[情報] 7/21 Q&A

看板Wargaming作者 (hsinhanchu)時間10年前 (2014/07/22 00:13), 編輯推噓18(18015)
留言33則, 18人參與, 最新討論串1/1
- apparently, on ASIA server, you can also claim the recently sold premium tanks back, but no news on the automated premium tank recovery feature the US server has ASIA可以寫回報單把誤賣的金幣車回收回來,至於US的自動購回機能目前沒下文。 - there will be a gift tank for Wargaming anniversary in August 八月WG周年慶會有禮物戰車 (強者我朋友表示可能是九七式重裝甲車,主武裝短37mm砲 或是AMR-35) - apparently, developers are considering replacing other “fictional” tanks with more historical candidates in the future (SS: I asked further are this is the ideal case scenario, if there is any real suitable replacement) 目前開發組在考慮把其他架空車換成更符合史實的車輛。 (SS:我追問了一個問題,如果真的找的到車,理想狀況下,實車是否會取代掉架空車) - the option to change the sound output device within the game “on the go” is not planned 不打算開發在遊戲中即時切換聲音輸出裝置的功能 - KV-5 and Super Pershing will not get buffed KV5和SP不會buff。 - In the future, WoT will support Dx11 未來會支援DX11 - 25 percent RNG reduction was considered 4 years ago, developers decided to leave it as it is 25 25%RNG是四年前的點子,開發組表示留著不打算動。 - the option to enter next battle straight away with a tank that just got destroyed will not be implemented (SS: as in, you not waiting for the end of the battle) 爆車之後同一輛車瞬間重生進入下一場的功能不會實裝。 - all new maps are city maps? “Players wanted city maps, we are giving you city maps” 新的地圖都是城市圖? 「應玩家要求。」 - the speed of new features implementation is “normal” 新功能加入的速度「一般」 - it is theoretically possible that ALL tanks will get Sixth Sense as default (SS: as in, you won’t need to level it up, all tanks will have it), but it was not decided yet. 理論上所有戰車都可以內建第六感(不再需要練這個技能),但是未定。 - E50M is bad? “One of the best tanks on its tier. Learn to play.” (SS: *insert a QB joke*) E50M太弱? 「同階最強的戰車其一被你說成這樣,回去檢討自己的技術。」 (50M接近純solo還是有61%勝率的翻譯君表示完全認同。1200hp火星引擎、堪用的裝甲配 準度穿甲都最高的L7主砲還有什麼好抱怨的) - there will not be a light tank between T-50 and MT-25 T-50和MT-25之間不會插車進去 - AFK Panther will not be replaced – for now Awfulpanzer暫時不會換成別的車。 (翻譯君表示fuk dis, I will FE the RU251.) - it’s possible that ammo reloading in battle (on your base) will appear in the garage battle mode 車庫戰模式中或許可以在基地附近補充彈藥。 - HE shells won’t be buffed 高爆彈不會buff。 - arty will not be removed from the game: “It would kill the game” SPG不會移除,garbadist仍須努力。 - there will be new hangar UI 會有新的車庫介面。 - it’s possible that the T34 will get a new barrel model when reworked to HD T34的砲管在HD模型可能會改 (翻譯君註:應該是加上砲管排煙器,如圖。 http://a.imageshack.us/img194/1425/tankt34656.jpg
) - 9.3 will come “in the Fall” 9.3秋天會上路。 - 7/68 e-sports format is not yet decided as final 7/68尚未定案。 (不知道是不是SS的typo,7/56?) - Chat 2.0 is still being worked on 聊天系統重製工作中。 - new clan functions in the client will come in far future 新的公會功能在遠期會追加進遊戲中 - Storm confirms that Panther Ausf.F with 88mm L/71 will be a German premium tier 8 tank Storm確認新的德國T8PremMT是豹F mit. 88mm/L71 - Konigsberg map was scrapped for now 柯尼斯堡地圖暫時廢棄 - there will not be a possibility to crush the enemy tank with your tank (for example by E-100 driving over ELC) – “difficult to model the situation” 不可能「壓扁」敵戰車,模型超難做。 - Jagdtiger and Ferdinand will not be moved down by one tier JT和Ferd不會降一階。 (這誰問的..) - no sale of KV-5 for gold is planned KV-5不開放在遊戲中花金幣買 - the shape of muzzle brake has no influence on gun balistics 砲口制退器不影響彈道 - a multi-step tutorial (like it is in WoWp) will be implemented to WoT (or at least something like that) 會加入WOWP式的多階段新手教學 - no plans for 4-5 man platoons 不打算開放3人以上的戰車排 (別鬧了,四人就幾乎可以保證絕對控場,五人排應該可以保證90%勝率) - no plans for extra reward for players, who “carry” carry的玩家不會有更多獎勵 - Chieftain as a tier 10 replacement for FV4202? “Keep dreaming” (SS: as in “definitely not”, the phrase was hard to translate, actually had to ask for the meaning) 4202換成酋長?「繼續做白日夢啊」。 - hardcap on gold ammo was considered, but developers decided not to do it 有考慮過金彈上限,之後決定不實施。 - Christie tanks have been completely postponed, they will come neither in 2014 nor in 2015 克里斯蒂戰車延後,今明年都不會上場。 - multi-layer city maps (with for example tunnels below the map)? “ Definitely not” 地上+地下的多層城市地圖? 「不要。」 - it’s possible players will be able to select the look of their hangar 玩家可能可以選擇車庫外觀。 - the way ripped off turrets behave is not realistic? “How terrible!” 砲塔炸飛效果不符合現實狀況? 「好貼蘿蔔。」 - Nahuel will be implemented into the game and it’s possible some other South-American tanks will be as well 美洲虎會放入遊戲中,可能還會有其他南美自製戰車。 - Chieftain prototype with pike nose armor will not apparently be implemented (“What makes it interesting?”) (SS: there are no plans for a Chieftrain “ branch”) 犁型前裝甲的酋長原型車看來不會放入遊戲中。 (「這哪裡有趣了?」)(SS:意思就是不算放有多台酋長的科技樹) - it’s unlikely that more Object 430 prototypes will appear in the game 430的其他原型車應該不會放進遊戲中 - new sounds (like they appeared in test 9.1) will be implemented “in one of the new patches” 新的聲音會在「某次改版」放入遊戲中。 - SU-122-44 will not get preferential MM 122-44不會有保護分房 (別鬧了,這誰問的...) - multiturret tanks are not implemented not because of complicated gameplay, but because it is complicated to implement the mechanism for very little gain 多砲塔沒有放入遊戲中不是因為操作複雜,而是開發多砲塔系統的效益成本不合比例。 - GW E and WT E-100 will not be replace by historical vehicles simply because there are no historical candidates to replace them with GWE和WTF不會由史實車取代,因為沒有可以用的史實車。 - T92 Light Tank will not come in 0.9.3 T92LT不會在9.3加入遊戲中 - reworked skills and perks will come this year 今年會重製技能。 (之前似乎有說過重製的話會免費還原技能,未確認。) - it’s possible that Leopard 1 (when reworked to HD) will get stuff like side screens, machinegun, rangefinder etc. (see picture) – but “no guarantees” 豹一式HD重製時可能會加入側裙、機槍、測距儀之類的,但是不保證。 http://sevenbytes.ru/sites/default/files/imagepicker/1/leopard_1a1_502_1.jpg
-- Wild Player: "MM keeps kicking me in my fricking balls" My friend : "SerB:' Don't grow balls.' " -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WoT/M.1405959222.A.A90.html

07/22 00:20, , 1F
QB: E50M confirmed weak 居然連SS都提這梗www
07/22 00:20, 1F

07/22 00:27, , 2F
07/22 00:27, 2F

07/22 00:30, , 3F
07/22 00:30, 3F

07/22 00:36, , 4F
QB的E50M那梗是什麼意思阿 找到影片看不太懂
07/22 00:36, 4F

07/22 00:36, , 5F
07/22 00:36, 5F

07/22 00:40, , 6F
07/22 00:40, 6F

07/22 00:41, , 7F
理論上所有戰車都可以內建第六感 <-感覺很怪...why?
07/22 00:41, 7F

07/22 00:42, , 8F
第六感不是車長技能嗎? 還是戰車有裝跟戰機一樣被鎖
07/22 00:42, 8F

07/22 00:43, , 9F
07/22 00:43, 9F

07/22 00:59, , 10F
多城市地圖 讓LT更難發揮 已經夠少人玩的..
07/22 00:59, 10F

07/22 00:59, , 11F
現在是要從 TD世界 轉為 重車世界嗎?
07/22 00:59, 11F

07/22 01:00, , 12F
07/22 01:00, 12F

07/22 01:01, , 13F
07/22 01:01, 13F

07/22 01:28, , 14F
07/22 01:28, 14F

07/22 01:28, , 15F
已經失去技能的變化性了 乾脆內建
07/22 01:28, 15F

07/22 01:46, , 16F
07/22 01:46, 16F

07/22 01:46, , 17F
07/22 01:46, 17F

07/22 01:52, , 18F
07/22 01:52, 18F

07/22 01:52, , 19F
07/22 01:52, 19F

07/22 02:35, , 20F
07/22 02:35, 20F

07/22 03:57, , 21F
就WG一直覺得第六感太OP吧 又不知從何砍起 乾脆讓每
07/22 03:57, 21F

07/22 03:57, , 22F
輛車都有 也算是種平衡XD
07/22 03:57, 22F

07/22 08:05, , 23F
送禮物車會連帶送車位嗎 我沒車位了
07/22 08:05, 23F

07/22 08:09, , 24F
理論上會 不過現在的wg我不確定
07/22 08:09, 24F

07/22 09:14, , 25F
07/22 09:14, 25F

07/22 09:16, , 26F
07/22 09:16, 26F

07/22 09:16, , 27F
能的話我每個技能都想練啊 =.=
07/22 09:16, 27F

07/22 09:16, , 28F
07/22 09:16, 28F

07/22 09:17, , 29F
07/22 09:17, 29F

07/22 09:20, , 30F
07/22 09:20, 30F

07/22 09:25, , 31F
07/22 09:25, 31F

07/22 09:26, , 32F
07/22 09:26, 32F

07/22 09:59, , 33F
07/22 09:59, 33F
文章代碼(AID): #1JpJmsgG (Wargaming)