速撞向砲彈會讓自己的等效防禦少那麼一點點點...) - Storm states that there will be balance problems in national battles, but not fatal ones Storm表示國家模式會有平衡問題,但是還不至於玩不下去。 - BigWorld in default does not apparently allow you to bind two keys for one function, WG simply hasn’t touched the default setting BigWorld引擎的設定並沒有讓兩顆鍵對應到同一個功能,WG沒去更動這個設定。 - Storm states that increased number of spot checkpoints (SS: the points that the system checks whether your tank is visible or not) would strongly increase the server calculation load Storm表示增加偵測確認點(SS:決定你的戰車有沒有被發現)會讓伺服器負擔大幅增加。 - there will be “no serious changes” in the tank insignia 戰車標語「不會大幅更動」 (目前為止最大幅度的更動就是東歐玩家對史達林butthurt而已) - the mastery badge change in 8.11 (SS: you will be able to see you met the badge requirements even if you have one already) reason is “so the players feel good about themselves” 製作經驗/牌的對照系統(即使拿過M牌還是可以知道這場的經驗在哪個水深)原因是 「玩家看了就覺得很爽」。 (大概就是「啊糟糕我又不小心把這周水深弄得更深了」這種感覺吧?) - moving Sniper medal to the special achievements will apparently not influence the Kay medal requirements 把Sniper移到特殊勳章區不影響Kay's Medal。 (反正早就拿了一級...) - there will be “many changes” in 8.11: “Wait for test” 8.11會有很多更動,等測試服。 - there will be no camo system changes in 8.11 8.11不更動隱蔽系統。 -- You think Brits made the best vacuum cleaner in the world? Try this French one. "Sucks harder than a Dyson, the ARL V39." -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/19 02:07, , 1F
01/19 02:07, 1F

01/19 02:09, , 2F
好奇超潘跟IS6全金彈真的會賺嗎 那兩管砲金蛋超貴的
01/19 02:09, 2F
超潘我帶30/20/4,IS-6帶18/10/2,平均下來超潘平均一場用個8發左右,IS6大約5發。 算下來兩台車一場的補給費用大約是3~5萬。T8Prem既然都用了這個數字的金彈,輸出有 個1.8K也是很正常的事情。有P帳的狀況下1.8Kdmg+偵傷毛收入7萬很簡單。 ※ 編輯: hsinhanchu 來自: (01/19 02:16)

01/19 02:18, , 3F
簽名檔有點好笑 推XD!
01/19 02:18, 3F

01/19 02:33, , 4F
我有用超潘全金彈打過一場, 那場彈藥費9萬 小賺幾千
01/19 02:33, 4F

01/19 02:36, , 5F
01/19 02:36, 5F

01/19 02:40, , 6F
01/19 02:40, 6F

01/19 02:42, , 7F
不然以後怎麼用"平衡"當賣點啊? to SerB.......
01/19 02:42, 7F

01/19 02:43, , 8F
01/19 02:43, 8F

01/19 04:54, , 9F
多換車體 感覺只是徒增完全體 所需經驗而以
01/19 04:54, 9F

01/19 06:46, , 10F
01/19 06:46, 10F

01/19 08:03, , 11F
01/19 08:03, 11F

01/19 12:40, , 12F
ARL V39用過都說讚 當吸塵器用的話
01/19 12:40, 12F

01/20 10:03, , 13F
01/20 10:03, 13F
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