[情報] 4/10 Q&A

看板Wargaming作者 (Willie)時間10年前 (2014/04/11 19:03), 10年前編輯推噓13(1304)
留言17則, 14人參與, 最新討論串1/1
之前說小君主(領主,Tetrarch)火控渣…我欠它個道歉;今天才發現一開始用到50%的 砲手,都練到74%才發現…小君主是少數裝有四階砲的二階輕坦(另有兩台可以裝四階 40 mm Pom Pom);3秒一發準確度0.4,可勝任中距離火力輸出;穿深和傷害也令人滿意。 缺點是無裝甲…近距離見到機砲車像見到鬼,隔了點距離也還是要提防。等打滿百場再寫 心得文。 ==以下正文== - in 9.1, LT’s starting from tier 4 will have their MM spread limited 9.1版開始,會限制四階以上的輕坦的分房分佈(譯者:因應八階輕坦推出?) - the reason why balance issues in random battles are not solved by increasing the MM weight is that respective tank is that increasing the MM weight doesn’t make players play that vehicle any less. This can be partially observed in the HB mode. 調高分房權重無法解決隨機戰鬥的平衡問題;因為即使調高了權重,該車的使用率並不會 因此降低,這點可在史實戰鬥中觀察到。(譯者:SS又把 is 打成 if 了…已修正) - Q: “Was it considered to implement a mode, where there would be no bases and the battle would be won only by killing everyone?” A: “T95 GMC on one team and T71 on the other are not amused” 死鬥模式?「T95 對上 T71 的殘局並不有趣」 - damage model changes in WoT? Storm: “And who needs that?” WoT 傷害模組要更動?Storm:「誰要啊?」 - apparently, Edrard’s wot-news vehicle statistics are wrong (Storm: “This is not statistics, but god knows what”) Edrard 的『wot-news』網站中車輛統計資料是錯的(Storm:「天曉得那是啥,反正不是 統計數據就對了」)(譯者:SS又拼錯了…再次幫修正) - for now it is not known how (if) gold ammo will be rebalanced, developer opinions differ 還不知道金彈將如何,甚至會不會,重新平衡。意見分歧。 - the 25 percent RNG is “optimal for WG playerbase” and won’t be changed RNG 中有四分之一版面是『最佳玩家』,這不會改變(譯者:不確定是不是這樣翻…) - there will not be a common server for EU and RU players (“wait for roaming ”) 歐服和俄服不會合併客戶端(「請等漫遊系統上線」) http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/04/10/10-4-2014-2/ 對了,WG 的全新燒錢計畫:重建鼠式 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4O56OvuIQ7w
God bless WG... -- In church, they say to forgive! Forgiveness is between them and God; it's my job to arrange the meeting. 《 Man on Fire 》 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WoT/M.1397214216.A.90A.html ※ 編輯: WillieHuang (, 04/11/2014 19:10:26

04/11 19:16, , 1F
god bless WG
04/11 19:16, 1F

04/11 19:28, , 2F
廢話... 不公布權重 哪個玩家鳥你權重調整
04/11 19:28, 2F

04/11 19:28, , 3F
04/11 19:28, 3F

04/11 19:30, , 4F
t95 vs t71 永遠的打不穿跟轉不到
04/11 19:30, 4F

04/11 19:32, , 5F
04/11 19:32, 5F

04/11 19:32, , 6F
04/11 19:32, 6F

04/11 19:32, , 7F
T95 VS T71很有趣阿XDDD
04/11 19:32, 7F

04/11 19:35, , 8F
04/11 19:35, 8F

04/11 19:50, , 9F
04/11 19:50, 9F

04/11 19:58, , 10F
04/11 19:58, 10F

04/11 21:09, , 11F
04/11 21:09, 11F

04/11 21:20, , 12F
God Bless WG
04/11 21:20, 12F

04/11 22:08, , 13F
04/11 22:08, 13F

04/11 22:19, , 14F
175不要說老鼠屁屁 E100屁屁都難穿
04/11 22:19, 14F

04/11 22:26, , 15F
04/11 22:26, 15F

04/12 00:24, , 16F
04/12 00:24, 16F

04/12 01:35, , 17F
04/12 01:35, 17F
文章代碼(AID): #1JHym8aA (Wargaming)