[推薦] Jason Mraz-Mr.Curiosity

看板WesternMusic作者 (aluk)時間12年前 (2012/10/27 15:06), 編輯推噓18(1804)
留言22則, 19人參與, 5年前最新討論串1/1
前陣子失戀,有天晚上下班高速公路上塞車 那時車內車外都好安靜 打開音響剛好就播到這首 車子緩緩開動,手握著方向盤,心情波瀾不驚 有些失戀歌曲,在你難過時,聽完了會更難過; 有些聽完了,會有療癒的感覺,有的是讓人覺得開心。 聽過好奇先生,會覺得這三種感覺都有。 更有的是一種奇異的平靜感~ 以下原文+翻譯,我腦補了一些別的在翻譯裡,翻的不好請見諒~ http://0rz.tw/MnJtF Hey Mr. Curiosity 你好!好奇先生。 Is it true what they've been saying about you 那些關於你的談論是真的嗎? Are you killing me 你要殺我嗎? You took care of the cat already 你處理掉了那隻貓 And for those who think it's heavy 對那些認為這太沉重的人們而言 Is it the truth 這就是真相嗎? Or is it only gossip 或這只是流言蜚語? Call it mystery or anything 就稱它為難解的迷吧!或其他一些什麼的... Just as long as you'd call me 如果你呼喚我的話... I sent the message on did you get it when I left it 我走時留了話給你,你聽了嗎? See this catastrophic event 看看那些慘況 It wasn't meant to mean no harm 那並不意味著沒有傷害 But to think there's nothing wrong is a problem 認為那都無關緊要的才奇怪 I'm looking for love this time 此刻我在尋找的是愛啊 Sounding hopeful but it's making me cry 那聽來充滿希望,卻總是讓我哭泣 Love is a mystery 愛是一道難解的謎啊 Mr. Curious... 好奇先生... Come back to me 說說我吧 Mr. waiting ever patient can't you see 一個耐心的等候先生,你看不見嗎? That I'm the same way you left me 你離去至今我始終如一 In a hurry to spellcheck me 你一字一句的讀懂我 And I'm underlined already in envy green and pencil red 會發現我身上註記著忌妒的紅綠鉛筆線 And I've forgotten what you've said 而我忘了你曾問說 Will you stop working for the dead and return 你會結束這令人窒息的關係然後回到最初嗎? Mr. curious well I need some inspiration 好奇先生我需要一點鼓勵啊 It's my birthday and I cannot find no cause for celebration 今天是我生日,但我卻找不到理由慶祝 The scenario is grave 情景雖是黯然 But I'll be braver when you save me From this situation laden with hearsay 若你帶我遠離那滿是謠言的處境,我會更加勇敢 I'm looking for love this time 此刻我在尋找的是愛啊 Sounding hopeful but it's making me cry 那聽來充滿希望,卻又是讓我哭泣 Love is a mystery 愛是一道難解的謎啊 Mr. Curiosity 好奇先生啊 Be mr. please 作個好心先生 Do come and find me 發現我在這裡吧 I'm looking for love this time 此刻我在尋找的是愛啊 Sounding hopeful but it's making me cry 那聽來充滿希望,卻總是讓我哭泣 Trying not to ask why 我試著不去問為什麼 Cause love is a mystery 正因為愛是一道難解的謎 Mr. curiosity 所以好奇先生啊 Hey mr. please 當個好心先生吧 Do come and find me 快到我這兒來發現我吧 Love is blinding when the timing's never right 愛真令人費解,我從沒在對的時機體會過 Oh who am I to beg for difference 我哪有資格乞求自己和你們與眾不同 Finding love in just an instant 能夠在頃刻之間發現愛 Well I don't mind 唉~我不在乎了 At least I've tried 至少我嘗試過了... And I tried...I tried.... 我試過了...我試了... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

10/27 16:31, , 1F
10/27 16:31, 1F

10/27 18:01, , 2F
10/27 18:01, 2F

10/27 18:14, , 3F
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10/27 18:33, , 4F
10/27 18:33, 4F

10/27 20:28, , 5F
推 聽現場!!!
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10/27 20:49, , 6F
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10/27 22:47, , 7F
推Jason Maraz 最愛的一首
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10/27 23:31, , 8F
6/26現場有唱這首 爽度破表!!!!!!
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10/28 00:53, , 9F
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10/28 00:54, , 10F

10/28 08:04, , 11F
這首超棒!Jason Mraz的歌最愛這首
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10/28 15:07, , 12F
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10/28 17:07, , 13F
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10/28 17:34, , 14F
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10/28 18:56, , 15F
這首歌超棒 第一次是在女巫店聽到蘇打綠唱
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10/28 21:39, , 16F
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10/29 14:27, , 17F
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10/29 18:21, , 18F
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10/31 14:44, , 19F
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11/10 18:59, , 20F
11/10 18:59, 20F

11/25 20:27, , 21F
這首歌好聽 https://muxiv.com
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01/16 17:41, 5年前 , 22F
推 聽現場!!! https://muxiv.com
01/16 17:41, 22F
文章代碼(AID): #1GYuW3ME (WesternMusic)