[WoWs] 4/8 QA

看板Wargaming作者 (奇蹟之風)時間8年前 (2016/04/08 20:57), 編輯推噓26(26026)
留言52則, 24人參與, 最新討論串1/1
1. I’m interested to know if the next ship branch will include CV’s? If so, what will be their particularities? 我很好奇下一條科技樹會不會包含CV,如果會,他們會有什麼特色? A. No. The next ships to be released will be from other classes. 不會,下一條科技樹會是CV以外的船種。 2. It’s no secret that Tashkent is played less frequently in team battles than other DD’s. Couldn’t you give her like a short range radar? Or something else, that would make her more in line with the other DD’s in team battles? 你知道我知道獨眼龍也知道沒有人在TB裡面開Tashkent。 你們可以給他個什麼像短距離的雷達,至少讓他追上其他DD吧。 A. No, we don’t plan to give her something similar to what you suggested. On the other hand, we plan to give a slight but nice buff to several Soviet DD’ s stats, in addition to the partial fix for “turrets getting destroyed when someone sneezes at them”. It should get better. Moreover, team battles is a separate format in which mechanics are different, so it’s quite normal. 不,我們不會給他你所說的東西,但另一方面,我們會給蘇聯DD一點不錯的buff。 除了讓砲管比較不容易壞之外,他們應該會變得更好用。 此外,TB是一個獨立的戰鬥模式,他的機制並不同於一般戰鬥,這很正常。 3. I wanted to join team battles but couldn’t. Was it linked with my chat ban or is it an error? 我想要打TB,但是他不給我打,是因為我臭嘴被ban chat還是這是個bug? A. Indeed. It’s not an error. 是的,這不是bug,誰叫你臭嘴。 4. Could you please share with us Iwaki Alpha stats regarding her performance now and two patches ago? 可以分析一下Iwaki Alpha在前兩個版號與現在的表現嗎? A. Win rate: 62.8% => 53.9% 勝率 62.8% to 53.9% Average damage: 38’000 => 30’000 均傷 38k to 30k 5. Why isn’t there a medal for detonating enemies, it could be something like Lucky shot? 為什麼不新增個成就給一發入魂對手,不應該給個像Lucky shot的牌子嗎? There’s already a medal for being detonated but not for causing a detonation. With such a medal, players could know straightaway they detonated another ship and could track how many detonation they caused. 已經有個牌子給被入魂的船了,有這牌子玩家就可以知道自己衰了幾次。 有這牌子就可以讓其他玩家知道自己爽了幾次。 A. We’ll think about it. Thanks you for your suggestion! 我們會考慮一下,感謝您的提議。 6. Wasn’t there another way to nerf Kiev than to reduce her HP? It’s not really logical that a ship with more displacement has considerably less HP. 是不是有其他方法不降kiev血量來nerf他,換了船血反而更少這不科學。 編按 : 怎麼沒人幫Pensacola叫屈 XDDD A. It was an effective way to nerf it. Nevertheless, in the near future, Kiev will be slightly buffed. 這是nerf他最好的方法,然而,在不久的將來,kiev將會有點buff。 7. When will you allow tier 9 ships to take part in team battles? 你們會讓T9船進TB嗎? A. It’s not set in stone. We don’t believe that adding tier 9 ships to team battles now will be beneficial. I believe it will come soon, we still need to decide. 這並不是一成不變的,我們並不覺得現在增加T9船進TB會有啥好處。 不過遲早會加的,我們還需要時間去決定。 8. Many players complain about the delay between detecting a ship and it appearing on the screen. More than once, when I sail with a DD and encounter the same DD (and thus with the same concealment), there’s a 2s delay between the time of detection and the time it appears. I get detected, already see volleys of shells flying at me and only then do I see the DD appear. What’s up with that? 很多玩家抱怨亮對方船會出現延遲,而且不是一次兩次。 我曾經遇過我先挨打之後對方才出現,而我們是同一台船,有一樣的隱蔽,這三洨? 編按 : 搞不好人家點T5啊 (口哨) A. We’re working on it. This issue is being investigated by our programmers. 我們正在努力,這正由我們的工程師調查中。 Source 1. Could you please tell us how far is the development of RN CV’s or German BB’s? If it’s more than 60 percent, then it’s not that bad. 你們可以說一下英國CV和德國BB還要多久才會出?如果已經完成六成那聽起來還不算差。 A. As we said in our announcement video for 2016, we will release German BB’ s next. I reckon they will come at the end of Summer, beginning of Fall. This is a very broad time line since BB’s are the most time consuming class in terms of modelling. RN CV’s wont come this year, and it’s quite hard to tell when they’ll be released. 和我們的公佈的影片一樣,我們會在2016年釋出德國BB,我估計會在夏秋之間釋出。 這是因為BB在建模上花費最多時間。 至於英國CV,他並不會在今年釋出,而且也很難告訴你們他們到底什麼時候會出。 2. When will the new ranked season start? 下個rank什麼時候開始? A. I understand players are waiting for the new season to start. We still need to analyse all the feedback we have received. The main topic we’re discussing is how to improve ranked battles since, in the previous season, there were some aspects that weren’t successful and that could be reworked. One of the requests was that top players of the losing team don’t lose a star and bottom players of the winning team lose one. It’s certain we will change how stars are earned. The question is to know how it will be done. However, we still need to discuss this since we have to take all the different aspects into consideration. This is not an easy decision because certain roles aren’t rewarded with xp such as when a CV keeps a DD spotted with his planes. So, a player can forfeit his effectiveness in favour of a better chance at victory. That’s why need to think about it; I, for myself, am in favour of top players not losing a star. 我知道很多人在等,可是我們還在分析我們得到的意見。 因為在上個賽季,有些地方並不成功,需要改進。 其中一個要求就是,你輸掉一場,拿最高分的不扣星和勝場拿最低的扣一顆星。 我們將會改變星星的增減機制,但問題是要怎麼改。 我們還在考慮這問題要怎麼修正,這並不好決定。 因為有些行為並不會賺到分數,像CV一直亮著DD,雖然玩家放棄了他的效率 但是卻能幫助隊伍有更高的機率獲勝,這是我們必須要考慮到的。 我自己來說,我贊成敗場拿最高分的不扣星星。 3. Will the general format of ranked battles be changed (number of stars needed to advance in ranks, number of players on each team, etc.)? Rank的機制會有所更改嗎? A. We may slightly change some things such as the number of stars needed but, all in all, it will be similar to previous seasons. The 7v7 format won’t change even though the drafting spread may be extended. 我們會作一點更改,比如說星星需求,但是還是會和之前的差不多。 一樣會是7v7,即使很難湊齊人。 4. What do you plan to do with the torpedo soup? 你們打算對魚雷湯怎麼作? 編按 : 燒掉、倒掉啊,還需要說嗎? A. This problem is about to be resolved. We may change torpedo detection range or some other characteristics. However, this is not the only solution we ’re considering and this is not the only time we’ll have the opportunity to discuss which solution we decide to implement. Next week, we’ll have a provisional answer to share with you on this matter. 這問題即將被解決,我們可能會改變魚雷被偵測的距離,或是其他特色。 然而這不會是我們正在考慮的唯一解決方案。 在決定之前我們還有機會去討論怎麼作,下周我們會有個初步答案給大家。 5. Will WoWs veterans receive a similar offer as WoT players? WoWs的老兵會得到和WoT玩家一樣的優惠嗎? A. It’s only an experiment for now and it will only be kept if it proves to be successful. Several players are complaining that inexperienced players can immediately buy tier 10 ships and ruin games. There are only a few hundreds players who received this bonus and not all of them used it. However, there are complaints about this and it’s unlikely we’ll give such a large bonus to players anymore. Still, we will look at the statistics we’re collecting and depending on the results, we may give a bonus to WoWs players and experienced players from other projects depending, for example, on how long they have been playing the game or how “skilled” they are. We will collect and analyse data during a few weeks still and take a decision when patch 0.5.5. is released. 這只是一個實驗,如果這試驗成功的話,將會被保留。 不過有不少玩家在幹繳沒經驗的玩家可以立刻買T10船來毀滅世界。 雖然只有幾百個玩家有這種優惠,還是有人在幹繳。 所以我們應該不會給玩家這麼多的優惠了。 儘管如此,我們也在收集數據,我們可能會給些獎勵給WoWs玩家 比如像他玩了很久,或技術很棒之類的,我們會在這幾周內繼續收集資料 然後在0.5.5推出的時後作出決定。 6. What branch and nation will be released next? 下一條線會是哪個國家哪條線? A. As I said before, next branch will be German BB’s. 我說過了啊,德國BB。 7. In you opinion, what are the best and worst premium and standard ships in the game? 在你們的觀點,哪些船是最好、最爛的? A. Premium ships Actually, it’s hard to say. There are certain ships that have a gameplay easily enjoyable such as Tirpitz, Kutuzov or Imperator. On the other hand, there are less easily enjoyable ships that are harder to play with such as Atlanta and Ishizuchi. The premiums that are considered overpowered have unique gameplay options which, at this moment, allows them to win battle more easily. I don’t think there are other ships like the Imperator. Warspite had a good run during the 3rd season (tier 5-7) since she rarely met CV’s and she really shines in such cases. On the other hand, if she must fight against CV’s, since her AA isn’t as great as other ships of her tier, her effectiveness decreases. 金船 : 北宅、米哈、皇帝都很強,但石錘、亞特蘭大看起來不太好用。 但也有在之前不錯用的厭戰,在現在因為CV多變的比較不好用 (因為AA沒這麼強) Standard ships Regarding underpowered ships, I would say low tier Russian DD’s since their gameplay is rather difficult to grasp at the moment. That is why they’ll receive slight buffs to their torpedoes in the next updates. I don’t like to play Myoki at all and Karlsruhe is a bad ship in my opinion. But this is all subjective and doesn’t necessarily represent our statistics. 只討論不太強的船,我要說低階蘇驅現在有點難玩 所以他們在下個版本會有點buff在他們的魚雷上。 我個人覺得Myogi和Karlsruhe也是很難玩的船,不過這是主觀的,並不代表我們的統計。 8. What do you think of the Atlanta? In my opinion, her effective range is around 8km since it’s really hard to hit anything other than BB’s at 10km and more. 你們覺得亞特蘭大如何,我覺得他在8km以外就和屎一樣。 10km以外打不到除了BB以外的東西。 A. It’s a very unique cruiser that has a lot of firepower at close range but is somewhat lacking at longer range. The biggest problem she has is her turret survivability. But this problem is not only affecting Atlanta, but every other ship. We’re in the process of changing this issue, but I can’t tell you what specific changes we’re planning to make. 他是一台非常特殊的巡洋艦,在近距離有著非常高的火力,不過遠距離很爛。 最大的問題還是他的砲管和紙糊的一漾,不過這問題並不是只有亞特蘭大有就是了 我們正在準備解決這問題,不過我不能告訴你我們有什麼具體的作法。 9. When can we expect tier 5-8 maps? 會推出T5~T8的地圖嗎? A. In the next update, we will release two new maps. One of them may be available to tier 5-8 ships. We’ll also release a new variant of North. We like to experiment on that map, so there’s already standard North, Winter North and there will be another one, which should be quite different from the other two. In addition to all of that, we will make slight balance changes to several other maps. 下個版本會推出兩張新地圖,其中一張或許就是T5~T8 我們還會再推出一張North的派生版本。 我們現在已經有North,冬天版North,還會在有一張North,和前兩張不同。 我們也會對現有的地圖作一點平衡修正。 編按 : 要不要春夏秋冬各出一張north? 10. Can we expect changes regarding daily missions? 有考慮要改變現在的每日任務嗎? A. We don’t plan to change mission rewards. Regarding mission tasks, we need to analyse our data and discuss the matter, but it’s possible we may add something interesting. 目前沒有打算改變任務獎勵,任務內容我們可能會新增一些有趣的東西。 -- 守序善良 中立善良 混亂善良 繼續田中的話我就要QUIT了 真是鬧劇,下次再一起崩潰吧 我TMD就是要拆船激這些酸民 守序中立 北方棲姬 混亂中立 重複一次,我要求山本送石 "カエレ!!" 要怎ㄇ存水桶,要怎麼準備? 守序邪惡 中立邪惡 田中謙介 拾人牙慧是會玩遊戲的象徵 不要靠背了,我不會送雞排的 "吃我ㄉ雙戰艦棲姬拉!!!" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Wargaming/M.1460120276.A.0E0.html

04/08 21:07, , 1F
04/08 21:07, 1F

04/08 21:07, , 2F
蘇DD buff 日DD:...聽說你要改魚雷?
04/08 21:07, 2F

04/08 21:12, , 3F
04/08 21:12, 3F

04/08 21:13, , 4F
04/08 21:13, 4F

04/08 21:19, , 5F
04/08 21:19, 5F

04/08 21:19, , 6F
04/08 21:19, 6F

04/08 21:23, , 7F
04/08 21:23, 7F

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04/08 21:31, , 9F
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04/08 21:59, , 10F
04/08 21:59, 10F

04/08 22:06, , 11F
04/08 22:06, 11F

04/08 22:14, , 12F
trap明明很棒 雖然真的超智商…
04/08 22:14, 12F

04/08 22:35, , 13F
04/08 22:35, 13F

04/08 22:35, , 14F
祖國DD根本一路爽到T5 T6才是坑好嗎
04/08 22:35, 14F

04/08 22:45, , 15F
注意 祖國又要burf了
04/08 22:45, 15F

04/08 22:54, , 16F
trap不是地形白癡 是很多玩家走位很白癡
04/08 22:54, 16F

04/08 23:18, , 17F
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04/08 23:32, , 21F
04/08 23:32, 21F

04/08 23:33, , 22F
Fuso有砲...Warspite有啥能說嘴的= =?
04/08 23:33, 22F

04/08 23:36, , 23F
04/08 23:36, 23F

04/08 23:37, , 24F
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04/08 23:39, , 26F
04/08 23:39, 26F

04/08 23:41, , 27F
愛宕不算強船 看來可以繼續BUFF惹 A__Ay
04/08 23:41, 27F

04/09 00:20, , 28F
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04/09 23:09, , 49F
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04/10 15:57, , 50F
04/10 15:57, 50F

04/10 16:22, , 51F
04/10 16:22, 51F

04/11 21:38, , 52F
04/11 21:38, 52F
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