[情報] 8/29 Q&A (Long)

看板Wargaming作者 (磁磚大)時間8年前 (2015/08/31 12:45), 8年前編輯推噓18(19120)
留言40則, 25人參與, 最新討論串1/1
As title, long - Putting 4K textures in WoT is too resource-expensive for now; 目前,在遊戲中推出4K材質貼圖不符成本。 - It's not yet decided whether such textures will come in the future; 承上,也還沒決定未來到底要不要加入這樣的貼圖品質。 - Visual weather will not be implemented: "Why introduce it, so that people with weak PC's disable it because it lowers their FPS and good players disable it because it interferes with their gameplay?" 天氣變化系統未來不實裝,「做了電腦差的玩家會因為FPS大降而關掉它,好玩家也 會因為介面干擾遊戲體驗而關掉它,幹嘛做?(譯:做心酸的?) - Really many people have special effects in sniper mode disabled; 真的相當多玩家關掉狙擊模式的特效。(譯:感謝Batterykugua!) - Currently WG is developing a variant of complete crew and perk overhaul so that the current issues would disappear (useless perks, missing crew members when switching to another tank - or "radiomen in then barracks" issue, zero alternatives when selecting which perks you want first).The main idea is "one crew as an entity without each crewmember having different perks" - not like in WoWs but something around that idea. 目前WG正在為組員歷練與技能進行大改,此舉會讓現存的問題一舉解決(像是無用技能 、換新車缺組員、或「失業的無線電手們」、沒有替代技能選擇等等問題)。解決方式 是用「車組員」來替代個別組員的不同歷練,並不完全但有點類似WOWS的概念。 - It was never MM's goal to make mirror teams; 分房的目的不是在分出「鏡像分房」。 - Some players are proposing a rollback to classic versions of Malinovka, Murovanka etc. - Storm: "So you want to return the great camping game "who camps more in the bushes"?" 有些玩家提出舊式經典地圖(蹲坑諾夫卡、魔法森林型態)回歸的建議,Storm回應: 「所以你想要回歸『大蹲坑』時代?比看誰家蹲草裡的多?」 - It's possible to introduce vehicle component physics (for example shaking antennae, fuel tanks falling off) even without Havok; 有可能在不需要實裝Havok的情況下推出車輛構成物理系統(搖晃的部件、油箱掉落)。 - The tank control feature where if you stop pressing "W" the tank immediately stops was made intentionally to make the tank control easier; 當你停止按「W」鍵時車輛立刻停止的功能是故意設計的,為的是讓車輛控制更簡單。 - There are developers who completed the individual missions (people with 70 percent winrate and higher), according the Storm they did not abuse the developer function of being able to select which map they want to play in random battles; 有幾個開發組成員完成了整個個人任務(有幾個甚至超過70%以上勝率),根據Storm 表示這些人並沒有濫用開發者職務,好讓他們能在隨機地圖選擇他們想玩的地圖。 - High end PC's have "more than sufficient" performance in WoT, "nobody needs 100+ FPS"; 高等級電腦在執行WOT的效能表現上已「綽綽有餘」,『沒有人需要跑到每秒禎數100 張的。」 - Q: "I need 100+ FPS!" A: "Yeah? And what famous cybersports team are you playing in? What prizes have you won?" (he later adds that in WoT, there's no noticable difference between 60 FPS and 120 FPS, FPS stability and conversion of excessive FPS to image quality are more important); (承上)Q:「我就需要!」A:「是嘛?您在哪個著名電競團隊高就?贏過啥獎?」 (後續他補述:FPS60或120在實際遊戲上並無太大分別,穩定的FPS跟畫面變換時的 FPS品質好壞更加重要。) - There is no FPS guarantee in WoT, all that depends on PC configuration; WOT沒有任何關於FPS的保證,那都要視你的電腦配備而定。 - The Chieftain situation is complicated according to Storm. The vehicle that is standing in Bovington is called Mk.2 by the Bovvy workers. Wargaming made a 3D scan of that vehicle. When the scan was already done, they found out that it's not a Mk.2 but a Mk.6. The armor model was taken from the Bovvy Chieftain as well (RG: two things - first, the 120mm frontal armor Chieftain is a myth, spread by wrong sources, second - not all armor parts could be measured, a part of the Chieftain armor model is pure guesswork); 依照Storm的說法,酋長的處境很複雜。伯明頓博物館的酋長被館方工作人員稱作Mk.2 ,WG用3D掃描了那台車。在掃描完成之後,他們發現那台被稱作Mk.2的車型實際上是 Mk.6車型。裝甲數值也是從伯明頓取回來的。 (RG:兩件事:首先酋長正面裝甲有120mm是由錯誤的消息來源所散布的迷思;第二, 並非所偶裝甲部位都能夠被測量,有一部分的酋長裝甲數值存粹是用推測的。) - Storm confirms: Chieftain will keep its 750hp engine and 55 ton weight. It will have really thin hull but a really, really good gun. Storm確認了酋長仍然只會有那架750馬力的引擎並維持55噸的重量,會是台裝甲薄但 炮神的車。 - There were no other tier 10 British HT candidates than the Chieftain (a player was promoting Listy's "Super Conqueror" with improved armor, this was not considered: "Unfortunately, there's not a single word about armor, only the words of this guy (Listy) without any proof unless I am misreading it") - Storm later learns that it was Listy who measured the Chieftain and Conqueror for Wargaming and backs off a bit, it's possible the "Super Conqueror" will go somewhere else instead; 現在沒有除了酋長以外的英國T10HT候選車(某玩家提出了Listy超級征服者,裝甲經 過改良,這點子不被認可:「可惜的是,不僅僅是裝甲描述,整個計畫都是Listy的 片面之詞,沒有實際根據。) 稍後,Storm認知到了Listy就是那位幫WG測量酋長與征服者之後放棄的人,「超級征 服者」也許稍後會在其他地方出現。 - The only reason FV215b is getting replaced is the fact it's made up, otherwise statistically it's okay; FV215b被替換掉的唯一理由就是他是捏造的,不然在數據上他是台還行的車。 - WG will not implement existing mods officially: "the problem is in bugs and performance loss": "some modpacks on certain PC's eat up 50-60 percent of performance and certain popular modpacks increase number of crashes by an order of magnitude". The fact your PC doesn't suffer from FPS drops caused by mods doesn't mean other PC's don't have that. Modmakers are also not bound by any rules, they can make whatever mods they want without considering bugs of performance issues while Wargaming cannot implement some functions due to serious FPS losses on some PCs. An example would be the XVM minimap that makes some PCs lose a lot of FPS. WG不會正式實裝任何既存的Mods,「問題在於Bugs和效能衰減,「有些模組包會占用 大約50到60%左右的效能,現今廣受歡迎的模組包高機率造成當機。事實上你的電腦不 會因為模組包而造成效能下降不代表其他電腦不會。而做模組的人也沒有受到任何規 則的束縛,他們可以在不考慮效能問題與Bugs的情況之下製作他們想要的Mods,但WG 因為考量到某些功能會造成某些電腦上嚴重的FPS衰減,XVM的小地圖功能就是會造成 某些電腦FPS衰減的例子。 (譯:意思是任何功能都不能直接套用,而必須要經過官方調校) - Many functions previously implemented by mods were already implemented into the game officially, this process will continue; 先前由模組做出的許多功能已經被正式實裝進遊戲中,這個進程仍會持續。 - Flash game UI will not be reworked to another platform; Flash Game UI不會被重製到其他平台上。 - Multi-turret mechanism: "For a few vehicles only, why do you need that?" 多砲塔機制:「只有少數車專有的東西,你就這麼想要?」 - Hydraulic suspension: "For two vehicles, why do you need that?" 液壓懸吊系統:「就兩台車有,你要他何用?」 - AA vehicles: "There are no planes in WoT, why do you need that?" 防空車:「WOT裡沒有飛機,你要這東西幹嘛?」 - Wheeled vehicles: "Those would go to tier 5-6 max, why do you need that?" (RG: This is not true. Wargaming made about a year ago a full branch proposal for French wheeled vehicles and armored cars); 輪式車輛:「那些車最高就T5或T6,你沒事要他做啥?」 (RG:WG黑白講,WG在一年前就做了整線的法國輪式車輛與裝甲車線計畫出來。) (譯:正確來說EU有玩家提出了T1到T8的線,最後接上洛琳40T,有興趣的可以看看 傳送門:http://goo.gl/W2ZjgF) - Storm later adds that the vehicle types listed above would be played only a few players; Storm稍後補述上述的車種只有少數人會玩。 - Wargaming is developing "many features that will introduce diverse gameplay"; WG正在研究「許多將會豐富遊戲體驗的功能」。 - It is not technically possible to make the client play the replays of old versions; 技術上沒有提供舊版本RP在客戶端播放的可能。 - French tier 5-7 guns do have different damage for AP and APCR rounds, this is a bug and will be fixed; 法國T5到T7的炮的AP與APCR炮的確擁有不同的傷害值,這是個Bugs,會被修正。 - More rewards for top 3 players of losing team are not planned since the losing team could consist entirely of players who played really bad and WG does not want to reward crap gameplay; 沒有計畫給敗場前三名更多的獎勵,因為敗場團隊有可能全部都是玩得差的玩家組成的 WG並不想要獎勵差勁的遊戲方式。 - Storm is not the WoT project leader (RG: he's the chief developer); Storm不是WOT的計畫主持人。(RG:他是首席開發人員) - The map distribution changes were made for the newbies to learn to play easier. It was not possible to let experienced players to play on more maps on lower tiers because this produced long waiting queues. 地圖分配改變是為了讓新手上手更容易,不可能讓有經驗的玩家在低階場玩到更多地 圖,因為這會讓玩家排隊排太久。 - There will be an improved tutorial in the future; 未來新手教程會進行改造。 - Wot-news vehicle statistics are NOT a proof of anything when it comes to WG; 對WG而言,WOT-News上的車輛數據並不能證明任何事情。 - Practically nobody is playing tier 2 premium tanks; 事實上沒人玩T2金車。 - Current online numbers in WoT are higher than those last year during the same time; 目前WOT的均在線人數比去年同期更多。 - Chat 2.0 core was already programmed - interface, not so much (only partially); 聊天系統2.0的核心元件早已編進程序中,至於介面,還沒完全(只有部分)。 - There are no immediate plans for new winter and desert maps; 目前沒有關於新冬季或沙漠地圖的立即性計畫。 - The current 9.10 map distribution is final but there will be a patch with some changes, the 9.10 patch is already compiled; 目前9.10的地圖階級分配是決定版,但之後會有版本更新帶入幾項改變。9.10版本本 身已經做好了。 - Developers are still considering "solving" teamkilling by removing the possibility to do damage to allies. 開發組人在考慮用「取消對友軍傷害」的方式還解決TK的問題。 原文網址:http://ritastatusreport.blogspot.tw/2015/08/29082015-q-long.html 這次Q&A似乎有不少翻譯上的問題,如果翻譯有疑問還請版友賜教 Orz -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Wargaming/M.1440996312.A.458.html

08/31 13:22, , 1F
08/31 13:22, 1F

08/31 13:27, , 2F
08/31 13:27, 2F

08/31 13:36, , 3F
08/31 13:36, 3F

08/31 13:40, , 4F
why do you need that? 可以翻三種版本也算厲害了
08/31 13:40, 4F
其實是四個版本 :P (重點錯

08/31 13:42, , 5F
215b怎不去申請個專利呢? 這樣就不用換掉拉
08/31 13:42, 5F

08/31 13:43, , 6F
08/31 13:43, 6F

08/31 13:52, , 7F
08/31 13:52, 7F

08/31 13:53, , 8F
08/31 13:53, 8F

08/31 13:54, , 9F
08/31 13:54, 9F

08/31 13:54, , 10F
08/31 13:54, 10F

08/31 14:12, , 11F
08/31 14:12, 11F

08/31 14:13, , 12F
08/31 14:13, 12F

08/31 14:14, , 13F
五倍首勝很適合開T2金車 快速洗FE
08/31 14:14, 13F

08/31 14:16, , 14F
08/31 14:16, 14F

08/31 14:49, , 15F
08/31 14:49, 15F

08/31 15:00, , 16F
因為是亞服阿 lol
08/31 15:00, 16F

08/31 15:16, , 17F
不過我low tier也打得很保守 因為隨便打WN8掉超大
08/31 15:16, 17F

08/31 15:32, , 18F
08/31 15:32, 18F

08/31 15:37, , 19F
why do you need that?
08/31 15:37, 19F

08/31 15:54, , 20F
08/31 15:54, 20F

08/31 17:47, , 21F
08/31 17:47, 21F

08/31 17:48, , 22F
08/31 17:48, 22F

08/31 17:50, , 23F
08/31 17:50, 23F

08/31 17:50, , 24F
08/31 17:50, 24F

08/31 17:53, , 25F
法國105mm AP彈、APCR彈傷害不同是bug?WTF?
08/31 17:53, 25F

08/31 17:54, , 26F
那T1 Heavy咧? 搞啥啊 ......
08/31 17:54, 26F

08/31 18:11, , 27F
08/31 18:11, 27F

08/31 18:12, , 28F
比起特高FPS 網路品質重要多了
08/31 18:12, 28F

08/31 18:13, , 29F
T2場不好玩?那玩T2 Light吧!會進T4場呦 XD
08/31 18:13, 29F

08/31 18:13, , 30F
08/31 18:13, 30F

08/31 18:18, , 31F
是說WOT跟wows 都沒有打算出夜戰模式
08/31 18:18, 31F

08/31 18:22, , 32F
08/31 18:22, 32F
※ 編輯: tai33ru (, 08/31/2015 21:27:16

08/31 21:35, , 33F
夜戰模式? 到時候大家都開燈?
08/31 21:35, 33F

08/31 22:19, , 34F
08/31 22:19, 34F

08/31 22:46, , 35F
08/31 22:46, 35F

08/31 22:56, , 36F
970會閃退 可以換980 (誤
08/31 22:56, 36F

09/01 09:32, , 37F
09/01 09:32, 37F

09/01 09:39, , 38F
09/01 09:39, 38F

09/01 17:00, , 39F
WOWS夜戰 會變成空母不能飛飛機 開光距離降到4km內
09/01 17:00, 39F

09/01 17:01, , 40F
09/01 17:01, 40F
文章代碼(AID): #1LuzlOHO (Wargaming)