[情報] Adele New Album Released 0925?

看板WesternMusic作者 (Lumia 930,Simply best.)時間10年前 (2014/09/19 12:14), 10年前編輯推噓9(906)
留言15則, 12人參與, 5年前最新討論串1/1
Adele New Album News & Rumors: '25' Releases Sept. 25, Phil Collins Collaboration? Adele is expected to "pull a Beyonce" and surprise fans with a new album. Rumor has it that Adele's new album will be called 25 and will be released September 25. 謠言指出9/25 Adele會無預警釋出新專輯 "The plan is to release internationally on iTunes as a complete surprise without any previous promotion or build-up publicity campaign," the source said. 沒有預告 全球iTunes 驚喜釋出 "The shock tactics worked amazingly well for Beyoncé and the feeling is Adele's new album is so widely anticipated it doesn't need a long promotional build-up," the source added. A 2014 tour is also expected once the album is released. Meanwhile, Phil Collins is coming out of retirement to work with Adele. 2014 期待會有新的演唱會 with新專 "I've just started to work with Adele. She contacted me to write together," he said. "I wasn't actuality too aware [of her]. I live in a cave [but] she's achieved an incredible amount and I really love her voice and I love some of that stuff she's done. So, to me, it's always an eye-opener. Educational," he added. It is still unknown whether the new music will be classified as an Adele release, a Collins release, or collaboration between the two talented musicians. 可能跟Phil Collins合作 真‧Diva 殺手 出來啦!!! 希望不是假消息 Adele的聲音真的好好聽 以下開放複習她的歌曲 [21]Some One Like You https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLQl3WQQoQ0
[19]Chasing Pavement https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08DjMT-qR9g
[21]Set Fire To The Rain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ri7-vnrJD3k
[007]Skyfall https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DeumyOzKqgI
[19]Make You Feel My Love https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLoyNxjhTzc
[21]Rolling in The Deep https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rYEDA3JcQqw
[19] Hometown Glory https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BW9Fzwuf43c
[21] Rumor Has it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXottBGAQp8
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09/19 12:27, , 1F
09/19 12:27, 1F

09/19 12:31, , 2F
09/19 12:31, 2F

09/19 12:42, , 3F
為什麼沒有分享hometown glory(翻桌
09/19 12:42, 3F
已補上 XD

09/19 13:02, , 4F
09/19 13:02, 4F

09/19 13:07, , 5F
09/19 13:07, 5F

09/19 13:11, , 6F
呆鵝:Rumour has it
09/19 13:11, 6F
已補上囉 ※ 編輯: WindowsPhone (, 09/19/2014 13:16:15

09/19 13:37, , 7F
怎辦我好愛turning table XDDD
09/19 13:37, 7F

09/19 14:39, , 8F
之前b大就有貼類似的文章 謠言內容都差不多........
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09/19 14:51, , 9F
09/19 14:51, 9F
SOR 沒看到 可是我真的很期待QQ

09/19 14:58, , 10F
為什麼沒有one and only xxddd
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09/19 15:19, , 11F
09/19 15:19, 11F

09/20 00:59, , 12F
Adele: rumour has it... rumour has it... *10
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09/20 12:29, , 13F
汝摸你媽啦!! 厚何時出新專
09/20 12:29, 13F
※ 編輯: WindowsPhone (, 09/21/2014 02:45:29

09/22 22:57, , 14F
新聞說本週不會出 http://ppt.cc/MGzf
09/22 22:57, 14F

01/16 18:10, 5年前 , 15F
//ppt.cc/MG http://yofuk.com
01/16 18:10, 15F
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